Chapter 23

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Yellow, guy! So, I am sorry if the chapters leading up to the major twist in this story are really rushed: I just don't want this story to get impossibly long. So, on more awesome news; Zayn's FanFiction should be updated tomorrow if not today. Anyway, on with the chapter!


***Elizabeth's P.O.V.***

I think I might have made a mistake when I walked out of Harry's flat on Sunday morning.

It all started innocently enough. I had gotten dressed and then hoped over to Harry's room while trying to get my shoes on. When I had knocked he told me to come in and I walked over to his bed; sitting on the side as he rubbed his eyes to look at me. ''What's wrong?'' he asked groggily and sat up in his bed.

''Nothing, I'm just going to church, and then the grocery story'' I informed him.

He nodded sleepily, ''be careful.'' Harry kissed my forehead since he was still taller than me while just sitting on the bed. ''Remember not to talk to anyone who you don't know.''

I laughed, ''I'm not a kid, Harry.''

He chuckled, ''but you're as trusting as one.'' He shook his head slightly before cupping my cheek in his large hand and making me look at him, ''I'm serious. With those pictures of you and I being leaked; there's a higher chance of the paparazzi coming after you.''

''I know, you gave me the speech last night,'' I told him.

''You cant blame me for being worried,'' he argued, ''they can be aggressive sometimes.''

''I remember,'' I agreed.

He looked towards the window in his room and I did the same, sighing when I saw the light drizzle. ''It looks like London is being London,'' he mumbled before sighing, ''do you want me to drive you?''

I shook my head, ''nah, I can walk. It's not that far and a little rain wont kill me.''

''Are you sure?''

''Yes, Harry, I'm sure. Now get some more sleep,'' I commanded and he nodded hesitantly, laying back on the bed. I closed the door after I left and walked to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. As I grabbed the granola bar I thought about how Louis probably had a hangover and I grabbed a bottle of water along with some pain medication for him. After I walked to his room and placed the two things down on his night stand, I headed out the door. The church was only a few blocks away and I managed to get there without being totally soaked. That's really where things started to go down hill.

The service was good, and I didn't have any problems with anyone from the church with the exception of a group of girls who wanted to know if I was- in fact- the girl who was seen with Harry Styles. No, it was on my way to the local grocery store- or 'grocers' as Harry called it- that I ran into my major trouble. A group of people with cameras was sitting on a bench just outside of the grocery store. I debated with whether or not I should walk towards the store any further. If I didn't than I wouldn't be able to get what we needed at the flat because the next grocery store in the near vicinity would direct my path right past them. On the other hand, if I did go to the store still I would walk right in front of them anyway.

I didn't get a chance to decide however, because by the time it took me to freeze in my spot, they had seen me. I prayed that they wouldn't recognize me, but my luck seemed to be wearing thin. They swiftly stood from their spots and headed towards me. This is so creepy, I thought to myself before turning around and quickly heading back to the flat, do they travel in packs or something? I thought that paparazzi were only in groups when it came to award ceremonies...

I heard their shouts and the heavy padding of footsteps as I continued at a brisk pace. Then I let a curse word drift through my mind. I couldn't go back to Harry's flat if the paparazzi were watching me. They might have photographed Harry and I together but they didn't know I was staying with him. I bet the media would freak out if they found that out. So, I changed my course and headed in some random direction to try and get them off of my tail.

''Miss! Wait!'' one of them called and I heard the click of a camera which made me flinch. I kept walking though. It's not that I didn't want to talk to them, because I really didn't like just ignoring people. However, Harry is keeping my name from them for a reason and I'm not going to question it.

''We heard that you're Harry Styles' crush, is that true?! Do you know mister Styles?!'' one called and I told myself to keep walking. They were closer though and I was getting a little panicky. If they caught up to me than... well I have no idea what they would do but Harry made them sound horrible.

''What's your name?'' another called and I picked up my speed slightly. I couldn't go into a store because they could just corner me there and I would have to talk to them eventually. The only hope I had was if the rain started to come down harder. Just as the thought hit me; it happened. The rain started to pour and the men and women pursuing me cursed wildly before heading into a building to keep dry. I let the rain soak into my blue dress since I didn't have anything to keep the rain off of myself. The streets became a cluster of umbrellas and I hurried to get back to the grocery store.

I paid for the supplies that we needed and then headed back to the flat, trudging through the pouring rain as quickly and carefully as I could. I could tell that I had been gone for almost three or four hours and Harry and Louis should both be up by now. That was good because I found out when I got to the door of the flat that I didn't have my key with me. I knocked on the door but there as no answer. Crap and a half, I sighed before sitting on the small porch and setting down the groceries. It's a good thing that I didn't buy any milk or things that would spoil. 

The rain poured down even harder, it seemed, as I sat there. I knocked every few minutes or so and waited patiently for someone to come to the door.

Today is not my day...


Well, that's it, I am going to post the first chapter to Created soon so keep an eye out for that. I hope you enjoyed and I will see you again next Friday. :)

Question of the chapter: What do you think will happen when Elizabeth has to leave?


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