CHAPTER 17 : Discovered

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After a while it's February, a bit of an update of the bat family by now there's cass who can talk basic phrases, babs got shot by the joker now she's oracle, Steph, Kate Bruce's cousin, currently the reach is invading earth and a lot of teens getting abducted (lore in young justice) Allie was going for a walk and got kidnapped, the young justice team superboy, miss martian, Artemis, la'gaan, impulse, and a few others were tasked to free some kids of a shipment of teens, they were assigned by nightwing sadly he couldn't come because he has a mission, so they went on the mission but one girl was panicking then she accidentally got into the main part of the bio ship where the team was piloting it turns out the girl was Allie
Superboy : hey little girl how did you get here
Allie pushed superboy then impulse regonized her
Impulse : miss m try to find out who she is now
M. Martian : what?
Impulse : do it now
Then she did
M. Matian : she's Allie, Dick's lilttle sister
Everyone else : what?
Allie : get away from me
She pushed everyone with her telekinesis
Artemis : her meta gene must be activated
M. Martian : relax Allie I'm Megan your brothers friend, your safe here
Allie didn't call down, thankfully they landed it turns out la'gaan told Nightwing and the bio ship landed herself, Allie got out of the ship then she heard
Nightwing : Allie!
Allie : Dick?
She quickly comes and hug her
Nightwing : there you are we were looking for you everywhere, are you ok
Allie : I'm fine, but they did something to me
Artemis : yea they activated your meta gene
Allie : no they didn't, I had it before I think they gave me hallucinations to see if my meta gene will activate even tho it already has
Superboy : oh so that's why you attacked us
Allie : sorry
Red hood came on his motorcycle
Rh : Al!
Allie : hood!
Rh : we were so worried about you when we heard you were gone
M. Martian : stay back Allie he's a criminal
Rh : no it's me Jason Todd
M. Martian : oh
Nightwing : get her back to the manor I'll stay
Rh : ok cya
Allie : stay safe Dick
Nightwing : you too Al
After they left Nightwing explained after they dropped the kids off they needed to raid the ship near by when they got there ready to attack the guards are taken out and they saw falcon strike
FS : wow.. you guys were late
Superboy : who are you
FS : falcon strike, nice to meet you
Nightwing : w..w..what are you doing here
FS : kicking the buts of people who kidnapped me
Impulse : she's Allie
The rest : ohh
FS : common pulse secret identity
Impulse : sorry this identity thing is still so retro to me
So they raided the ship and after that they went back to mount justice except FS mount justice everyone asked why didn't Dick tell the rest that he has a sister
Dick : well there's one person who knew that I have a sister
Wally : hello Dick I'm here to hang out with you-.. , wait who are you
Wally looking at Allie
Allie : no who are you I thought I already secured the entrance to the bat cave
Wally quickly ran to Allie to get her but she quickly lifted him with her telekinesis
Allie : not so fast-
Dick : Allie!! Put wally down
Wally : Dick, who is she
Allie : oh, this is wally west
Wally : you know me
Allie put wally down and Dick introduced Allie
Dick : wally this is Allie my little sister
Wally : you have a sister?
End of flashback...
Superboy : of course wally knew

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