The fall of Arlong Park

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Luffy/Jack/Yamato/: "Which one of you is arrolong park?" The three of them asked in rage after kicking down the door. It seems to be some kind of weird swimming pool.

Arlong: "Arlong? It just happens to be my name."

"ORA!" He said then in instant he was sent flying to the wall on the other side.

Fishmen: "Arlong!" Yelled before they moved towards jack with anger in their eyes at what he just did.

Yamato: "And where do you think your going?"

Fishmen: "Out of the way!" They yelled and threw a punch at yamato only for his eyes to wide when she caught with his fist. Yamato smirked darkly before stepping forward.

Yamato: "Have it your way!" She drove her fist into the fist men chin knocking him off his feet before she pulled him back then slamming him on the ground hard cracking the concrete beneath him. This action caused the other Fishmen to freeze at this.

Then the crew moved in to attack Arlong pirates. Preventing them from joining in the fight.

Kuroobi: "Knew Nami was a traitor all along." He growled looking at luffy, jack and the others.

Arlong: "That's just fine since i was thinking of ways to kill you." He  said getting up from the bricks that I punched him through until hatch extended his arms. He looks to see as his three underlings came forward.

Hatchan: "If you fight them it well destroy Arlong park." He said in  exaggeration waving his six arms in the air.

Luffy: "Shishishi." As he started to laugh causing Usopp and Sanji to look at him.

Usopp: "Why are you laughing don't you know they got us out number!"

Luffy: "I was thinking about how many more points I'm going to get and be  higher than yamato and Jack."

"Yeah right your never going to catch up to me."

Yamato: "But I just took out the big one so our points right now are 40-25-18."

"Well I already dibs on him. He's going to pay for making Nami cry."

Arlong: "You must not know that we fish human are the strongest in the entire east-blue!" He said causing Yamato and luffy to look at him.

"Hahahaha!" I started to laugh at his declaration.

Arlong: "What's so funny brat?"

"The title of the strongest belongs to me!"he said and Hatchan begins to laugh.

Hatchan: "You really are a idiot. Arlong don't need to deal with people like you. But we know how to deal with you lot. He said before turning to face the ocean and letting out sounds that sounded like a trumpet from his mouth. Then the villagers arrived at this moment.

At that moment the waters of the pool began to quake and the ground shake making the villages afraid of what's coming.

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