Chapter 25

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***Elizabeth's P.O.V.***

''We're home!'' I heard Louis' voice boom through out the flat and I smiled to myself as I continued to chop up the carrots for the chicken soup I was making. As far as I knew they were still hung-over and I figured that they'd appreciate it.

''God, Lou, keep your voice down,'' Harry's voice mumbled as the door closed and I heard their footsteps, ''my head is still killing me.''

I shook my head and grabbed the pill bottle of pain relievers that I had grabbed in advance, already anticipating that they would have headaches. ''Welcome home guys, dinner should be done in a bit,'' I said softly once I knew they were in the kitchen with me.

Louis ruffled my hair before walking to the living room to turn on the television, ''thanks, Liz.''

I giggled slightly and then went into a fit of giggles when Harry's arms wrapped around my waist. He laid his chin on my shoulder and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. ''Hello,'' he greeted before kissing my cheek.

''Hey,'' I responded, turning my head which he took advantage of by kissing me quickly. ''How was your day?''

''Good, long and boring but good,'' he answered.

''Harry punched Niall!'' Louis yelled and I turned, dropping the knife on the cutting board and turning in his arms.

''You did what?'' I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He laughed nervously and then glared at the entrance of the living room where Louis was, ''Lou, you're such a snitch!''

I cocked my head at Harry, silently asking him to explain but when he only looked at me with a sheepish grin and held onto my waist a bit tighter; I was forced to push forward. ''Why did you punch Nailler?''

''Well, you see, that's a very long story that I think we should save for another time...'' he trailed off.

''He saw a magazine with a picture of Niall kissing your cheek and he got jealous,'' Louis told me from the living room and I gaped at Harry.

''You punched him... because you saw a picture of him kissing my cheek?'' I questioned in confusion.

''No, I-I thought he was kissing you,'' Harry explained, looking at the floor and gripping me tightly as if I was going to leave at his words. ''The picture made it look like he was.''

I looked at him with sympathy and brought his chin up so that he was looking at me, ''oh, Harry, you know I would tell you if he did kiss me.''

''I know, but I was just really mad and I wasn't thinking clearly,'' he sighed, pulling me closer, ''are you mad?''

''No, just a little sorry for poor little Niall,'' I assured him, ''I bet he didn't see it coming.''

''You can say that again!'' Louis called, ''Harry gave him a bloody nose.''

''Oh no,'' I breathed out, looking at Harry in disbelief, ''he's okay now, right?''

Harry nodded, ''but at least now I'm absolutely sure that I'm the only one who's kissed you. The only one who will, too.'' He leaned forward and lightly rubbed his nose against mine before pecking my lips quickly. I smiled at him and turned back towards the cutting board and proceeded to cut the vegetable with his arms still around my waist.

''Does your head still hurt?'' I wondered. I felt his head nod on my shoulder and I handed him the pain reliever bottle. He took it, thanking me with a kiss on the cheek before pulling away momentarily. Just as quickly as his arms left my waist, they came back and I chuckled at his attachment. When ever he was home he would never leave my side. I liked it, just the feeling of being near someone. After all, I was a people person.

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