14. Witch

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"Out of my way. Out of my way. Should've been brought straight to me. I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but growing them back..."

"You will be able to, won't you?" Vaera questioned.

" Oh, I'll be able to, certainly. But it'll be painful." Pomfrey remarked as she poured Skele-Gro into a glass. "You're in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business." She handed the glass of Skele-Gro to Harry; he drank it, then, disgusted by the taste of it, spit it out and winced "Well, what do you expect, pumpkin juice?"

"The rest of you, off to bed." She instructed ushering them off, Vaera stared longingly back at Harry. 

"I hate to pry but... we have been having some..." Severus didnt know how to say it.

"What?" Daemon demanded. 

"Dont take the girls out of school." 

"Really bad start, Severus." Daemon growled. 

"Students have been getting petrified, we will be able to revive them-"

"What!" Daemon shouted. 

"What are you doing down here Vaera? I thought you would be doting over Harry all night." Davina mused. 

"Madam Pomfrey kicked us out. I wanted to see father again, is he still here?" Vaera questioned. 

"He's shouting at Severus, no doubt ready to threaten to pull us out of school... again." Davina offered. Vaera pulled her to Severus chambers. 

"Who was the girls mother?" Severus questioned. 

"What?" Daemons tone softened. 

"Whatever is doing this is attacking muggle borns. YOu are a muggle."

"I am." Daemon agreed recalling Davina and Vaera telling him what that meant. 

"But if the girls mother was a witch- if you know then they have nothing to fear." Severus declared. "Do you know-"

"She was magical." Daemon agreed stiffly. 

"She was?" Davina questioned. Daemon turned to them sucking in a sharp breath. 

"Who was she?" Vaera added. "Please! You never tell us anything about her!" 

"She was a witch, she was beautiful and I...  are you sure they are safe?" Daemon questioned. 

"They are not fully muggle born this curse won't touch them." Severus agreed. 

"You can stay..." Daemon grumbled. 

"We werent leaving, did you see Vaera on the pitch today? She blew up a bludger, just like that to save harry." Davina remarked. "Think about the magic we can do when we are older and protect westeros!" 

"Okay." Daemon agreed hugging them. 

"Tell us about mum." Vaera begged holding tight to him. 


"Please daddy!" Vaera begged, his girls pleaded with him. 

"She is... magical, from the first moment I met her, she said she was looking for an adventure and thought westeros was a fun place to land." Daemon smiled softly at the memory. "I thought she was drunk when she asked where she was, but I understood given time that she wasnt from our world. She always promised me she would bring me back here one day." Daemon admitted. "But..."

"We came and ruined your great love story." Vaera sobbed out. Daemon held her closer, Severus inched back not wanting to intrude on a personal family moment but this was his apartments within Hogwarts. 

"No baby, you and your sister are my greatest gift, the reason I breathe." Daemon corrected, tears in his eyes threatening to spill out as Vaera's dripped down her face freely. "Sweetie... I'm glad you get to share this with your mother, that you get to have this piece of her.... but you two had a busy day..." Daemon added. "It's past your curfew no doubt. I will see you both soon."

"I love you." The girls echoed hugging him again. 

"I love you." Daemon declared looking between them. He sighed turning to the fire place. "I got more floo powder for all your games Dav." He added. "I will see you both soon." And with that, he was gone. 

Vaera stayed with Davina that night, they smashed together in the bed but Vaera didnt want to make the long trek back to her own common room and they had so much to talk about, their mother was magical. They knew a little bit more about their mother. 

"He didnt tell us her name." Davina realized. Vaera thought back if he said it but he didnt.

"Dang it." Vaera muttered. 

The next morning vaera went to check on harry, she had so much to tell him but harry had news for her too. 

"Dracos house elf has been trying to kill me." Harry whispered. 

"What!" Vaera demanded. Harry hushed her. "What?" She whispered. 

"He sent the bludger after me, and shut the passage on the hogwarts express, he disappeared but he claimed he only meant to maim me."

"Well thats not so reassuring." Vaera remarked.  

"I think it has something to do with he who shall not be named." Harry admitted. 

"You think he is taking mud bloods?"

"Thats why you have to be protected you have to be careful-"

"I'm not a mudblood Harry." Vaera corrected. "I spoke to my father. He told us that our mother was a witch."

"Thats great Vaera, you are safe, from this at least." Harry hugged her and she hoped he never let go. 

Youngblood / (2)  Harry Potter x House of the Dragon crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now