Chapter 19

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***Elizabeth's P.O.V.***

I sighed and patted Harry's knee, ''get some sleep, Curly.'' I left him sitting in the kitchen as I walked to the living room, letting out a sigh of relief as I leaned into the couch. That was really close. For a moment I thought he was going to dig a little deeper about last night. I should have never said that. I knew that what he said was only part of my imagination and now things would be weird for him. Isn't that how it always happens?

''I cant, I'm too awake,'' Harry replied with a cheeky smile, making me jump in my seat. He looked at me with an amused expression as he stood in the door way of the living room.

''You don't look awake,'' I told him after I had recovered from my surprise.

He shrugged and sat down next to me, a little too close but I didn't move away. ''You remember that game we played on Tuesday?'' he asked me and I thought about it for a second.

''Get To Know You?'' I guessed after thinking for a while. He nodded and I shrugged, ''yeah, what about it?''

''Wanna play it again?'' he questioned with a big smile.

''Sure, what do I have to lose,'' I sighed. I mean, how could I say no to those dimples; not to mention the curls.

His smile grew- if that was even possible- and he sat cross legged in front of me on the couch. I maneuvered myself so that I was in the same position, and then we were facing each other. I couldn't help but notice how he hadn't fixed his hair since I had messed it up, and just like in the kitchen my eyes flickered to his lips for a moment. This was insane; I was falling love with my friend. Yes, I will admit it; I was starting to love Harry. To be honest, when I said that the feelings would go away I was just kidding myself. They weren't going away anytime soon. All I could do was hope that the remainder of this month went by with out any awkward mishaps and then try and get rid of the feelings while touring the rest of Europe. ''You go first,'' he said.

''I cant think of anything right now,'' I replied, ''you go.''

''Um...'' he thought for a while before perking up, ''I don't think I ever told you, but I don't like olives.''

I crinkled my nose at the food's name, ''neither do I.''

''Your turn,'' he countered, ''what's something I don't know about you?''

''Uh, oh! I know!'' I answered and he smiled at m excitement. ''I have a cat named Gibbs back in America.''

''Gibbs?'' he wondered.

''Yeah, my family really likes NCIS,'' I explained, ''so we thought; what the hay, why not?''

He chuckled, ''okay, let's see, I used to walk around the house with my mother's bras on when I was younger.''

A smile broke onto my face and I couldn't help but laugh at that fact of his. ''Man, that's going to be hard to beat. I used to think that babies came out of belly buttons.''

''So you're saying that they don't?'' he joked before we both laughed hysterically. ''Well, I'm attracted to girls with red lips.''

I cocked my head at him because he looked a little surprised after he said it, as if he hadn't meant to. ''I'd rather be called beautiful than hot; hot is a temperature, beautiful actually means something.''

That made him chuckle nervously and I blushed wildly when I remembered that he had called me beautiful just yesterday. ''I'm still waiting for my passionate kiss in the rain,'' he countered quietly as he looked down at his fidgeting fingers in his lap.

''I'm still waiting for my first kiss,'' I told him even though I knew he already knew that.

''I already knew that,'' he whined, voicing my thoughts, ''you have to say something else.''

''I cant think of anything,'' I admitted.

He thought for a second, ''have you ever told someone that you love them?''

My heart stopped for a second and I looked into his eyes, unable to look away from the mesmerizing green. There was an emotion in them that I couldn't quite place and it fascinated me. ''No,'' I said, slightly lying because of what I said last night, ''I haven't told anyone that I love them unless it was a family member or best friend. None of my boyfriends heard it from me.''

''Why?'' he asked with a quizzical expression on his face.

''Because I don't say thing that I don't mean,'' I informed him and I hoped that he understood what I was saying. If he actually had heard what I said last night, than now he knew that I meant it. He took a deep breath and I cocked my head at him, trying to look as if I didn't remember anything from last night; after all, that had been what I told him.

''So, if you did tell someone that it would mean....'' he trailed off, looking at me expectantly.

I froze up a little bit and laughed nervously, ''I'm bored of this game, how about we do something else?''

He looked a little disappointed but I grabbed his hand and a giddy smile ran across his face. ''I bet I can do a hand stand an you cant,'' he challenged.

I laughed, ''that's a bet you'll probably win. But how in the world do you know how to do a handstand?''

''How do you not?'' he countered.

''Touché,'' I giggled. That night Harry was being the complete show off he was and pretty much beat me at everything we did. It was just fun hanging out with him, and that's what I liked. We weren't doing anything really important but the whole thing was just that we were having fun. He might not feel the same way I feel about him, but I liked him and I enjoyed just hanging out with him.


Well, I didn't really want to do an AN on the beginning of this chapter because I have been late on the upload and I just wanted to get it over with. Anyways, this is chapter nineteen and something big will happen soon I promise, yes this was a filler but hey; don't hate me. Hope you enjoyed! See you again perhaps tomorrow, Thursday, Friday, and maybe Saturday. :)


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