Project X

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Jin's Point Of View:

"He Finally Went Back To
Sleep?"My Father Asked I Nod As
He Just Got Here With My Mother
"I Called In Every Favor I Could Think
Of And I Got Nothing Alex And Kaleb And I Been Up All Night Trying To Find A Medicine That Is Best At The Moment".

"Right Now He's Not In Pain
As Much As He Was Last Night But
I Told Him Not To Get Up From Bed
After His Nap"I Said As Namjoon
Was Making Us Coffee"Dad?"Jimin's
Voice Gets My Attention"It's Early Son
Why Aren't You Sleeping ?"I Asked
Seeing He Was Changed"I..Have To
Go Sebastian Needs Me Back"My Heart Just Got Tight Again I Didn't Want Him To Leave

"Do You Want To Go ?"Namjoon
Asked"No...I Wanna Stay Here"Jimin Said In A Soft Tone"I Wanna Stay
With You Dad"He Said Again To Me
I Just Went Over and Hugged Him
Tight"That's All I Need To Hear Let Me Take Care Of It"He Nodded Small I Told Him To Freshen Up Before
Breakfast He Went Back Into His Room
Down The Hall .

"You Don't Need To I Already
Have Maryjane And Emily To
It"Taehyung Said Dressed In All
Black"Where You Going?"He Took
A Breath Out"I Can't Move My
Trail Anymore So I Haven't To Go
It Will Take An Hour At Best"

"I'll Come With You"He
Shook His Head"You Need To
Stay Here Hoseok Needs You More
Than Ever This Is Just A Hearing Trail
Morgan Will Be There With Me"He Said Assuring Me He Didn't Need Me There"Then I'll Come"Agnes Said
Setting Her Coffee Down .

"Mom We Discussed This"
Taehyung Said To His Mother
"I'm Coming With You And I Don't
Wanna Hear It"She Walked Off To
Get Ready In Her Room"She Is So
Stubborn"Taehyung Said I Laughed Small"Your Wearing The Stuff I Got You"I Said And He Put His Hand Out Showing Me The Thin Sliver Bracelet
I Got Him With A Sliver Cross He's
Wearing I Got Him Since He Likes Sliver I Told Him What The Bracelet Does And How It Works "What's The Other One?"I Asked Seeing He Never Showed His Second To Anyone Saying It Was Special Tucked Under His Shirt

"Saint Michael"He Said Showing It
To Me Putting It Back Under His
Shirt"Elijah Is Coming Over Later "
I Nod Small And Yoongi Said Hoseok
Was Up"Good Luck And Be Safe"He
Nodded I Kissed His Head And Went To
Check On Hoseok"Hyung Can I Please Just Move Around A Bit"He Pleaded I
Told Him He Needed To Be Bed Rested.

"Did Jimin Leave?"He Asked Anxious
Fidgeting With The Pencil In His Hand From Drawing"No He's Still Here Buddy"He Took A Breathe Out In
Relief I Heard The Front Door Open
Hearing Alex And Kaleb With Avery "That Will Be Your Doctor's To Check On You,Alright ?"

"Jin They Need The Room"My
Father Said I Got Up And Went
Back Down To The Kitchen Looking For Jimin Seeing He Was Out Back
The Closer I Got I Heard Him Speaking
On The Phone"Sebastian My Brother Is
Dying Rather You Like It Or Not I'm
Staying Here"I Heard Him Say In A Low Firm Tone .

"If You Love M-"He Got Cut Off
I Saw Him Pacing Back And Fourth
Tapping On His Finger"If You
Don't I'm Gonna Tell Charlie Everything"I Saw Him Take His Inhaler Out Shaking It Putting It In His Mouth Puffing It In And Put It Back In
His Sweat Pocket He Was About To
Speak Into He Turned Around And Saw Me"I'll Call You Later"He Said And Hung Up

"Tell Charlie What ?".

"Nothing Everything Is
Fine Dad"He Said And I Didn't
Believe Him"What Did He Do
To You ?"I Said Holding His Shoulders
"What's Up?"I Heard Charlie Coming
Closer To Us I Sat Him Down On He Chairs"What Did He Do To You ?"

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