Chapter 9

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Well I was right guys, another crazy week for yours truly. It wasn't too bad, but I didn't get to prewrite at all, so sorry if this chapter stinks. Anyways, song on the side because I love this song so much. Yes, its a Christian song, but its amazing. I sincerely hope you enjoy. (It's her third day at Harry's)


***Elizabeth's P.O.V.***

I wake up to the shrill and oh-so constant beeping of my alarm clock. Harry had set it to nine last night before I had fallen asleep. He had said there would be no possible way for me to get out of going to the store. I groaned and swatted at the persistent machine as I rolled over and clutched my pillow. Maybe I can just sleep in and pretend that I didn't hear-

My thoughts were interrupted by Harry's chuckle coming from my doorway. Curse that boy, of course he'd be there to make sure that I didn't skip out on going shopping. ''I knew you were going to do that, c'mon, you have to get ready,'' he stated as he walked over to my bed.

I raised my head off of the bed, probably looking like a zombie, and grumbled, ''I cant go.''

''Why not?'' he pouted.

''I feel sick,'' I lied, but it came out as more of a question.

He smirked before answering with, ''ha-ha, very funny, time to get up.''

I put my head back down and shoed him away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bed, literally. I tumbled onto the floor and groaned as I landed on the plush floor. Sending a glare in Harry's direction, I picked myself up off the floor, rubbing my bare arms. Why did I ever think that a tank-top and shorts was enough for pajamas? Harry had a triumphant smile on his lips and his eyes flicked over me for a second before he cleared his throat and walked towards my door. ''I'll be waiting in the kitchen,'' he informed me as he left.

I sighed before taking a shower and getting changed. I had picked out a pair of skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and a beanie for today. If Harry was being serious about actually buying clothes and having to try them on, I would need to be able to change quickly. I walked into the kitchen and opened the door to the refrigerator, discovering that there was apple juice and milk. I took the apple juice and poured myself a small glass. As I poured, I looked up to find Harry starring at me from behind the counter. ''What?'' I asked as I put the apple juice back in the fridge.

''Nothing,'' he assured me. I cocked my head at him and then just shook my head in resignation. ''There are some granola bars in the cabinet,'' he told me.

''Why are we going so early?'' I questioned as I grabbed a granola bar and turned to face him again.

''Less people,'' he answered and I nodded in understanding. After I finished eating and drank the apple juice I followed him to the car, sulking at the thought of shopping. once we arrived at the mall all seemed well we walked around for a bit before he found a store that he thought looked respectable. I had made my standards in clothing very clear to him after the first few articles of clothing he picked out and showed to me. ''Can you just humor me?'' he asked pleadingly, holding up a pair of shorts that were too short for my taste.

I looked at the shorts with a sour expression and then at Harry's pouting lips. With an exasperated sigh I took the shorts and headed to the changing rooms with him in tow. I swear, you would've thought it was Christmas by the look on his face. I looked myself in the tiny room after grabbing a frilly pink tank-top that looked pretty acceptable. After I changed I looked in the mirror and instantly scowled, I was right, they were too short. Slowly, I stepped out of the changing room and was greeted by the sight of Harry's mouth hanging open. I frowned and went to step back into the room as I muttered, ''gosh, this was a bad idea.''

''No, Elizabeth,'' Harry called after me, ''you look great.''

I turned back around as he walked closer, ''I cant go anywhere in these, they shouldn't even be classified as shorts.''

''I've seen shorter,'' he disagreed. He reached out to touch my unexposed thigh to emphasize his point but I smacked it away as gently as possible.

''Uh-uh Peter Pan, this is never-ever land,'' I said with my hand on my hip, motioning to my body. He looked at me with a rather discouraged expression and I smirked to myself. I had only ever used that line one other time with a kid from high school who thought he could get whatever he wanted due to being popular. Boy did he get rejected that day.

''Fine, I'll find longer shorts,'' he answered. I nodded and went back into the changing room to wait for him to come back, waiting to change until the new shorts were passed to me. A few minutes later, however, there was a quick knocking at my door and Harry's rushed voice spoke, ''Elizabeth, open the door, there's paparazzi outside and I think they found me.''

I opened the door without hesitation and he stepped in, trying not to squish me in the tiny room. ''Are you sure they saw you?'' I queered.

He nodded, ''pretty sure, they were outside the store and then they looked in my direction. I came here when they started to walk towards me.''

I huffed and looked around the room, ''how are you going to get out of here?''

''It's not really me I'm worried about, if they see your face, who knows how far they'll go to figure out who you are,'' he fretted. It was sort of cute to watch him get all worried about my well being. Then the cuteness ebbed away when I heard his next words, ''if you can get changed back into your clothes I can buy the shirt and I'll give you my hoodie and sunglasses. We should be able to get out. No doubt there will be pictures everywhere of us, but at least no one will see your face.''

I instantly shook my head, ''I am not changing with you in here.''

''I'll turn around,'' he suggested.

''Fine,'' I huffed and he did as he said. After I was done he handed me his hoodie and sunglasses and we prepared to go out into the store. All I could think was, what have I gotten myself into?


Hope you guys enjoyed, I know it really stinked, hopefully the next one will be better. It's short but I wanted to be able to show the paparazzi in both their P.O.V.'s. Well, thank you for reading and I hope you stay tuned. Until next time:


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