CHAPTER 16 : Bat family

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Around 11 years old on January (Allie's age) 1 by one the bat family got bigger babs as batgirl, cass as orphan, Steph as spoiler while Allie was at her bio dad for a few months when she came home and went to the batcave she saw them and they saw her, cass immediately attacked but Allie quickly lifted her and the rest
Allie : who are you girls?
Babs : it's not important, what are you doing here
Allie : to work duh, what are you doing here?
Steph : we live here or at least cass and I
Then babs remember
Babs : wait didn't the boys mentioned someone. Someone that went by hmm
Then Allie unlocked the bat computer with some identification
Bat computer : falcon strike authorized
Babs : oh yea Falcon strike
Allie : can't let me work huh
Allie levitated her self to their height
Steph : oh you're falcon they kept talking about
Jason : Allie!!
Allie : jay
Then she flew to him but accidentally dropped cass, Steph, babs. Cass landed, Steph didn't, babs landed
Allie : I missed you so much
Jason : you too
Allie : Dick!, tim!
Dick : sis I missed you
Tim : Al I missed you, and the help at Wayne enterprises
They all hug together
Dick : oh yea meet the new recruits cass/orphan, Steph/spoiler, babs/bat girl
Allie : oh so no trespassers?
Tim : what nonono
Jason : it was funny
Steph : you were watching?
Jason : of course I was
Babs : so what's your name falcon?
Allie : oh please call me Allie, btw why haven't cass spoke?
Bruce : that's because she can't speak Allie
Allie : dad!!
Allie rushed to hug Bruce
Babs : dad? She doesn't look anything like Bruce
Tim : yea that's because she's adopted like the rest of us
Dick : the only reason she calls him dad it's because she was adopted at a youngest age between the rest of us
Steph : how old?
Dick : 7years old
Babs and Steph : 7!??
Steph : that's so young
Babs : btw where has she been I haven't seen her around here
Jason : she was at her bio dad's place
Babs : then how did she get adopted?
Dick : it's a very long story
Allie : why can't cass speak anyway?
Babs : it's because her mother took out her vokal chord when she was young
Allie : harsh but I think I can help with that, if you let me
Cass is a bit hesitant
Dick : don't worry you can trust her
Tim : also send her your uniform designs she'll make you need ones
Steph : but these are perfectly fine
Jason : yea but not as strong trust me I tried sticking to my old ones
Babs : oh so those small logo prints on your uniforms are hers
Allie : yep
Dick, Tim, Jason, and Bruce : what what?
Allie : yea I put them there along with tracking devices so you guys don't get lost
Babs : here's the uniforms designs
Allie : thank you, now would you like a vocal box cass?
Cass nods
Allie : ok come here
After a few weeks the vocal box still failed each one of them has flaws
Allie : this isn't working cass there's only one way we could try, regenerating spell but I won't do it if you're uncomfortable with it
Cass nods
Allie : sit down and relax, chorda vocalis, chorda vocalis recondatur, bene functione sua utens dna, in meliorem statum reddatur
Cass coughed
Allie : here drink some water, you still need to learn how to speak tho but I know you'll get it, also the suits are done can you get babs and Steph
Cass nods
They tried the suit and it's amazing

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