The children wept for the innocent. The women wept for the fornlorn. The men wept for their country. And their enemy laughed over their collective grief.
Death was all around them. Destruction came in waves. Bombs fell from the sky, screeching. Little bodies with little black eyes looked up, as their playtime came to an abrupt end. They were far too young to meet the horrors of fire and brimstone. But as the heat swallowed them whole, and a red dragon of flames and smoke wrapped its mouth around their tiny bodies, for an impetuous moment they did.
What a calamity. What a shame.
The murder of children, in broad daylight, being justified by the perpetrators themselves under the pretense of "self defense".
What times are these in which were are forced to live on? In which these types of laughable and horrifying excuses are seen as valid by the unruly leaders of the world?
War has always been a grace to profit, and a blessing to the personal interests of politicians and entrepreneurs, this is well known, but where is the line of morality drawn? Aren't there conventions? Agreements? Laws? Isn't there any justice? Or is the shell of western democracy and humanity as empty and devoid of truth as Israel's vows of innocence?
On the horizon, a blue and white waving flag that accuses itself of being peaceful has its cloth stained forever with the crimson crimes it commits. While the blood seeps through, the rest of the world argues over if they should tear it down, or let it be.
As the nations debate, more bodies fall to the ashy ground. More infants are eaten by the dragon of wrath. It's heavy wings squash the city outlines, and buildings come tumbling down like sandcastles on a beach.
And to make matters even worse, while this badly narrated apocalypse takes place, some people even have the audacity to celebrate it.
And it's an interesting, if not depressing, sight to see. Because these happy, merry, joyful individuals, whom are watching this barbarism with a repugnant mixture of satisfaction and contempt, are the direct descendants of survivors of a genocidal horror.
These criminals, smiling at the anguish of the miserable, could have once walked through their same desolate streets, with their same shredded and dirty shoes.
The ones spitting on the faces of their own brothers and sisters under God, because of different beliefs and theological preferences, could have been the ones humiliated, tortured, murdered and persecuted, once upon a time.
And yet, they are now the crows eating away at their corpses. They are now the ones stripping Palestinians of their happiness, humanity and even clothes, before loading them up on trucks, chained like cattle, to prisons that directly mirror the concentration camps their families died on.
They are the ones perpetuating the screams of their grandparents, in other foreign tongues.
The echoes of their pain can be heard both in the angry shouting of the traumatized living, and in the howling silence of the martyrs they overlook.
And all of this, in name of greed, pride, and powerlust. All of this, blamed on a God that did nothing more than to create us all.
Death upon death.
Grief upon grief.
Year after endless year.
"Never again" should be applied to all of humankind and yet...
Here we are.
Watching humanity repeat its same bloody mistakes and horrors, once again.
So, I can't help but ask: When will it stop? When will the world learn at last that the only true paradise we'll ever get, is this earth we've been freely given, to share, to cherish and to protect?
When will we understand that the true promised land is wherever we can stablish peace for all of us?
We are all made by one force alone, and we shall all die in the same cold grave as one another. Why then should we spend every minute we have here, together, festering hate, brutality and destruction? Are we really that fundamentally flawed? That deeply damaged? That the thought of loving each other is laughable? That the reality of seeing a harmless baby die, gasping for air, with their burnt little hands reaching for the sky, is somehow funny to some, and non important to others?...
This has to stop.
War has to end.
Palestine must be free.
Thoughts, Memories and Dreams From Long Ago - A Poem Collection.
PoetryOld poems, cellphone notes, and long lost verses that I've recently re-discovered.