CHAPTER 10 : Realization

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At march batman is at the justice league watchtower taking care of some matters and suddenly John Constantine storms in the main room where some of the JLA members at
John : has anyone seen me ring?
Superman : can you describe it?
John : it's made of gold
Wonder woman : does it have any gem stones?
John : yeah small ones
Batman : is this it
Batman found the ring on the ground he looks at it and it's odly familiar to him, John immediately grabs the ring of bats hand before he could inspect it
John : hey it is, cheers mate
Batman : is it a wedding ring?
John : it isn't any of your business bats
The next day batman took a little bit of Johns hair and at the bat cave he took Allies too then he analyzed the two then Allie came with her new suit
Bruce : Allie why do you keep making new suits even tho your old ones are ok
Allie : because this last adjustment to the suit makes the fabric more durable and stronger plus I layered it with some other this like lead to make it stronger
Bruce : oh smart choice, anyways I gotta go investigate a case
Allie : can I come?
Bruce : no
Allie : why?
Bruce : I can do it alone
Allie : ok, good luck dad
Batman : I don't believe in luck
Then he left in the bat plane and went to Jason blood to ask him a few questions
Batman knocks on the door while calling him, Jason answered the door
Jason : yes?, bats? Why are you here?
Batman : I'm here for a couple of questions
Jason : ask away
Batman : its about John
Jason : yeah what about him
Batman : have he ever been in a relationship before
Jason : yes he has he even got married
Batman : can you describe the ring
Jason : it's gold and have little gemstone in the shape of 2 J's
Batman : did you come to his wedding
Jason : yes, why?
Batman : did he have any kids?
Jason : yea one little girl, Etrigan and I used to babysit her when John and Janet were out and about
Batman : Janet? Who is she
Jason : John's wife, man back then she made John one of the happiest man alive
Batman : well can you describe the little girl like her name
Jason : ooh sorry bats I can't really recall her name but I think someone can, Gone, gone the form of man, rise the demon Etrigan
Then Etrigan took Jason's place
Etrigan : why why am I here, whilst no danger has appeared
Batman : I got a few questions and Jason couldn't answer
Etrigan scoffs
Batman : do you know John's little girl?
Etrigan : Allie? Johns little girl, a friend I mourn after the ordeal
Batman : did she die?
Etrigan : no!!, John sent her and her mum away, to protect them he says man that what he says
Batman : can you describe her
Etrigan : brown hair and blue eyes, sweet and kind unlike her father
Batman : alright I need to talk to Jason now
Etrigan : Gone, gone O Etrigan, Rise again the form of man!
Batman : ok that's all thanks
Jason : good bye bats til next time
Batman got to the bat cave then he was summoned by the JLA and he decided to bring Allie
So they got ready and went to the watchtower then they briefed a plan
Superman : so klarion is making trouble in the town square, we gotta stop him so here's the plan
They briefed the plan then executed it while fighting falcon got hit and her necklace broke then the liquid inside it leaked and got absorbed

At march batman is at the justice league watchtower taking care of some matters and suddenly John Constantine storms in the main room where some of the JLA members atJohn : has anyone seen me ring?Superman : can you describe it?John : it's made of...

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John sees her getting hit then he immediately catches her he noticed the amulet and before he could say anything they got attacked
After defeating klarion batman checked the results from the hair samples and it's a match Allie is the biological daughter of John but as he's processing it and it all made sense
John : hey love, where did you get that amulet?
Falcon : oh this, I got this from my father
John : hey wait a minute, that is the kimokan, I gave 1 just like that to my little girl
Falcon : what?
John : hey hang on
John took falcon left glove and he saw the ring, he quickly glazed to his right arm to make sure his ring is still there and it is
John : Janet?!
Falcon : what that's my-
Batman quickly shoves John and falcon into another room
John : bloody hell whatcha do that for bats
Falcon : Dad what are you doing
John : Dad?, where did you get that amulet
Batman : she got that from her biological father, look let me explain I'm not her real father
Falcon : yea he's my adopted father he adopted me when I was 7
Batman : that's enough Allie
John : Allie? That's my little girls name
Falcon : what?
Batman : you two just look at this
They all look at the results of the DNA results
John : wait she's my little girl, you knew?
Batman : I just got the results, falcon?
Falcon strike stormed off, John's was about to chase her but batman stopped him
Batman : wait, I'll call someone who knows her the best
He called Dick , then Dick checked up on her in her room, he found her on her computer
Dick : hi there sis can we talk?
Allie : it is true
Dick : what is true
Allie : my blood isn't even fully human, I have demon blood
Dick : wow that's something
Allie : does that mean I'm dangerous, mean, noughty?
Dick : no no no, you're not you are one of the sweetest person I've ever known, I don't know who else to pick that will be a better little sister than you
Allie : thanks
John : JJ
Allie : why did you leave me and mom
John : to protect you and your mum of course or else I wouldn't have left
Allie : from what?
John : from all this bloody magic
Dick : hey she's still 10
John : yeah I know
Dick : then why'd you curse?
John : it's fine she's old enough
Dick : no she's not
John : yes she is
Dick : no
John : yes
Dick : no
John : yes
Dick : no
John : yes
Dick : no
John : yes
Batman : you two enough already, look what you two did Allie stormed out of the room batman chased her
Batman : are you ok?
Allie : I don't know
Batman : it's fine if you accept him into your life I would still be your dad
Allie : really
Batman : of course, don't be scared, no matter what I chose you to be my little girl
Allie: thanks dad
Dick : Allie
John : JJ
Dick and John : you ok?
As Allie is sobbing : yea
Dick : I'm sorry sis I guess I just got carried away
John : and I'm sorry for leaving you and your mum I'll explain everything I promise
Allie : ok..

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