Enter The Grand Line

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Jack pov

After we finally defeated Arlong and with a tearful goodbye from the villagers to Nami where on our way to the grand line. Right now Jack is  laying in a cabin with Yamato and Nami. That's when Jack kissed her lips and they tasted like strawberries. When Jack  got kissed by Nami and she tasted like oranges.

Nami: "You know if I knew if I was going to be sharing cabins with you two. At least warn before hand so I don't have to smell the scent of sex." She says as Jack and yamato just chuckle.

Yamato: "Hehe if that the case then why don't you just join."

Nami: "Yamato!"

Yamato: "Kidding."

"Yare Yare Daze. So we're heading off to the grand line right?"

Nami: "Yeah but we're stopping by the town of the beginning and end."

"....." It's the town where Gold D Roger was born and executed. That's when Nami saw my reaction.

Nami: "What's wrong."

"I don't think I've ever seen my father that upset when the news reached to wano about his death."

Yamato: "Hey now let's not focus on the bad things. Nami we need to go to that town for supplies right?"

Nami: "Yup." She says then that's when we hear luffy laugh really loud and we see him happy.

Yamato: "What's happening?"

Luffy: "alright let's go! Hey guys look at our bounty!"

Luffy: "alright let's go! Hey guys look at our bounty!"

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