Respawn is ✨️Petty✨️

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Here Damian was standing at Roses doorstep in the cold rain. He knocked a few times and waited.

The only reason he was here was because if he had issues, Rose (who is basically his sister and mother at the same time) would somehow get them of his mind.

So a quick in and out talk. 

Well, not quickly. Bruce has been a bitch lately and Talia, his mother, she's busy. So Damians is going to Rose.

When the door opened he didn't expect his face to be staring back at him with disaproval.

"What do you want?" Respawn scoffed at him.

Did he forget to mention they also had a fight? Yeah...

"To speak with Rose." Damian glared at him.

For a few seconds it was just glaring at each other before Respawn slammed the door in his face.

Respawn walked away from the door before Rose stood infront of him.

"This is the 8th time I told you to stop slamming doors!" She seemed to be distracted about the door part she didn't think to ask who it was.

"I won't do it again" Respawn shook his head.

Before Rose could call hm out on that blaaitant lie Damian began knocking again.

"Whos that?" She had her hand on her hip and spoon still gripped in the other.


Rose scrunched up her nose.

"You mean your girlfriend-" before Rose could finish her sentence Respawn interrupted her.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Respawn argued but the door kept knocking.

Rose walked past him and opened the door to see Damian standing there leaning against the wall.

Did I mention he was SOAKING wet in the rain?

Rose turned her head back to Respawn and gave him a disapointed look before pulling Damian inside and shutting the door.

"I wanted to talk with you" Damian admitted quietly while still glaring at his sibling who slammed the damn door.

"Your soaking." Rose said matter of factly. Honestly, she'd hate to be him soaking wet and cold.

"You know where my room is. Go get changed." She patted his head as Damian made his way there.

She most likely had oversized sweaters which could fit him. Rose turned to Respawn once the two were alone.

"We talked about this attitude." Rose huffed.

"I see no wrong in my actions." Respawn defended.

"You're being immature, drop pettiness and apologize like a big boy" Rose taunted him.

Respawn was stubborn. He was NOT apologized and made it known.

"You're just Petty" Rose murmured under her breath.

After that, Rose began lecturing him about the topic they didn't finish, slamming the door, thankfully before it got more boring Damian walked out in actually sweats but a droopy sweatshirt. He actually looked cute.

"You can go to bed baby and dream about apologizimg" Rose flicked Respawns head lightly. He grumbled about it before disappearing into the dark halls.

[Idk what to write for Damians issue and talk so ✨️IMAGINE✨️ It]


P.s I wrote it good but some words randomly changed???

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