A Date Night Out

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Namjoon's Point Of View:

"I Think Those Look
Good But The Other Ones Are
Nice Too"I Said To Sunny As
She Was Showing Me Nail
Ideas So She Can Get Her
Nails Done"You Know You Got
Good Taste Just Look At Your
House Decorations"Sunny Said .

I Smiled To Her She Put Her
Phone Down Getting The Plates
For Breakfast"Is It True Taehyung
Is The One Who Pays For Everything?"
I Asked"Not Everything He Pays
For Our Nails And Self Care Cause He
Said That Feeling Ourselves And
Treating Ourselves Are Important"
Sunny Said Smiling Wide To It

"How Long Have You Knowed
Him?"I Asked"Long Time A Few
Years"She Said Getting The Cups
"You Seeing Anyone?"Sunny
Asked Out Of Nowhere"No..
I Haven't Really Been Successful
In The Relationship Parts I Don't
Think It's For Me"I Said And
She Frowned .

"Why Not Your Sweet And
Kind"She Said"My First Love
Used Me For My Money I
Never Been On A Date Since
Then"I Said And I Heard Darla
"Give Me Her Name"Her And
Sunny Said At The Same Time
"Guys I'm Fine Truly It Just Happened"
I Said As Taehyung Was Helping
With The Food On The Plates .

"Don't Worry I'm Sure The
Right Person Will Come"
Sunny Said Patting My Back
And Then Darla Said Something
In Germany To Her And Taehyung
Spoke"First Of All It's Early
In The Morning Second He's
Off Limits To All You Girls"
Taehyung Said Pointing To Sunny And

"But"Darla Said Taehyung
Cut Her Off"Red Don't Fight
With Me About It Namjoon
Said What He Said Leave It Be"
He Said And Darla Growled
Annoyed"Namjoon If I We're
To I Don't Know Ask You Out On
A Date What Would You Say?"
Darla Said To Me As Jin And
Yoongi Came In The Kitchen
Out Of Nowhere

"Uh...Um Uh"I Didn't Know
What To Say Jin And Yoongi
Even Told Me That Darla Liked
Me I Was Scared To Get Back
Into Being In A Relationship With
Someone I Wasn't Ready To Fall
In Love Again"He Means He'll
Love Too And Go On A Date"
Yoongi Said Then Taehyung
Said Something In Germany To
Them He Sounded Serious .

"Your Overdramatic I Do
Not"Darla Spat To Taehyung
In English Sunny Laughed
The Kids Came Down For Breakfast
Saying Good Morning"Yes You
Do Your Overprotective And
Hella Possessive About People
And Things"Taehyung Said And
Hoseok Laughed I Sat Down
With Jimin Adding Some Orange
Juice In Our Cups

"Do You Have Practice ?"
I Asked Jimin"Yup Uncle
Tommy Will Be Picking Me Up
So We Can Spend Some Time Together
And Get Lunch"Jimin Said Happily
While The Group Of People In
The Kitchen Were Still Talking Or
Fighting About Me"Woah Woah
Wait A Minute Wait A Minute
What Did You Call Me ?"Taehyung
Said To Darla As Sunny And
Jin Were Trying To Get Them To
Calm Down .

"Nah Let Me Go Let Me
Just-"Darla Stopped Talking
When The Kids And I Were Laughing
Looking At Them About To
Fight"You Know I Can Beat You
In Sword Fighting Don't Push
My Buttons"Darla Said And
Taehyung Glared At Her As
Yoongi Moved Him Away
From Her Sititng Him Down On
The Table

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