CHAPTER 20 : Croser

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Jason's phone ringing* while the three are arguing
Tim : look Allie let's go down and eat dinner
Allie : no, I almost solved it
Jason : solved what, I still don't know what are you solving
Tim : it's her first time-
Allie cuts Tim : answer your phone Jason!!
Jason : alright, alright relax Al
Jason answering the phone*
Jason : hello, Jason here
Dick : where are you 3, the food is getting cold
Jason : Allie is still working
Dick : what? It's been 10 hours straight, do something
Tim : we're trying Dick
Dick : well keep trying she's even worse than you when you nearly solve a case
Jason went to pick Allie up, after he picked her up Allie realized
Allie : put me down
Jason was pushed back with her telekinesis
Jason : ouch
Tim : well that was dumb jay
Jason : I completely forgot about that, but at least I tried unlike you
Tim : ok..., ah I have an idea, Allie do you want to help me patrol tonight?
Allie : sure
Tim : well ok but you need to eat first and rest
Allie : nope, not happening, not when I'm close
Tim : close?
Tim looks at Allies work
Tim : wow this is impressive you'll have to explain this to the rest over dinner
Allie : fine, Ianuae triclinio
They teleported to the dining room
Alfred : ah well done master Timothy
So they ate dinner and also have a few discussions and on patrol
FS : rr I found some clues
Rr : about your case?
FS : yea I think he committed the arson that killed the phosphor's
Rr : that's a quite bold assumption especially for you
FS : yea but all the evidence points to the same villain, but he's good I'm unable to get much info about him
Rr : must be really good not a lot of things can fly under your radar, we should head back
FS : why?
Rr : because you haven't slept in 10 hours straight, and not to mention you have school tomorrow and work, I have covered 5 hours for you
FS : actually I haven't slept in 25 hours straight to be exact
Rr : 25? How
FS : 1 word, coffee
Rr : your still 11 falcon, it's not healthy for you
FS : no need to tell me if it's healthy or not, I'm the medic in the family
Rr : oracle can you get the jet here, falcon doesn't want to go back
Oracle : again? alright sending in now
After they went back home falcon fell asleep in the jet and Alfred tucked her to bed in the morning of may while Allie is at college the bat family discussed
Bruce : so Croser?
Tim : yea, he keeps flying under her radar that's bad news
Dick : she's been like this since you have made her the lead on this case
Bruce : it's her parents case, of course I made her the lead
Jason : hey why don't I search for the guy tonight with cass
Bruce : alright

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