Chapter 29

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***Elizabeth's P.O.V.***

My whole body was numb with a familiar kind of sadness when I stepped off of the plane and started towards the baggage claim. Even the calming and sweet messages from Louis didn't help because I received twice as many messages from Harry. In the time that I had gotten off of the plane and walked to the baggage claim he had called me three times. I didn't bother to answer because I knew that it would only lead to fake sincerity and open apologies that would only mean nothing.

''Elizabeth!'' a voice called and I could feel my whole body freeze in terror, my subconscious telling me that-despite how impossible it would be- it was Harry. A pair of hands covered my eyes as a giddy laugh escaped their lips, ''guess who?'' With hearing her voice I just broke down right in the middle of baggage claim like the weak little thing I felt like inside. I could practically feel her surprise as she sunk to the floor with me in her arms. ''Elizabeth! What's wrong?'' she questioned as she urged me to stand up. I did as she guided me to, seeing Alex picking up my suitcase from the conveyer belts while casting a concerned look our way. He eventually reached us and placed his arm around my waist as he pulled me out of the airport.

I felt so pathetic; crying in the middle of the airport for something that I had gotten away from. It was still running through my head, though, bringing up old and dangerous memories that hurt to even harbor. I tried to push it away but it just came back over and over again. As soon as I thought the thought was gone it would hit me with double the force and bring back another detail. It just hurt so much.

''Elizabeth, look at me,'' Alex commanded sternly and after looking around I realized that we had made it to his car and a few people in the airports vast parking lot threw questioning looks our way. I did as he said after taking in my surroundings and he held my shoulders tightly. ''What's wrong?'' he asked.

''I think it's because she had to leave Harry behind,'' I heard Carson whisper in his ear and I felt my hands cover my face when I heard his name. My whole body shook with the power of my sobs and I wanted to tell them so badly about what Harry had done, but I couldn't manage it through the sobs.

''Come here,'' Alex sighed as he pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back reassuringly. He shushed my sobs as I soaked his shirt, but I knew that he didn't mind; he was just a good brother like that. ''I know you love him, but we can call him as soon as we get you to the hotel.''

''No,'' I managed to strain out as I clutched to him, ''no, I don't want to talk to him.''

Alex tensed at my words before holding out in front of him to gage the expression on my face. ''Than why are you crying?'' he questioned. I sniffled and his face softened for a moment. ''Elizabeth, tell me why you're crying.''

''H-he was dr-drunk,'' I stuttered and then gasped in air due to the lack of it being brought in between sobs, ''and h-he tried'' I broke down again before I could even finish my sentence and I looked up to see whether or not Alex got the clue. Sure enough, his mouth was parted in surprise and his eyes were starting to pool with tears.

''Oh, Elizabeth,'' Carson cooed and I looked over to see her eyes already red and puffy as she looked back at me. She opened her arms for a hug and I walked into them and out of Alex's loosened grip. I don't know how long we stood there, but even Alex was crying; threatening Harry's life under his breath as well as cursing. It pained me to see them so sad, but at least they knew, and at least I wasn't confined to Harry's actions anymore.


''Elizabeth! Louis is on Skype and he wants to see you!'' Carson called from the main room in our hotel while I was in front of the bathroom mirror combing my hair. I put the comb down and walked to the room to see Louis' bright and smiling face on the screen of Carson's computer.

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