Black Foot Sanji

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Jojo narrator pov

As it was now Kuro plan to finally take action meeting his former mate who was Jango the hypnotist. Jack purposefully got hypothesized while luffy and yamato didn't, after overhearing kuro plan then forced the three fall off a cliff making everyone believe they were dead. They are unaware that there alive thanks to yamato and luffy devil fruit power and jack dragon skin.

Because nobody will belive Usopp he allows him to escape proving it to be true when he reached the village. Then tying to warn kaya, but she thinks that's he is trying to kidnap her so she arms herself chasing him away.

The strawhtd aware of the situation helps Usopp sets traps. Then that night Kuro revealed his true identity to merry  before attacking him. Kuro ship plus crew arrived the next day believing there would be no resistance.

The Straw Hat crew got the wrong beach because of Usopp false assumption of the area where Kuro and mango met each other, being unaware that it was at another beach.

This caused Usopp and Nami to fight alone because luffy and zoro got lost jack and Yamato  stuck in the oil slick trap and Nami used them as a result to get out for an desperate attempt to make sure the black cat pirates didn't get her treasure, which was on their boats.

Yamato calling dibs on kicking kuros ass called but couldn't as the two were about to be killed but zoro and luffy arrived to fight off Kuro crew. Jango hypnotizes them to make them belive there strong increasing their strength but also Yamato accidentally.

Jango forced to let her to sleep after making her a bigger threat stopped her but also knocked out the crest of the crew. This was a good thing but the bad news was yamato fell asleep while holding the ships stempots which is now on top of her.

While this is happening Kaya finds merry and he tells her his true plans revealing klahadore identity to be actually Kuro. Realizing Usopp was telling the truth and was wrong she heads out to find and talk to him.

Usopp crew figure out about his lie and that pirates are attacking the village and notice Kaya walking out of it and begin to follow her.

Jango then summons the ships guards who are the nyaban brothers by buchi and sham who fights Aha just zoro. Underestimating them causing him to be downed to one sword which makes it difficult for him to beat them.z

Zoro prevents Usopp from by taking a hit by his lead star preventing him getting into the fight. Jack, luffy fighting off the black cat pirates. Kuro appears disgusted at the fact that the black cat pirates are getting beaten by mere children giving the brother drive minutes before he kills everyone.

Jack decided to finish this by kicking zoro sword to him allowing him to defeat the brothers. Buchi survives the attack and gets hypnotized increase his strength making him a bigger threat to zoro.

Nami went to yamato side and tries to walk her up but Jango intervenes and tried to stop her with his hypnosis. At the last second Nami steps on yamato face getting her up in time to stop jango hypnosis.

Kaya finally arrives and intervenes by holding Kuro to a gunpoint making him remember the fun times, however kuro reveals it was all a facade, and only cared about her money. Kaya shock at this causes her to drop the gun, and Usopp tries to defend Kaya, but Kuro injures him badly makes him unable to fight. Kuro attacked by Usopp crew who arrived but he easily defeated them.

Usopp order his crew to take Kaya to safety, and the three boys does it. Kuro sends Jango after them leading him into a forest. Zoro fight is finished with buchi then goes to help rescue the boys and Kaya. Because Usopp can't move zoro have to carry him and navigate through the forest.

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