Chapter 14

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Hey, I'm back. This might be short so I'm sorry, but I'm visiting my hometown so I've got lots of priorities. Hopefully, I can update all three stories by tomorrow night. If you don't know already, I started another book, it is a separate story from these ones (Ditched, Found, Created, Broken, Crazy) and it's called: I Think I've Been Kidnapped.

Now, before you moan in protest about wattpad having ANOTHER kidnap fanfic, let me tell you I'm trying really hard to make it as original as humanly possible. So please check it out.

Anyways, enough babbling, lets get going with the HARRABETH.


***Harry's P.O.V.***

I leaned over Elizabeth menacingly as she stared up at me with determined eyes. Why was she being so difficult?! Couldn't she just understand that I wanted to know where she was?! Okay, that sounded a bit creepy, but you know what I mean! "This is stupid," she admitted, dropping her hands to her sides, "nothing happened to me, I'm fine."

"What about the next time this happens?!" I shouted, refusing to drop the subject until she understood.

"What do you want me to do, stay inside all day?!" she yelled back. See what I mean?! She's being difficult! I took a deep breath in, trying to calm myself, knowing that if I gripped the counter any harder, I might hurt my hands.

It seemed to work, because the next words out of my mouth were calm, "no, I just want you to tell me where you're going. Leave a note or something."

"Would that make you happy?" she questioned with a sigh.

"Yes, it would," I replied, all of the previous anger and frustration ebbing away. She seemed to finally notice our position, something I had surprisingly been aware of the whole time. Though seeing as I fancied her, it would make sense that I would notice how close we were at the moment. I wondered if she was uncomfortable then, or if she liked our near proximity. My eyes flickered to her lips, lingering there for a while. What would she do if I kissed her? Would she enjoy it? I mean I'm probably not the best kisser in the world but I'm not bad... And it'd just be one little kiss, right? Nothing big. I mentally scolded myself, I couldn't kiss her, it might ruin everything. If she thought it was too soon, if she thought I was rushing a friendship into something more (I wish), or worst of all; if she didn't like me back. I just couldn't risk it. Yet my gaze still focused on her lips and I couldn't shift it. They were red and plump from when she was biting them nervously during our fight, and they were so tempting. Ugh, stop it Harry! Don't ruin this like all your other relationships, take it slow.

She cleared her throat after what seemed like forever, but was probably only after a few moments. I looked away, averting my eyes from her face in general and walking towards the island of the kitchen.

"Then I'll leave a note next time," she whispered, but I still heard it.

"Thank you," I said before walking to the lounge and plopping down on the couch. I just stared at the blank TV with my arms crossed, listening as she rushed to unpack everything in the other room. I hope I hadn't made her upset; there was nothing worse than a girl crying. Especially one you like. I was surprised that she hadn't broken down on the spot when I started yelling at her, most sensitive and innocent girls do. I wasn't going to say sorry though if that's what she's expecting. Any decent guy would be concerned if the girl he liked was suddenly missing from his home. I sighed in frustration, leaning my head back to look at the wall. I heard the sound of paper being ripped, and a few moments later I heard Elizabeth's soft padding towards the door. It opened and closed quietly and I groaned. Where was she going now?

I stood up from my spot and headed to the kitchen. Almost immediately, I saw the scrap of paper on the counter with Elizabeth's elagent handwriting. I studied it for a moment and then pulled at my curls. She left an address... I just can't remember what's there. I typed it into my phone to see where it would lead me and was greeted by the old Catholic church. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why would she go there? She said she was Baptist, not Catholic.

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