16. Viper

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"One, two, three."

"Expelliarmus!" Severus declared. The spell blasts Lockhart across the room.

" WHOOOOOOOA!" Lockhart landed on his back, and a few students laugh at the sight as he struggled to his feet. Davina clapped out. 

"This is great!" Davina decided. 

"This seems dangerous." Vaera whispered to harry. 

"Thats because it is." Harry agreed. 

"Do you think he's all right?" Hermione questioned.

"Who cares!" Ron countered.

"An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind me saying, it was pretty obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you, it would have been only too easy." Lockhart huffed out walking towards Severus.

"Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, Professor." Severus countered with subtle smile, davina bumped her hip into Mattheo. Aemond stared back at them before locking eyes on Helaena across the way. She was scribbling in her journal again. 

"I want to see a to the death fight."  Mattheo decided. 

"Lockhart would lose." Davina assured. "Lay bleeding out before us in less than a minute." 

"Yeah wouldnt be much of a fight." Mattheo agreed. Lockhart hesitated clearly nervous before plastering a smile on his face.

"An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape. Let's have a volunteer pair. Potter, Weasley, how about you?"

"Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending Potter to the Hospital Wing in a matchbox." Severus corrected, ron took a step back. "Might I suggest someone from my own house. Malfoy, perhaps." he gestured for Draco to get on the stage.

"Good luck, Potter." Lockhart declared.

" Thank you, sir."

"Um..." Davina leaned towards the stage, pushing up on her palms to get closer to Severus. "I would gladly-"

"I know you would but this is your punishment for the fiery accident." Severus murmured.

"It was no accident." Davina chuckled dropping back down. 

"Wands at the ready." Lockhart declared. They readied their wands.

"Scared, Potter?"

"You wish." They walked back several paced and took their aim.

" On the count three, cast your charms to disarm your opponent, only to disarm. We don't want any accidents here. One, two--" Lockhart declared.

" Everte Statum!" Draco shouted flying harry backwards. Sitting up harry pointed his wand back at Draco.

" Rictusempra!" Draco was flung backwards, landing at Snape's feet. Several students laugh out as severus stared down at draco before pulling him to his feet.

"Think bigger Draco!" Davina shouted. 

"I said disarm only!" Lockhart reminded them.

"What fun is that!" Aegon shouted. "FIGHT!"

"Serpensortia!" Draco shouted with a swish of his wand and fires a cobra out of it; which then slithers along the playing field Harry lowered his wand.

"Oh, its so pretty." Vaera whispered. "Oh... I dont like how its looking at Harry." She realized. 

"Don't move, Potter. I'll get rid of it for you." Severus assured nudging Draco back.

" Allow me, Professor Snape." Lockhart corrected and snape hesitated.

"Dont allow him!" Vaera demanded. "He doesnt know what he is doing!" Severus had to agreed but Lockhart was already casting a spell. 

 "Alarte ascendare!" the snake flew into the air, then fell back down, raised its head and turns toward Harry with a hiss.

"Sya- hassa- heth." Harry hissed out. Leave them alone he thought as he spoke. "Sya- hasi- heth." Leave him alone. Severus watched suspiciously. "Sya- hasi- heth."

"What the heck is he saying?" Vaera questioned. "What is that?" 

"Parselmouth." Ron whispered. 

"Leave him alone." Aemond whispered. 

"What's that?" Davina questioned tipping her head to him but keeping her focus stuck on the snake and harry. 

"Nothing." Aemond corrected shaking his head of the weird sounds flooding his head. Leave him alone... sya- hasi... heth... 

"Oh I know I spell!" Mattheo declared jumping up. "It has to be better than Lockhart." he added. "Vipera. Evanesca" Mattheo declared confidently, Severus nodded his approval. He waved his wand, emitting a blast at the snake, causing it to burst into flame and disappear. 

"What are you playing at?!" Justine shouted. Harry took a step back frazzled. 

"I think this was the first and last dualling club." Aemond realized. 

"What a shame." Aegon agreed. "I didnt want more work anyways. I'm starving. Come on lets some pie." 

"That was awesome." Davina told Mattheo, he brushed off his shoulders proud of himself too. 

"It was impressive, Mr Strong." Severus agreed as the group cleared out. "Very impressive." 

"Thanks Professor." Mattheo agreed. "Come on, Aegon is right we need pie."

"Words I never thought I would hear you say." Davina laughed out as he wrapped an arm around her. 

"Whats that?" Mattheo countered. 

"Aegon is right."

Youngblood / (2)  Harry Potter x House of the Dragon crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now