CHAPTER 12 : Oh brother

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April, batman, Nightwing and falcon strike are on top of a roof finishing a patrol then there's a strange noise heared from a corner they went to investigate, they found a person then the person ran soo they follow him but unable to because there's no shadow
Falcon : wait I got this, dleihs elbisinvi
The spell didn't work
Falcon : ok.., invisibilia scutum
The spell worked
Falcon : yes, it worked
Batman : follow him
After they follow a bit, falcon was sent to go and make a trap while batman and nightwing get him in it, the trap worked and when they got close
Falcon : a robin?
Robin : heya Bruce, Dick, and who's this, wait let me guess, adopted, girl, Allie right
Falcon : how did you?... Tim
FS smirked
Robin : easy, I.. wait how did you?
Falcon : easy, I read the files, batmans files
Batman : you did what?
Falcon : yep I learned from your mistakes, like suit errors, gadget malfunction, and more
Nightwing : oh that's how you know about him
Robin got out of the trap and said
Robin : nice catching up but I gotta go
But while leaving he got lifted
Robin : what the??
Falcon : hey it worked, I can lift people with my powers, wait...
Then fs starts flying
Falcon : yayy it worked
Then she fell and nightwing cought her
Nightwing : careful you still need to train your powers
Robin : powers? How? And get me down
Falcon : I expected him to fall too
Then he actually fell but he wasn't high so the fall wasn't bad
Batman : why are you here?
Robin : I'm ready for the life again but this is the only suit I have so yea, Im gonna make a new suit but still keep the name
Batman : ok
Robin : does she live with us?
Batman : yes, but not all the time sometimes she stays at her bio dad's place
Robin : oh
Falcon : wait let me do a teleportation spell, please?
Batman nods
Falcon : Ianuae nobis ad Wayne manerium in pace
Then they teleport
Nightwing : you're getting better
Falcon : yea I can do spells better in latin not like my pops
Batman : good to know
And after falcon opened her mask
Tim : hey I know you, you're the girl that we saved from the fire
Allie : yea you remembered huh?
Tim : I guess so
Bruce : go to bed you two
Allie : ok dad
Tim : fine
In the morning they train together and Allie helped Tim with his new suit, they bonded through gadget designing, hacking, and other stuff Tim was assigned to a new team after a few weeks the junior leaguers aka young justice, but Tim, Bruce and Dick never mention Allie to the team, while they're busy Allie was at the mystery house training both magic casting and telekinesis and maybe a little of the rest like acrobat, Martial arts, tech, science

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