CHAPTER 13 : Red hood

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July, red robin (red Robin in Gotham, Robin in junior leaguers) and falcon strike are solving a case near Arkham asylum
Rr : this is not how the joker usually escape
Falcon : it is, look
Rr : it looks like bomb marks
Falcon : yeah and looking from security cameras there was a helicopter here and.. look a boot well at least a part of a boot
Rr : that means someone broke joker out of Arkham
Falcon : the boot isn't a match with jokers henchmens boot
Rr : strange, let's go back and tell bats
Falcon : sounds like a plan, commissioner Gordon
Com. Gordon : yes
Falcon : we're gonna regroup with batman and we will get the joker behind bars again
Com. Gordon : good luck kids
But when he looked they're gone
Com. Gordon : sigh* just like batman
After they regroup they searched the whole Gotham city but falcon got of radar and the bats desperatly try to find her
Nightwing : falcon... Falcon you there sis?
Batman : any sign of her?
Nightwing : nope
Rr : it's been an hour why are we just standing here
Batman picked up a note with coordinates they decided to go there and there's someone waiting for them it's red hood after a short fight he lost them in the train tracks and when they got back that's when batman realized it was Jason and he also told them when to meet up they had to wait for the next day so the red hood can tell them the address but batman didn't tell them it was Jason
Dick : what the next day?, what if she's hurt
Tim : Dick
Dick : tim she's our little sister and she's 10 and in danger
Tim : we need to wait please relax
Dick : fine
The next day they got the address in the afternoon after they went to the coordinates they found FS in a cage with her mask opened
Nightwing : falcon. Ugh* what have you done to her
Rh : well Dick nothing, yet
Nightwing : how did you
Rh : well she's up there hanging and safe for now but at any second she could fall, bye
Then Rh left
Batman : you two get her down I'll get him
Rr and nightwing nods, then she woke up
Falcon : b..b..brothers?
Nightwing : yes it us now let's get down
Rr : did he hurt you
She shook her head
Falcon : j...j..j...Jason
Rr and nightwing confused a
Rr : Jason isn't that the robin before me?
Nightwing : yes, what about him?
FS showed on her mini computer bracelet some lab result
Nightwing : Jason is red hood?
Falcon : yes
Rr : but are you ok
Falcon : yes but my comms was taken away, I'm tired, but he did fed me, I didn't want to eat it but he showed me his face well at least with his robin mask tho, he apologized and explained that he wanted me to lure you guys but y'all were taking too long, when he realized I was hurt he delayed y'all finding me so he can tend to my wounds, because he didn't want to hurt me but he did torture joker
Rr : so he took care of you
Falcon : yea, now help him before he makes a bad mistake
Nightwing : fine but we need to get you back to the cave
Fast forward after the ultimatum Rh gave batman then the explosion rr and nightwing was on they're way to the explosion but FS was faster since she can fly with telekinesis and her cape glider so she stopped Rh from leaving
Falcon : wait jay
Rh : why should I?
Falcon : because what happened to you is the past and bats still mourned you, please maybe we could start over
Rh : oh yea how do you think I'll redeem myself like this
Falcon : in the past 24 hours you had the chance to hurt me, torture me but you didn't instead you dress my wound and fed me sure I didn't get much sleep but you treat me much better than him so please?
Rh : fine

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