10. Beware

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"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware." It's written in blood." Hermione remarked as they looked upon the wall.

"Oh, no." harry whispered and hermione followed Harry's gaze and gasps when she sees what he is seeing; he walked toward a torch on the wall, tied to the torch is Mrs. Norris, frozen and seemingly scared by something. "It's Filch's cat. It's Mrs. Norris." behind them, Percy walked into the corridor, leading the other Gryffindor house students.

"He loves that cat more than anything." Vaera agreed.

"What did you do dav?" Mattheo questioned

"Im just as clueless as you." Davina corrected linking her arm with his. "Maybe it was Malfoy," she added. Draco smriked back at her.

"Not this time." He countered with a chuckle. "Whats all the noise about? A gryffindor no doubt."

"They are always causing trouble." Aegon agreed. "Where is the pirate? Hes usually following you around like a puppy dav." Davina punched Aegon before turned around looking for Aemond. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You know what that was for." Davina hissed.

"Jace!" Theo ran off pushing through the crowd. "Hey, you alright?"

"I just got here." Jace assured. "Theo you know sara snow? Shes from westeros. Cregans sister." Jace added his gaze shifting to her.

"You both alright?" Theo questioned.

Soon enough, the corridor filled with students, who gaze at the bloody writing and Mrs. Norris, Madame Pomfrey expressed horror and shock she hadnt seen anything like this in ages, she was their healer, Colin got his camera ready, but Percy stopped him. Shaking his head, now was not the time for pictures.

"Professor Severus, whats going on?" Davina questioned.

"Nothing good my dear." Severus answered touching her shoulder gently.

""Enemies of the Heir, beware." Draco read off and glanced at the Gryffindor house students. "You'll be next, Mudbloods." Ron scowled back at him. Davina elbowed him. "Youre not a mudblood. Youre perfect." Draco assured.

"Stop being a dick." Davina sassed. Severus eyed them before taking a step forward to investigate further.

"What's going on here?" Flich demanded pushing his way through the crowd. "Go on, make way, make way. Potter... what are you...?" His gaze shifted and horror filled him at seeing his cat.  "Mrs. Norris?" He glared at Harry again "You murdered my cat."

" No. No."

"I'll kill you." Filch shouted and grabbed him by the shirt. ''I'll kill you!"

"Oh shit," davina chuckled. "Hope vaera hugged her boy toy goodbye."

"He didnt do it!" Vaera screamed.

"Argus?" albus demanded and Filch let go of Harry. the students stepped aside as Professors Dumbledore, and McGonagall arrived. Severus kenlt before the cat before moving to the wall. "Argus, I..." he glanced at the writing on the wall. "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately." Davina didnt budge but Mattheo dragged her along.

"Vaera!" Davina called out. She glanced back at her twin ready to make a run for it as the rest of the students headed off whispering quietly to themselves about what that could mean.

"Everyone except," albus corrected. Harry, Ron, Vaera and Hermione stopped dead in their tracks. They knew this was coming. "you four."

"Dang it." Vaera whispered turning sheepishly to him.

"Why is it always us?" Ron questioned.

"Hermione and I wouldnt have this problem." Vaera remarked. "But like idiots we keep following you two!" Hermione nodded in agreement.

"She's not dead, Argus. She has been petrified." Albus remarked.

"Ah. Thought so. So unlucky I wasn't there. I know exactly the countercurse that could've spared her." Lockhart remarked.

"Sure he could have." Vaera murmured to hermione.

"But how she has been petrified I cannot say." Albus added.

"Ask him. It's him that done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall." Filch demanded.

"It's not true, sir. I swear. I never touched Mrs. Norris." Harry begged.


"If I might, headmaster. Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, the circumstances are suspicious. I for one don't recall seeing Potter at dinner." Severus added.

"I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus. You see, Harry was helping me answer my fanmail." Lockhart agreed.

"Fan mail? Who would want to send letters to him. A waste of ravens if you ask me." Vaera told ron and nodded ins agreement while lockhart scowled back at them.

"That's why Ron, vaera and I went looking for him, Professor. We just found him when he said..." Hermione stopped herself.

"Yes, Ms. Granger?" Snape questioned. Hermione looked to vaera as she gave a small shake of her head. "Ms Targaryen?"

"When I said I wasn't hungry." Harry added quickly, "We were heading back to the common room when we found Mrs. Norris." 

"Yep." Vaera agreed. "I was hungry until I saw those spiders. Gross gave me the creeps-"

"Spiders?" Severus questioned.

"Ummm, yeah." Vaera agreed slowly not thinking that was something incriminating.

" Innocent until proven guilty, Severus." Albus agreed.

"My cat has been petrified. I want to see some punishment!"

"We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madame Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes. When matured, a potion will be made, which will revive Mrs. Norris." albus assured and Filch trembled at the thought of not having his cat with him "And in the meantime, I strongly recommend caution... to all."

"Good idea Headmaster. We will all be very cautious on the way back to the dorm." Vaera agreed grabbing Harrys arm and pulling him along. "Night professors!" Harry leaned into vaera as they walked.

"It's a bit strange isn't it?" Hermione remarked as they got to the staircase.

"Strange"?" Harry echoed.

" You hear this voice, a voice only you can hear, and then Mrs. Norris turns up petrified. It's just... strange." Hermione offered as they got back to their dorm.

"You think I should've told them, Dumbledore and the others, I mean?" Harry questioned.

"Are you mad?" Ron countered.

" No, Harry. Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign." Hermione assured before continuing on her way.

"Shes right. But i think anywhere in the world hearing voices is a bad sign. But my cousin Helaena sometimes talks in riddles and I think she hears voices... probably different though." Vaera offered.

Youngblood / (2)  Harry Potter x House of the Dragon crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now