Chapter 33

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***Elizabeth's P.O.V.***

''I'll come back to the flat after my trip.''

Louis gave me a questioning glance when the words left my mouth and I wiped my cheeks once more. There was a silence on the other line for a few moments before I heard a shaky sigh. ''Really?'' Harry wondered with so much hope in his voice that I thought it would be impossible.

''Yes,'' I assured him with another sniffle.

Again, there was a short silence, ''can we meet up and talk somewhere? I really just want to see you...''

I thought about his offer and after a short hesitation I replied, ''where?''

''The Amorino? It's close to your hotel and I heard that they have good hot chocolate... and that's your favorite so...'' he trailed off with his last words and I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my lips. It was my favorite.

''Okay, when?'' I followed up.

''Could you be there in a few minutes?'' he wondered and I bit my lip. A coffee/pastry shop would have a fair amount of people in it, right? I just didn't want to be alone with Harry. I was still afraid that he would try something and I didn't want to take the chance.

''Yeah,'' I agreed before preparing to end the call, ''bye.''

''Elizabeth! Wait!'' he called and I waited for him to go on, ''thank you.''

I couldn't think of an answer to that so I hung up and sniffled again as I looked at Louis. He opened his arms wide and enveloped me in a hug that I desperately needed. For a while he didn't talk; he only rubbed my back reassuringly as I let out a few more shaky breaths. ''You don't have to do this,'' he finally spoke and I shook my head.

''I know.''

''I'll come back to the flat too, okay? You'll never be alone with him, yeah?'' he offered and I nodded.

''Thanks, Louis, I'm going to need you there...'' I looked at the clock on the wall and sighed heavily, ''I should get going.''

''Carson and I will be here when you get back,'' he told me and I nodded again before heading towards the door. When I got outside I mentally cursed the pouring rain but walked quickly to Amorino. It didn't take long to spot Harry's head of curls though they were drenched and hanging down in front of his eyes. I slowly made my way over to him and when I sat down in front of him he immediately looked up.

''I-I already got you a hot chocolate,'' he stumbled out as he pushed the cup towards me, ''I made sure that they put some peppermint in it and everything.''

''Thanks,'' I mumbled quietly and he nodded as he shivered. ''Harry, you're drenched, are you sure you don't want to come back later?''

''No,'' he said quickly before seeming to calm down a bit, ''I-I just need to talk to you.'' I stayed silent as I waited for him to continue and he didn't for the longest time. After a few moments of silence he shifted in his seat. ''I tried to talk to you before, and I wasn't expecting you to answer, but I wanted to tell you that I was sorry. I-I thought for a while that I would never see you again and... and that was what haunted me every night. I had no intentions of ever doing anything to you, Elizabeth, and I don't know why I decided it was such a good idea to get so impossibly drunk.''

I looked down at my cup as I tried to listen to all of his words without breaking down again. It brought up so many painful memories, not just of what happened that night, but of what happened before. So, when I said my next words I tried to make them as polite as possible, ''could we not talk about what happened?''

''Oh, um, yeah,'' he stumbled out before fiddling with his fingers, ''well, I guess I should tell you that I heard back from that publisher I talked to.''

I perked up a bit at the words, ''really?''

''Yeah,'' he smiled, ''she read your book and she wants to talk to you about it so I guess I'll text you her number later.''

''Wow, thanks,'' I gushed slightly before taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

''I read it too,'' he continued, ''it's really a great book.''

''You read it?'' I wondered in disbelief.

''Um, yeah, you left and I kind of wanted to be reminded of you... so I um... I took a look at it,'' he explained slowly. He seemed more nervous with every word and he looked up at me. His eyes bore into mine with such intensity that it made us both look away. ''It really had your voice in, and it was kind of comforting, you know?''

''Why would you do that to yourself?'' I wondered and his head bowed to look at his lap, ''it just seems torturous...''

''I d-don't know,'' he stuttered and when he looked back up at me I noticed the tears in his eyes. He sniffled a bit and I felt my heart constrict a bit and my eyes grew wet as well.

''Harry, don't cry,'' I muttered as looked down at my cup. I couldn't handle watching other people cry; it breaks something in me.

''I-I'm sorry,'' he sniffled before wiping at his eyes and then breathing out shakily. He did his best to give me a small smile before leaning forward slightly. ''C-can I have a hug?'' he wondered with a hopeful, almost childlike look on his face. I gave him a sad smile before standing up from the table. He quickly did the same and before I could even say anything I was engulfed in a tight hug. There was a cold sting from his drenched clothes, but I didn't mind. Truth be told, it was the happiest I had felt since that night. Even if his grip was a little too tight it still felt nice. Even if I wasn't hugging him back it still felt right.


I unlocked the door to Carson and I's hotel room and took off my coat to set it on the coat rack before looking up and gaping. I let a small giggle pass through my lips as I looked at my two best friends; too busy kissing each other to notice my arrival. ''Could you guys possibly make out on Carson's bed and not mine?'' I wondered after clearing my throat. They both pulled away from each other, looking at me in a bit of a daze before jumping away from each other and blushing madly. ''Or I could just go...''

''No!'' Carson protested, ''Louis brought your Twix and a movie.''

''Mhm, well I'm sure you both are going to have a great time watching that movie,'' I laughed. Carson blushed even more but I could see the smirk on Louis' face as he stole a few glances. I knew there was something between those two...


hey, guys! So, for all those people who read Crazy: SPOILER ALERT. Yeah, sorry for that. I hope you enjoyed though! :)


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