CHAPTER 15 : Kidnapped

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September, Allie just got a kidnapping threat again but as always she alerted the others and she went on her day like normal wake up get breakfast get her "special bag" and go to school, after school she helps at Wayne enterprises with the scientists there and went home do chores, homework then go on patrol with Nightwing, and go to bed the next day was supposed to be the same routine but on the way to wayne enterprises she got kidnapped, after a few hours she woke up confused and disoriented the she saw a knife throw and landed next to her to the wall thankfully she wasn't fully conscious so her powers didn't activate. Meanwhile Bruce is looking for Allie at Wayne enterprises
Bruce : hey have you seen Allie?
Worker : you mean ms. Wayne?
Bruce : I suppose
Worker : no I haven't her Mr. Wayne
Bruce : strange
Then he looks at the tracker everyone was forced to have no matter what and Allie isn't at the manor or Wayne enterprises, she was kidnapped he quickly alerted the others and they came while the rest were attacking Allie was saved by Rh and nightwing
Allie : Nightwing get the bag
Nightwing: ok get her to safety hood
Red hood : ok..
So when they got to safety Nightwing brought the bag
Red hood : why do you need it anyways
And Allie opened it and suited up
Red hood : you bring your suit everywhere?
Falcon : yea now let's go
They helped the others clear the place and arrested them and Allie got the scolding of her life time by both Bruce and Alfred
Allie : it was necessary
Bruce : no it was an impulsive decision
Allie : yet it saved our buts now didn't it
Alfred : miss Allie isn't wrong there master Bruce
Bruce : ugh.. fine just don't do that again I nearly lost you Al
Allie : don't worry dad, I trust my family will save me when I need it
A few weeks later it's Oktober nearly Halloween
Dick : so what are you wearing this Halloween sis?, am I gonna be the riddler again like the last Halloween we celebrated
Jason and Tim are confused
Allie : so for some context last Halloween we didn't celebrate but the one before that we did I dressed up as batman back the I didn't know Bruce was batman, and he dressed up as the riddler... Ooo heres the photo
Tim : aww you're sooo cute Al
Jason : I can't lie Tim's right
Allie : I was thinking we could dress up as each other dont worry I'll make the suit but y'all would help me and we won't be using it for trick or treating but instead for patroling, I'll be red hood
Tim : I'll be falcon strike
Dick : I'll be red robin
Allie : that leaves Jason as Nightwing
Bruce : not so fast Allie, I'll be Nightwing
Dick : you're joining Bruce?
Bruce : of course can't let you kiddos have fun all by yourselfs
Allie : I'll start making the costumes
Tim : I'll help
Dick : cheer up Jason it's gonna be fun, wait for me
A few weeks later
Allie : tadaa I made a few upgrades on some and also made it every one's size now let's go patroling
(Remember everyone will go as each other so I will say like "falcon :" that won't be Allie that will be Tim so here everyone for context Bruce as Nightwing, Dick as red Robin, Jason as batman, Tim as falcon strike, Allie as red hood)
Rh : how does it fit guys
Nightwing : well
Falcon : impressive
Rh : now for the last touch voces mutabuntur ad aptandas quas voluerimus partes, haec carmina nobis objiciant ut voces mutent
And they're voices changed so they sound like each other
Rr : woah great job sis
Rh : thanks but the spell don't change our appearances only our voices now let's go patrol
So they went on a patrol and they bumped into black mask and Rh bumped into him
Rh : aw fiddlesticks
BM : ah yes my nemesis hello red hood
Then Rh got picked up by bm
Batman : guys black mask got hood
Falcon : yea no kidding genius
BM : attack them, rookie fight nightwing, I'll deal with Mr. Hood my self
Rh : please call me hood, Mr. hood was my father
Then she kicked BM in the face and got herself down
Rh : now how's that for an impression
Rr : great he does say that joke alot
Batman : I suppose it was good, hood let's trade dance partners
Rh : got it
BM : not so fast bat this battles between hood and I, not you
Goon1 : hey falcon where's your fancy magic I thought this would be a lot harder you know
Falcon : I'm just going easy on you
Then BM hit Rh a bit unconscious so the spell deactivated
BM : what took of the gym to long ey?, you don't fight like how you used to fight, smaller and weaker
Nightwing : hood
Goon2 : why does nightwing sounded like batman
Rr : hood wake up
Rh : ugh.. well there goes the fun
Goon1 : they switched costumes
Batman : about time
BM : wait if red hood is wearing the bat costume then who is he
Rh : she is falcon, nice to properly meet you
Then she held BM down and tied him up with her telekinesis
Rookie : help mee
Nightwing : no more luck buddy
Goon3 : the rookie is fighting batman help him
After more fighting they arrested them all and they took a selfie and turned BM and his goons in to gcpd and they head back home

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