Update on dragons

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In human form dragons are taller than humans as they can regulate their size to anything they choose.

Dragons are born in lava and so is the egg. After a few months with their tough skin becomes resistant to lava. Gaining their own element, they are able to absorb lava as a recharge.

You can beat a dragon depending on your haki but dragons have extreme stamina and if enraged powers up even more but when poisoned regular poison doesn't work because of regeneration. The most potent poison is called dragonbane.

For regeneration if regular poison isn't strong enough or drug for any type then it's able to clear the system like it wasn't there at all. Or if they cut off a body type they can regenerate it and the poison is gone. But if overworked can slow it down.

A/N: Found this from something called dragon book.

In order to use dragonbane first take the scale of the dragon want to kill, second three drops of mercury, finally add one gallon of any type of poison then boil it for one month and keep it hot for use.

As for the regeneration factor it is powerful enough to regenerate limbs but it can be worn down. Dragons can develop their regeneration based on their desire. Dragonbane can slow down the regeneration and kill them in the end.

Dragon also have magic which for reference the black pearl is how it being kept in a necklace.

Types of dragon: Fire dragon:Breathe fire or manipulate it which is common.

Water Dragon: manipulate ice and water which is rare.

Wind Dragon: manipulate wind

lightning dragon: manipulate lightning

Ice dragon: Manipulate ice

Lifespan: Can live up to over thousands of years and as time goes they naturally get stronger. And if they have any mates they to get the life span and their own element. If a dragon ate a devil fruit they cannot swim in water in their human form they can glide in the water with their wings. They're able to breathe because of their high lung capacity for when they need to breathe their own element or absorb it.


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