Scars Of Survival

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Jungkook's Point Of View:

The Next Day ;

"8:12Pm"I Look At Myself In The Mirror Seeing The Long Sleeve Shirt I'm Wearing I Go To My Closet And With Hesitation Put A Short Sleeve Shirt On .

"Don't Be Ashame,Don't Hide
The Scars Of Survival"

I Speak To Myself Breathing
Out Leaving My Sweatpants On
My Shaky Hand Holds The Door Nob
Opening The Door Slowly I Hear Jimin And Hoseok's Up Talking In The Room I Knock On The Door And Hear Jimin Say "Come In Jungkook"

I Slowly Step In Jimin See's
Me And Looked At Me For One Second
And Smiled To Me And Gave Me A Hug
"You Still Look Great "I Breathe Out
In Relief Not Knowing I Was Holding
My Breathe Hoseok Came Crashing Into The Hug "Doctor Greyson
Always Said A Step Forward
Is A New Chapter To Success"
Jimin Said They Both Pulled Away
And Smiled To Me

"How Long Have You Been
Clean ?"Hoseok Asked I Think For A Second And Spoke "Few Months I Think"He Happily Clapped His Hands
"Good Job When Your Day Comes
Let's Celebrate"I Nod My Head

"Guys Breakfast"Jin Said
Walking In I Turn Around And
See His Smile That Smile He Has When He's Happy I Only Saw That Big
Smile Come Out When Taehyung
Was Here It Was Good To See That
Big Wide Smile Again "Morning Hyung"He Ruffled My Hair And Continued To Smile"Morning Kookie"

"Later Let's Make Some Chocolate
Chip Cookies"Jin Said As We Head
Down The Stairs "Can We Help ?"Hoseok Asked Ever So
Happily "Why Don't We All "
"I Can't Wait Your The Best Jin "
Jimin Said

We Head Down The Corner And I See Namjoon In The Kitchen By Himself
Placing The Food In The Plates He Looked Up For A Second And Looked Back Up Looking At My Top Part
Of My Hands Then Smiled
To Me And Turned His Head
"Don't Cry Namjoon"Hoseok
Said Patting His Back

"Come Here "Namjoon
Said And Hugged Me Tight
"I'm Proud Of You"I Smiled Wide
Holding In My Tears Feeling That Warm Feeling In My Heart That Beautiful Thing Made This Moment Feel Right "Let's Eat Go Call Yoongi He's In The Gaming Room"He Said
I Breathe Out And Nod

I Pull The Cracked Door Open
Seeing Yoongi On The Race
Car Game "Hyung Breakfast"
I Said Nervously Scratching My
Hand "Coming "He Paused The Game
And Got Up He Looked At Me Walking Then Paused"Your Wearing A Shirt Not A Long Sleeve?"I Breathe Out "Yeah "He Looked At My Arm's And Back At My Face "You're Showing Your Scars" "Are They Ugly?"I Asked He Shook His Head Coming Up To Me Holding My Hand Looking Into My Eyes I Saw The Glimpse Of His Liquid Watery Eyes

"How Can Your Scars Be"Ugly"If
These Resemble Your Survival"

"Aren't Scars Suppose To Be
Our Strength? "

Those Words Made Me See
The Scars Printed On My Body
Are Not Ugly It's Resembles My Life How Bad I Wanted To Live A Step To Healing Not Just The Scar Of A Story
Or Sudden Relapse And Feel Like
It's Gonna Keep Testing You These Are
My Scars Of Survival.

He Wiped His Face And Hugged Me
Tight "I'm So Proud Of You
I Know It Wasn't Easy To Show
Them This Is A Step For Yourself "
I Hug Back Resting My Head On His Shoulder"Your Proud Of Me ?"
It's The First Time In Awhile
I Heard Him Say That I Couldn't Help But Tear Up Looking At Him
"Always"He Wiped Under My Eyes
From The Tears Coming Down My
Face "Let's Go Eat "I Nod My Head
Happily He Took My Hand And We Went Into The Kitchen Seeing Everyone
Seated Down Eating And Talking

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