CHAPTER 24 : Meeting

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1 week later, Toby went to Wayne enterprises again now that everything is fixed but when he went to the receptionist it turns out it isn't Allies shift but Tim's so he instead went to talk to Tim more out of curiosity than anything
Toby : hello?
Tim : come in, you must be Toby, my little sister told me all about you
Toby : you mean Allie?
Tim : yes, what brings you here
Toby : well....
So they chatted for a bit and Tim told toby to visit the manor, at the manor Alfred answer the door
Alfred : yes?
Toby : hi, is Allie home?
Alfred : oh miss Allie, no she's not at the moment
Toby : oh, well-
Toby was cut with the sound of crashing nearby
Rh : ouch
Falcon (comms) : well I guess we have to fix that soon
Rh : ya think
Nightwing : maybe we should wait fo red Robin to get back
Falcon (comms) : no I can fix this just give me a minute and
Orphan : are you sure this is a good idea
Spoiler (comms) : relax girl, I trust that falcon can fix this
Falcon (comms) : done, oracle launch another
Toby : hello?, what's-
Orphan while tackling toby : duck
Toby : thanks but who are you all?
Before he could answer spoiler and falcon went down
Falcon : you guys ok?
Spoiler : yea, I saw orphan jumped to the target
Toby : cough* target?
Nightwing : yes this rock
Toby : the rock with the smiley face?
Rh : yes, I told him we could just put a photo of joker or something
Spoiler : no, an x will be better
Nightwing ; but an x is Soo boring
Rh : at least it's better than a smiley face
Spoiler : but putting a photo of bad guys just seems odd and unsophisticated
Rh : well at least it isn't a smiley face
Nightwing : hey but it works doesn't it
Spoiler : yea but it's also childish
So Red hood, Nightwing, and spoiler fight but then falcon shout
while she shouted her telekinesis power lifted the three up a bit and dropped them
Orphan : maybe next time you guys don't fight like a bunch of 8 year olds
Toby : hey Allie I need to talk to you for a min
They all looked at toby and they knocked him out and put him in an interrogation room
Nightwing : who are you?, who do you work for?, and what kind of sandwich do you want?
Toby : huh, what?
Rh : talk before I rip your tounge of
Toby : what?
Nightwing : are you thirsty?, do you want some coffee?
Toby : no thanks
Rh while pointing a "gun" to toby : talk now
Toby : hold on
Orphan : this is stupid
Falcon : yea, and hood that's a tazer not a gun
Rh : yea but he didn't now that
Spoiler : you know playing good cop and bad cop won't work
Falcon : can I just please explain
Nightwing : ok
Falcon : ok so...
FS told the rest the whole story
Rh : oh.., I am so sorry toby
Toby : well I kinda expected this but not this extreme, so these are your siblings
Falcon : yea
Toby : well lucky for you I pieced together who y'all are with your civilian forms, but..
Bruce walks in : who are you and what are you doing in the bat cave
Toby : right the big bat himself, nice to meet you Mr. Wayne
So fs explained to Bruce then they chatted

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