Great CaptainUssop

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Jack pov

Right now I'm keeping watch while having one ear bud in as everyone else is asleep. After defeating buggy everything was the same. Me luffy and yamato arguing. Or is four or now five talking about the future and training in our spare time. I'm trying to break down Nami barrier little by little and I think zoro notice that her and Nami were moving towards me even when I was sleeping. From just looking at him I could tell that he thought it wasn't important.

Yamato also started to see her be very distant. That's no surprise considering that she also have haki. She tries not to speak upon it but she knows that Nami is acting and is still afraid but doesn't know of what. Sigh that's one of the things of being a reincarnator, that's bad.

I can see Nami begin to toss and turn probably having nightmares of Arlong, that's when she woke up out of nowhere.

Nami: "Don't do it!!!!!"

"Chill chill relax. Just a nightmare."

Nami: "..... I can't sleep anymore."

"You alright."

Nami: "Yeah."

"Did it have something to do with Arlong?" I said and Nami was shocked how I knew him. Time to play the dumb guy part. That's when there was a frown on her face and agitated look on her face.

Nami: "How do you know him?!"

"There is a thing called sleep talk you know."

Nami: "Oh..." she said and clenched her fist tightly.

"Don't know what's going on between you and this Arlong but if you need someone to talk about it I'm here." Pun not intended. "Or yamato she's a good person to talk to even though she doesn't look like it."

Yamato: "You two are so loud!" I heard her voice and watched as the oni sat up and cutely yawn. Rubbing her eyes and stretched her limbs. "Alright jack it's my turn, you can get some sleep."

No pov

As jack feel asleep on yamato lap she started to play with his hair.

Nami: "Hey what the relationship between you and Jack?"

Yamato: "We're dating."

Nami: "How long have you two been together?"

Yamato: "Technically I've only meet him nine months prior. But we started dating when I was 15 and he was 14. So we been dating together for three years now."

That's when Yamato told here their story before coming to east-blue. After her father killed his and then taking him and torturing for nine months before he threw him in the same prison. Then they were able to escape and being picked up by the marines that were in the middle of an ocean which was led by luffy grandpa. Nami shocked and even at a loss of words to what both have been through.

Comparing her backstory to theirs  now given the strength to tell her. What happened to her mother what Arlong did to her sister and village. That's why she trying to get 100million berries to buy back her village. Yamato shocked as she didn't know our backstories is not so different.

Yamato: "I wont say anything and I will try to block it out so Jack won't know. But you know you could always ask for help."

Nami: "Jack already has a burden on his shoulders and I don't want to put more on him, but I'll remind myself of it."

Nami: "He looks cute when he's sleeping." She said then realized what she said and covered her mouth who just looked and smile at her.

Yamato: "I don't mind sharing him."

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