Stages And Game Of Cards

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The Next Day :

Namjoon's Point Of View :

"How Long Have You Know
Them ?"Jimin's And Hoseok's Case Worker Asked "A Few Months Their Family "

"Has Jin Ever Hit Them ?"

"No,Jin Is One Of The Most
Sweetest People I Have Met
Epically With His Brother And Son's
He Doesn't Get Violent With Them "

"Does He Drink Or Smoke ?"

"No,We Don't Drink Or Smoke
Or Keep Any Pills Here For
Safety Reason For The Kids "

"Has He Ever Yelled At Them ?"

"No Jin Is Patient With Them
Even When Some Days Are Ruff "

"Jin And Hoseok Along With Jimin
Know Sign Language Why Is That ?"

"Jin Taught Sign Language To
Hoseok When He Was A Kid When He Couldn't Talk Property And Have A Foggy Mind With His Bad Days Jimin Has Been Knowing It Before I Met Him"

"Does He Do Everything Here?"

"We Help Around With Hoseok
And Keep Them Comfortable And
Safety Proof The House "

"What Time Do They Sleep ?"

"Hoseok Sleeps Around The Same Time As Jimin So Nine O'clock "He Nods And
Stood Up "Can You Call Mr.Jeon Here Now "I Stood Up And Headed To The Movie Room "Your Turn Jungkook "He Got Up From His Seat And Headed Out The Door I Sat With Jimin And Hoseok
With Yoongi "Don't Worry Jin Got Everything Under Control "I Said

"Just Be Positive "Yoongi Said
To The Two Boys"Jin Is With His Lawyers Just Give Him A Few Minutes"
I Said Shutting My Phone Off "Guys I'm Done Too "Jungkook Walked Back In Sitting Down On The Chair

"I'm Gonna Go Check On Things
Just Watch The Movie With Them,Okay ?"They Both Nodded And Continued Watching The Movie
"Are They On Any Medication?"
They Asked Jin Stepped Out The Old Office Room Sitting On The Chair Along Side With His Lawyer "No,Hoseok Can't Be On Any Medication Jimin Took Vitamin's In The Facility "

I Hear The Door And Open
It "Mr.Kim It's The Boys Parents I Check Identification"The Agent Said
"Let's Them In,Thank You "I Leave The Door Open And Sit Back Down With Jin
"You Still Have Your Apartment?"Their Case Workers Said "Yes,But I'm Getting A New Place Somewhere Around Namjoon's Area"He Said"You Need A New One Soon To Show You Can Provide A Stable Home "He Nodded "You Have One Already"I Said Jin Looked At Me Confused

"You Can Live Here With Me
I Like You Guy's Around And I Have The Space "He Shook His Head"Namjoon "He Said I Step In
Immediately"They Are No Bother
And Nothing Bothers Me I Already Signed The Papers Saying You Live Here "He Looked At Me With Wide Eyes Sitting Straight"Are You Sure?"
He Asked "Never Been More Sure My Home Is Your Home "I Pat His Shoulder He Smiled Small

"You're Honour Thank
You For Your Time "His Lawyer
And Jin Stood Up Shaking Her Hand
"Where The Children "She Asked
"I'll Bring Them "I Said Heading To The Movie Room "Come On "They Looked At Eachother In Worry

Jimin Put His Hands Up And
Started To Sign To Him I Saw
Hoseok's Eyes Make A Sad Look He Nodded And Hugged Him I Took Their Hands Heading Out With Them .

End Of Namjoon's Point Of View:

Hoseok's Point Of View :

"Whatever Happens Just
Be Healthy I Love You And
Jin So Much Nothing Can Break That "
He Signed And I Nodded Giving A Tight Hug To Him Namjoon Took His Hands Out We Both Held His Hand I Feel Jungkook Hold Mine As Yoongi Held Jimin's

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