CHAPTER 4 : Birthday

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After a month or two it's November 10 is Allie's birthday but the others don't know, she is aware of that but shes still sad that it will be her first birthday without her parents, then Bruce, Dick and Alfred greeted her little does she know they planned a surprise birthday party. Allie is clearly sad so Dick asked "why the long face Allie?", she replied "well today's my 8th birthday also my first birthday without... Them", Dick says "look I know how it feels, (Dick realized) wait 8th? You lost your parents when you were 7?" Allie nods then she asked "can we go see them?, please?", Bruce replied "yeah sure, let's go", while in the car Dick asked "are those lilacs Allie?", she replied "yeah these are my mom's favorite my dad doesn't have one so I got some lilac for him too" then they have arrived they saw that Tony's grave doesn't have his last name for some reason, they left Allie alone with her parents, she placed the lilacs in between they're grave and said "hi mom, hi dad, miss you guys Soo much and as you two know today is my birthday I wish you could've celebrate it with me but at least I'm already adopted, my new family is nice great but I think something is going on they keep getting bruises and stuff but they are great, mom I wish you could've told me who my biological dad is and dad, even tho I know you're not my real dad but I still love you you took care of me and my mom, I miss you guys Soo much" the she cried a bit then came back to see the others. "Why hello there miss Allie, are you done catching up with your parents?" Alfred asked, Allie nods, "alrighty come this way, we've got somewhere to go" a short car ride later they arrive at a closed cafe the went in and surprise Dick and Bruce threw her a surprise birthday meal and private to but Bruce forgot something so he went back to the manor to search for it and then Dick went to the bathroom as she was waiting suddenly Bane came searching for something then bane grabbed Allie and asked "where is he?" He is searching for Bruce, Allie replied "let me go bane and you will not hurt my family you little-" before she could finish she was saved by nightwing and she was brought to safety but when he came back Bane was gone so he goes outside to check on Allie, then she quickly asked nightwing "where's my brother Dick?", Nightwing replied"your brother is safe, I gotta go now" he left happily knowing that Allie sees him as her brother then he quickly informed Bruce after that he came back as Dick luckily everyone is safe and they continued it in the manor.

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