28. Bridges Burn

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"I suppose this is goodbye again." Draco remarked.

"Yep." Davina agreed nonchalantly. "See you in the fall!"

"Wait Davina," draco reached out a hand for her.  Holding her hand he brought her hand to his lips

"What are you doing?" Davina countered pulling back. He was trying to be romantic. 

"I feel like we have something really special and-"

"Draco. Im going to stop you there." Davina corrected shifting Killers carrier. "My father would probably burn you alive if he knew you were trying to kiss me. Even if it was just my hand. I like you. We are friends. But I am not allowed to date."

"Oh... no problem... will you tell me when you are allowed to date?" Draco pondered.

"My father says when im 30." Davina answered.

"Thats just something parents say." Draco assured her.

"You want to risk my fathers literal dragon?" Davina countered. Draco cowered back. Severus chuckled leaning against the wall. "see you in a few moons." Davina assured.

"Yeah, bye." Draco agreed. "Wait!" She spun back around. "Do you want to come to the manor this year? I..." He held out his address and pulled out a pouch of floo powder. "I know its hard to get to... London from westeros but your father comes through the-" Davina grabbed it smiling. 

"Thank you Draco. Is it okay if I bring Aemond and Vaera with?" Davina questioned. 

"Yes!" Draco declared. "Bring anyone, you can stay as long as you want." Draco added. "Just pop in anytime." 

"Cool." Davina agreed. "Thanks, see you soon then."

"Awesome." Draco agreed. Davina turned around to see a smirking Severus. 

"What?" Davina questioned as she approached severus.

"Your family already went through. Except for vaera." Severus answered.

"Whats that look?" Davina corrected putting a hand on her hip.

"There are easier ways to reject a boy than to tell him a dragon will burn him alive." Severus answered.

"But none quite as fun." Davina challenged. "You met Caraxes. Hes a temperamental little beast. You also met my overprotective father."

"True enough."

"I have never been so sad for summer." Vaera declared hugging Hermione. 

"Me too, but I always hated summer break." Hermione admitted. 

"See you soon Vaera! Bring back a dragon for us." Ron suggested. 

"Dont burn any literal bridges while im gone!"  Vaera shouted. 

"We will leave the burning to you, Targaryen." Ron assured.

"You crashed a flying car." Vaera corrected.

"Yeah well... come back so we dont get into trouble." Ron suggested. Vaera giggled. 

"I think we got in enough trouble together." Vaera countered.  She moved to Harry next. "You could come to westeros with us." Vaera whispered. Harry debated it. "I know you dont like your aunt and uncle... my father wouldnt mind. It would be fun." Vaera assured. "I dont want to miss you all summer." she whispered. Harry took a step closer and kissed her cheek, Vaera blushed. 

"I would love to." Harry agreed. 

"I want to go to westeros." Ron whined. "But my parents would never allow it." 

"You really would?" Vaera squealed. 

"You were serious right?" Harry questioned. 

"YES!" Vaera declared grabbing his hand. "Come on!" 

"Ms. Vaera," Severus countered. 

"This is great. Kings landing, westeros." Vaera instructed. 

"Kings landing, westeros." Harry repeated, she nodded heading through the fireplace. 

"Ms-" Severus hesitated as Harry went through as well. "Not my problem." Severus murmured. "Have a good summer princess." 

"I will, feel free to pop by any time you want."

"You are not going to be at malfoy manor?" Severus countered. 

"I will raven you if I am." Davina assured with a wink before she was gone to. 

"My girls!" Daemon declared but his smile fell seeing not Davina but a boy staring back at him. "Who the hell is this?"

Youngblood / (2)  Harry Potter x House of the Dragon crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now