CHAPTER 5 : Halloween time skip

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After a year of vigilante stuff more holidays and a few birthdays here and there it's been a year the family is much closer than before, it's Halloween well it's still 2 weeks but yeah.
Allie came running down stairs in excitement "Dad!! I know what I want to dress up as for Halloween especially after we miss last year", Bruce proceeds to answer "oh really? As for whom you will dress up as?", Allie answered "Batman!" Bruce choked on his coffee and Dick asked "why batman sis?", Allie responded while grabbing some food "because he saved me from the fire last year", Dick argues "but I heard from Nightwing that he saved you from Bane", "phfft.. uh please I had it under control" Allie responded, Dick just rolled his eyes "oh yea Dick, can you dress up as a villain?" Allie asked, Dick responded "sure that would be fun how about the riddler?", Allie said "yea let's buy supplies later, Alfred can you take us to the department store?" Alfred said "of course, if master Bruce allows", "sure why not Dick here's your and Allies budget make sure you teach her how to use money wisely even if we're rich", Dick responded "ok Bruce"
After they got the supplies and scrap stuff they cleaned and diy everything they're Halloween costumes are done and Bruce and Alfred are impressed so they went trick and treating before they go Bruce asked Dick to protect Allie and he agreed. In the middle of the trick and treating Allie got separated from Dick and while Dick is trying to find her, scare crow came to have a little fun and attack the kids including Allie he sprayed fear toxin but luckily Allie got a mask that's enough to filter the toxin since she likes martial arts she learned it when she was little so she attacked scare crow when Dick saw she was in trouble he quickly called Bruce and when he was going to saved Allie she already defeated scare crow using the diy gadgets and anistetic, when batman he was shocked he took scare crow to Arkham then he asked Allie on how she did it she replied "well my mom is a scientist she teached me how to make stuff and I also learned martial arts Soo" she smiled batman is impressed, that night he talked to Dick while Allie is sound a sleep
Bruce : how did you lose your sister? she could've gotten really hurt tonight
Dick : but she didn't, and you should train her actually, I think she has potential
Bruce : no
Dick : why Bruce?
Bruce : I can't endanger another kid you know how that ended up the last 2 times, I love this girl and I don't want to lose her like I did to Jason and Tim, I just can't
Dick : but you saw her even without proper equipment she took down scare crow herself
Bruce : that's because he was still weak
Dick : but-
(Dick was cut by Bruce) Bruce : NO is a NO!! I CAN'T ENDANGER HER LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO JASON AND TIM, I don't want that to happen to her, I can't lose another 1.
Then all of the sudden they heard crying from Allies room
Dick : sis what happened?
Allie is crying in bed whilst saying : no nono no not again no please no no
It turns out even when she was wearing a mask it hadn't filtered all of the fear toxin so she was hallucinating
Bruce and Dick realized it Bruce told Alfred to go find the antidote while Dick was trying to hug her and calm her down eventually Alfred got the antidote and the gave it to Allie
Allie : what, what happened where's all the fire?
Dick : there wasn't any sis you were hallucinating, now go back to bed
Then she went back to bed and Alfred watchs her for a bit while Dick talks to Bruce
Dick : please give her a chance she could just stay in the bat cave but please I want her to know, plus we need her expertise in chemistry
Bruce : I'll think about it....

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