CHAPTER 9 : Family

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After a while like a year, Allie have been trained and fought along Nightwing and batman for more than a year and it's December nearly new years, Allie is now 10 she decides she wanted to be something more than robin so at the bat cave
Allie : DAD!!...
Batman : yes?
Allie : I...I.. I don't want to be robin anymore
Batman : you don't want to fight crime anymore?
Bats said a bit disappointed
Allie : what?! I still want to just not as robin
Batman : ok
Batman is relived but didn't show it
Batman : as who tho?
Allie : Falcon strike
Batman : you need help to get ready?
Allie : yea
The next day Dick and Alfred help Allie make the costume, gadgets and more Bruce helped too and January she continued being falcon strike In the next year
Dick and Allie continue to get closer and they both became a more powerful duo in the field than Dick and Bruce
One day they are at the manor Alfred is making hot chocolate then
Dick : Alfred could you help me for a second?
Alfred : in a minute master Dick
When Alfred left, he left the stove on and some tissue caught on fire and the fire spread and then Allie came for a glass of water but the fire spread around her then she realized she tried getting the fire hydrant but she was trapped she was scared since she is still suffering since the day her parents passed she was scared but luckily Alfred came, he grabbed the fire hydrant and put out the fire
Alfred : are you ok miss Allie?
Allie : yea, I guess I still haven't recovered from the incident..
Alfred : nobody expects you to recover quickly, healing can't be rushed
Allie : maybe your right Alfred, thanks

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