History of Max D.Sparrow

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Before there was Max D. Sparrow his name was Akiro Yamada. His father Bakiro rose and became a daimyo by exposing the plot of the Kurozumi clan which wanted to kill the other Diamoys so orochi father can be Shogun. That caused them to rule over the land of Kuroi. His mother was a pirate that washed up to the land of Wano and he inherited the name of D.

Akiro felt trapped in Wano and managed to leave Wano and took the pirate name Max Sparrow and traveled the seas with his ship called the Black Pearl. He then made a name himself after a few months when a rising marine was the quickest to become an Amdrial taking down more than one-thousand pirates ships in a few months. The two encountered and fought a battle that could determine the fate of the pirates max won and people called him the strongest man alive. Eventually he meet the young dragon princess and fought a hard battle and won. Then during one of his adventures he encountered Garp and Sengoku  after they tried to trap him and his crew but he escaped while winning the fight. Four years later meeting and clashing with white beard pirates, and surprised to see his friend oden who he assumed finally managed to escape also join a pirate crew. Because of this Whitebeard thought it was attacked and the two fought and he won. After that a few weeks later he meet Roger along with Whitebeard.he had a son named Jack Sparrow, alternate name Kanshiro Yamada.

A/N: During the four years he had Kanshiro

Because of his observation haki he felt like he had a bad omen in Wano. And decided to split the crew three years after that for their safety and return to Wano only to find out orochi rose to power. Learning his grandfather was killed leaving his older sister and nephew alive. Enraged he charged towards the former Kozuki castle  but was stopped by Kaido and his beast Pirates.

As he was about to take victory as it lasted for three days one of the beast pirates took a samurai of  his hostage causing Kaido to win the battle.

A/N: I decided to add the chubu region of Japan and place it next to Kuri. It will be called Kyion, and the village that's called Amigasa will be part of the Kuri region.

Timeline Chart

Akiro was born during the years 1460

At the age of four during the year of 1469 Akiro father discovered the plot to kill the other daiymaos to control Wano. This allowed them to become the daiymao of Kuri. This Started a blood feud between the two and Kurozumi Orochi held a grudge ever since then.

At the age of fifteen during 1480 Kozuki Oden and Shirotosuki Akiro became best friends and during argument which started the harem war.

At the age of twenty during 1485 Akiro felt trapped and decided to leave Wano and became the legendary pirate known as Max Sparrow.

At the age of twenty one during 1486 a year after he battled the Admrial Captian Salazar and won . Following that Incident teaming up with gold Roger and Garp at god valley who he would clash with later.

Four years later at the age of twenty five during 1490 he clashed with Whitebeard.Year 1491 later Akinu was tasked with tracking down Akiro, then after he failed was Kizaru which also failed. Akiro meet the dragon princess and they fought to which he won and he didn't disagree with.

During the four years Kanshiro Yamada alternate name Jack Sparrow was born. After visiting the ryugu kingdom the dragon princess had to leave because of things happening back home leaving her   two year old son behind. 1492

Three years later sengoku and garp teamed up to take down Akiro but failed. 1495

A year after 1496 Akiro was surprised to see His friend oden apart of the Whitebeard pirates and white beard re-fought with him because he thought it was an ambush along with the fact that Roger came.

Akiro had a bad omen which turned out to be after he disbanded the Motely Crew and found out that Orochi have taken control of Wano along with the beast pirate Kaido. He then found out that he was hunting down his family which enraged him and fought against Orochi and his clan until Kaido showed and had a battled that lasted for three days with his retainers until his defeat, and death.

A/N: Yamato will be born in 1490 but when the main canon starts she will be eighteen while Jack will be seventeen. Then after the two year timeskip she will twenty and Jack will nineteen.

Momomuske will be 20 years old

And Hiyori will be 18 years old.

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