Chapter 24

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***Harry's P.O.V.***

The rain was pouring down impossibly hard on the windshield of my car as I drove back towards my flat. Louis was probably still passed out with his hangover and I just hoped that Elizabeth had gotten home safely. I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday no matter what, and even with the weather being so dreary I couldn't help but smile widely. I only regretted waiting this long to do it; after all, she's leaving in two weeks for France and that's not a lot of time.

I pulled into the drive way of my flat and squinted when I saw a figure sitting on the doorstep. I tried to focus on them but the down pour of rain made it difficult to see anything. Quickly, I got out of my car and headed to the front door, panicking when I realized that it was Elizabeth. I dropped to one knee in front of her drenched frame and she seemed to notice me and look up at me. She smiled warmly, though it was kind of weak and she looked like she was really tired.

''Finally, Louis never answered the door...'' she trailed off in a quiet voice.

''Please tell me that you haven't been sitting here for a long time,'' I said as I helped her up and fished out my keys.

''What time is it?'' she questioned.

I took the grocery bags from her and looked at my watch, ''a quarter after two.''

''Then I cant tell you that,'' she replied sheepishly. I gently directed her to one of the chairs in the kitchen before setting the begs down and turning to her again. ''I'm fine though, just cold and soaked to the bone. I only need to take a shower and then I'll be fine,'' she tried to assure me.

''Are you sure? You don't look fine, you're drenched to the bone,'' I told her and she shook her head.

''Serves me right for forgetting the key,'' she said, shaking her head.

''How long were you out there for? Two hours?'' I wondered.

She shook her head again, ''only about one, would've been two if it weren't for the paparazzi.''

My head snapped towards her, ''paparazzi?''

She stiffened a bit, ''yeah, they were sitting outside of the store and they noticed me. They started to chase me around. I managed to get away from them though.''

''They didn't hurt you, did they?'' I queried.

''No,'' she answered. I sighed in relief and started a pot of tea for us both and maybe Louis if he were to get his lazy hung-over bum out of bed. ''I'm going to go take that shower I was talking about,'' she shivered. She left me in the room alone and I decided to wake Louis up for tea. He would only be making it worse if he stayed in that room all day. I made my way down the hallway and knocked on his door, receiving a string of curse words from him.

''Go away,'' he yelled and I snickered in reply.

''Get you lazy bum out of bed, Louis!'' I yelled back.

''Why should I?!'' he called back.

''Because if you do I wont send Carson that video from the last time you were drunk,'' I offered.

There was a long silence before he answered wearily, ''you wouldn't...''

''I think I would,'' I challenged. The door opened almost impossibly fast and Louis glared at me. His hair was disheveled and even though he had shaved recently he had a five o'clock shadow. He was only wearing sweatpants and he had the duvet of the bed hanging around his shoulders. ''C'mon, I made tea for Elizabeth you and I,'' I informed him before we headed to the kitchen. After I had poured the tea into cups, Elizabeth stumbled into the room with her pajamas on. She was shivering violently and I walked over to her after setting down the mugs on the table.

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