CHAPTER 11 : Training

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A few days later Falcon strike, Nightwing, batman, and John Constantine are in the bat cave scanning and trying to figure out how did falcon's power got activated
John : you sure this is safe?
Nightwing : yes it is
Batman : ok the scan is complete, it seems that John passed his demon blood to her
Nightwing : is it dangerous?
Batman : no it's simply her nature, but the liquid inside the.... Uh..
John : kimokan
Batman : yes that it seemed to have not only activated her demon blood but also upgraded it, she has an unknown power we must find it quick
John : and how do you reckon to do it bats?
Batman : we'll have to expose her to... Trauma..
John : NO!! I will not expose my little girl to trauma
Nightwing : but we-
Batman cuts him : then we can only wait for it to come naturally
A few days later they were on patrol suddenly FS lost her balance and fell of a building but suddenly some leaves below her
Nightwing immediately checked on her on comms : falcon are you ok??
Falcon : I think but what happened?
Batman : I think you have telekinesis
The next day John came to the bat cave and they began testing Allies abilities after they explain it to Allie
Allie : Soo my telekinesis can carry anything and it can even happen without me noticing, and my powers only work is I'm conscious, my emotions can even effect it
Batman : yes but we still haven't figured everything about it
John : hey bats can she spend time in my place for a little bit, I wanna catch up with her
Batman : how long?
John : just a week
Batman : give me a min
Batman goes to Allie and asked
Batman : do you want to spend time with you biological father?
Allie : yea but I want you to be my dad
Batman : don't worry I will still be your dad, but he miss you
Allie : ok
Batman goes to John
Batman : ok tomorrow you can pick her up
John : ok
While training she keep losing control of her telekinesis
Allie : ughh this is Soo difficult
Dick : don't worry sis, you're getting the hang of it, you know what let's wrap it up
The next day while Allie and Dick was having a chess match
Allie : checkmate
Dick : whoa that's a good one
Allie : now we are tied 2 : 2
Alfred : miss Allie, your father is waiting
Allie : ok, bye Dick
Dick : cya sis
John : ready to go love?
Allie : yea
Bruce : see you later Allie
Allie : see you later too dad
John : let's go JJ
Allie : are we walking there?
John : ye
Allie : isn't far?
John : it's right here
The mystery house appears and after they enter the house moved somewhere else
Allie : woah
John : JJ meet black orchid shes  basically the house
Allie : hi my name is Allie nice to meet you
Bo : hello, I remember you, you've grown alot
Allie : huh?
John : this is your childhood home, I've taken care of you since you were born, well till your 2
They went to a baby room going past a few old pictures but one cought Allie's attention
Allie : hey what's this one?
John : oh this one, I remember this 1 I was feeding you but you threw the porridge and it spilled everywhere and your mum insisted we take a picture, then I was called to the watchtower I got there with wet hair chuckles*
Allie : wait that happened
John : yes, here we are
Allie : woah my old room
John : yes I suppose you don't need this anymore, praesepe mutatio ad lectum
John changed the crib for a bed
Allie : woah so that's magic
John : yea let's continue tomorrow, night love
Allie : night
In the morning they chatted a little bit then Allie asked
Allie : can I know the truth
John : fine
They perform a spell and explored John's memories from his adult years and other after that Allie knew the truth and warmed up to himthey continue to chat and for the next day they trained in magic till the last day, they bid farewell and Allie return to the Wayne manor
Allie : bye pops
John : bye Allie
Allie : dad!
As Allie is running to hug him
Bruce : Allie, how did the stay went?
Allie : great, he let me have a few spellbooks for me to practice, and I learned about my mom more
Dick : Allie
Allie : Dick, I miss you brother
Dick : I miss you too sis
John : alright then bye bats
Bruce : bye John
And the mystery house disappeared leaving no trace behind

Sorry I couldn't do a Brit accent for jc

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