CHAPTER 23 : Reunion

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July, at Wayne enterprises Toby has just arrived to reunite with Allie
Toby : hello I need to meet with Allie Constafaun
Desk lady : do you have a reservation?
Toby : yes it's under Toby Roust
Desk lady : let's see here... Ah yes Toby Roust yes go ahead to her office she'll be waiting for you
When toby arrived to Allie's office and he's a bit nervous but he knocked anyways
Allie : come in
Toby : hello
Allie speaking on the phone : no, Tim I can't just cover another hour of your shift this week, I have a morning lecture I can't miss
Toby : hello?
Allie : wait a sec Mr. Roust, well you have to figure it out ok, I gotta go see you later
Allie hang up the call
Allie : hello what can I do for you Mr. Roust
Toby : you can just call me toby Allie
Allie : ok toby uhh what brings you here?
Toby : wow you've grown so much, and how old are you?
Allie : 11 years old
Toby : wow arent you too young to work?
Allie : I like too, plus I can get away from my brothers most of the time
Toby : brothers?, wait you're adopted by Bruce Wayne?
Allie : yea, why does it matter
Toby : I thought you died
Allie : excuse me?
Toby : when I heard my little brother Tony died in a house fire I assume Janet and you died too
Allie : it the house explosion that killed them and I was saved before the house explosion, wait did you say brother? You're my step dads brother?
Toby : yea that's why I came
Allie : that means you're my uncle, no wonder you look like him
Toby : yea, that means you could live with me at star city
Allie choked on her coffee
Allie : what?
Toby : yea it's better to live with me than living with someone who adopted you but haven't met your parents
By now Allie's just thinking well this is not good if I stay with him I cant see pops and back at the manor will be not good not to mention my alter ego, Allie was panicking so hard her powers started to activate and lifting stuff up but before toby notices John barges in without knocking the door
John : JJ, I got you lunch
Allie : pops?
Things started to fall but Allie managed to catch it all and put I back
John ; woah Toby?
Toby : John Constantine
Allie : you two know eachother?
John : yeah we met once
Toby : Allie you never told me you are already with John
Allie : well I live with Bruce full time but I am in constant contact with pops so I thought it was irrelevant
Toby : well you can't even take care of her
John : well you don't know what is actually happening
Toby : oh I know that you are a superhero but can't you take care of her
John : well I bet you don't even know she's a superhero too
Toby : wait what?
John : whoops
Allie : pops, why'd you spill the beans, who else did you tell?
Toby : what you're a superhero?
Allie : yea so
Toby : you have to quit it's-
The alarms went off
Allie : what the?
Allie checked the cameras and she saw the Croser is in the lobby
Allie speaking to a com : bats all hands on deck, Croser at Wayne enterprises
Toby : Croser?, Al?
Allie disappeared, (Allie puts a lot of secret passage ways and room in her office)
John : oh there she is
John saw falcon strike in the cams
Toby : wait she's that falcon hero?
John : it's falcon strike not falcon hero Toby

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