CHAPTER 3 : Adoption

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After Allie is dropped off Bruce is in the batcave looking at the files of Janet Phosphor and Tony he noticed already that Tony isn't in Gotham residents files no nothing all they knew about Allies stepdad is just his first name there was nothing to trace back to find Allies relatives from his dad side not to mention Janes was abandoned at birth while Bruce was in deep thoughts Dick came and startled him "hey ya Bruce", "Dick!! You scared me" Bruce said, Dick proceeds to ask "so she has no one?", "no one, she's all alone" Bruce said, "well I'm gonna be going to bed, Soo good night Bruce" Dick says, "night" as Bruce said while continuing his work.
A few days later Bruce decides to foster Allie then Alfred comes to pick her up, at the Wayne manor Bruce and Dick introduce themselves then the bat signal turns on so they have to go. After Allie is done unpacking she asks Alfred "Alfred where did Mr. Wayne and Dick go?" He replied "they're busy at the moment, you should rest though miss Allie", Allie said "ok" feeling a bit disappointed. The next day after getting ready Allie excitedly went to find Bruce and Dick but they were nowhere to be found, then Alfred said "morning Master Allie, Master Bruce and Master Dick are away right now but they'll be back at 5 in the mean time I will accompany you", "oh ok, but what can we do?, wait can we go bowling?" Allie asked, Alfred said "yes we can right this way". The two spend time together, Alfred grew fond of the girl and when Dick came back he did too, day by day they grew fond of Allie so Bruce eventually adopted her.

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