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Jin's Point Of View :

"Call Me When He's Up
I'm Gonna Go Take Care Of That Thing"I Said To Namjoon And
Yoongi "We Will Just Go We Got
It From Here "Yoongi Said

"Let's Go DEA Headquarters"
Morgan Started The Car Driving
Away"How Is He Doing ?"He Asked
Still Keeping His Eyes On The Road
"He's Still Unconscious But Better "
He Hummed "My Lawyers Are On
The Way As Well "

"Copy Don't Let No One Inside
Other Than Us "I Heard Morgan
Speak In His Ear Piece "His Doctor
Is There Doing Their Check Ups "
He Said To Me "Okay "A Few Seconds
Later My Phone Made A Buzz Sound "Doctor Lee Is Here Just So You Know "Yoongi Said In His Message
I Chuckled Small"Yoongi Said The Same Thing"He Laughed Small.

DEA Headquarters;

"Mr.Kim This Is Matilda Jane
Benson"Her Lawyer Said Fixing His Tie"I Know Who She Is "She Put Her Hand Out For Me To Shake "I'm Jimin's Mother Thank You For Taking Care Of
Him "I Sat Down She Slowly
Put Her Hand Down When I Didn't
Shake It "I Sued You For Child Endangerment And Putting A Minor's Health At Risk"

Matilda Had A Sad Guilty
Face I Didn't Buy It"My Client,Matilda Here Wants Another Chance And Ammens To Be With Her Son And Have Custody Rights To Him "Her Lawyer Spoke He Handed Me A Paper Reading The First Sentence I See"Giving Parental Rights Back To Matilda Jane Benson"

I Ripped The Paper Putting It Back
On The Table "I'll Make Sure My Son
Stays Not Remembering You"Her Lawyer And Matilda Looked Confused "He Doesn't Remember Me ?"

"And I'll Make Sure It Stays
That Way "I Glared At Her
"After That Stunt You Pulled Yesterday
I'll Make Dam Sure He Doesn't
Live In Fear With You Anymore "
She Shook Her Head"I Was Just Trying To Talk With Him To Make Things Right "I Know A Liar When I See
And Hear One I Scoffed"You Violated
The Law Suit I Have On You So
We Will Take This Back Up In Court "

"And If You Try To Run
You Will Be Arrested "My Lawyer
Said Morgan Sat There In The Chair Beside Me Listening"Court Arranging For This Saturday "My Lawyer Said To
Her "One More Thing Before We
Go "I Said Taking The Paper From
My Lawyer Handing It To Her
Lawyer "You're Putting A Restraining Order On Her ?"He Said In Disbelief

"Disturbing The Welfare Of A Child's Peace,Harassment, Physical, Mental And Emotional Abuse ,Causing
Disturbance To The Child's Health Leading To A Mental Break During
His Recovery Leaving The Boy In A
Panic State "He Said Reading What
It Was Saying "This Is Unbelievable "
He Said Placing The Paper In His

"He's Not Your Real Son He's
My Boy I'm Trying To Make This
Right "She Said In A High Low
And Frustrating Tone I Got Up From
My Chair Along With Morgan
"He's My Son Not Your's "I Left
Before She Can Say Anything Else
"What ?"I Asked Morgan Seeing
He Was Looking At Me "I Respect
You Cause You Treat Those Boys As
You're Own "We Head Down
With Two Agents Following Us Behind

"They Are My Own"I Said He Smiled
"Can We Stop At A Starbucks
I Need Coffee "He Nodded"I Could Use One Too "He Said Driving Off
"Car Two You Can Pull In The Line For A Coffee Break "He Said In His Ear Piece Looking In The Rear View

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