CHAPTER 21 : Phosphor case

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It's june at the Wayne manor Bruce is trying to find Allie with no luck
Bruce : Alfred have you seen-, uhh what are you guys doing?
Bruce saw Jason and Dick chugging a gallon of milk
Bruce : what are they doing
Alfred : master dick and Master Jason are racing who can finish the milk first and I'm making sure they don't get permanent damage
Bruce : doesn't Allie do that?
Dick with a mouth full of milk : I win
Jason with a mouth full of milk too : darn it
Dick with a mouth still full of milk : we couldn't find Al and after the egg incident you said we couldn't do anything like this without "proper supervision" whatever that means
Jason on the verge of puking: ohh.. the egg incident
Jason quickly went to the bathroom and Dick too
Alfred : I warned them not to drink 10 soda cans and a pot of coffee before this
Bruce : they did what?, oh nevermind I trust that you can handle this Alfred
Alfred : indeed master Bruce
While Bruce was passing the kitchen he saw tim
Bruce : Tim
Tim : oh hey Bruce what's up
Bruce : have you seen Allie?
Tim : the last time I saw her she was clocking in at Wayne enterprises, why do you ask?
Bruce : I have a lead on her case and I wanted to ask her to patrol with me
Bruce realized
Bruce : Tim come with me now
Tim confused : ok?
They went to the batcave and sure enough Allie went out by herself and while they were there they got an unexpected guest
John : have any of you lads seen JJ?, she isn't answering me calls
Tim got startled by Johns Portal
Bruce : she went out on patrol on her own
John : have ya lost your minds she's only eleven
Bruce : I know John, but she ran of by herself without telling anyone
FS : so what are we talking about
Falcon appeared out of nowhere starling the two
John : have ya lost your mind leaving on your own
FS : technically not I took talon on a little fly
John : who?
Bruce : is it the falcon you're raising
FS : yea, how did you know?
Bruce : it was pretty obvious everyone knew
FS : even Alfred?
Bruce : yes, even Alfred
Talon pops out of falcons hoodie
John : aw he's cute how old is he?
FS : talon is female pops and she's still 3 and a half weeks old, and I found a really controversial connection
Bruce : what is
FS : Croser killed my parents
John : what
Bruce : are you sure
FS : yes, I am but I do not know who he is
John : well good job JJ but it's late and tomorrow we gotta go to JLA watchtower we have a case for the bats to solve
Bruce : you guys found the lead we need it
John : yea we did, lots of em
Bruce : well you heard your dad, go rest we got stuff to do tomorrow

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