Pirate Hunter Zoro

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After getting chewed out by yamato for wasting time I decided to listen to my walkman as twenty minutes passed. As it was enough time for us not to be followed anymore.

Yamato: "So koby who is this ronoa zoro and is everybody keep brining him up?"

Koby: "The last time I heard about him was that he was in Shells Town. Why?"

Yamato: "Are you able to take us there."

Koby: "Man I have bad feeling that your planning on seeing him please don't tell me it's true." He complained staring at the three of us. Our blank look said it all. "Guess there was no point in us arguing. There is a marine base so it would benefit all of us."

Luffy: "Alright let's go." A few hours later we finally made it to shell town and I took off my ear buds. And they said listening to music for hours is bad for your health.

The town was small and simple but it was filled with life and a massive marine base looming over the top. Getting out of it eyes were instantly on us. Although luffy and Yamato had no idea why but I did.

Luffy: "Finally we made it!" We began walking the crisscross streets as yamato turned to koby.

Yamato: "So where can we find this zoro guy?" Then the whole mood of the town shifted as I can feel it thanks to haki into fear. And Yamato notices as well. But I guess you don't need haki for this.

Koby: "He must be really bad. If anything we should find the marine known axe hand Morgan." He said and the people were flabbergasted and began to scatter. Luffy and Yamato began to laugh but I had a serious look on my face.

Yamato/Luffy: "This town is funny!"

Koby: "Why would they fear Morgan? I understand zoro but why him? That pretty strange. Hey looks like we found the base."

Standing at the largest entrance of the building that luffy or king had ever seen. Me and yamato was not phased as our home was bigger than this after all. And including when I was just a child traveling with my father and Roger.

"Seen bigger."

Luffy: "Lucky!"

This marine base was a large cylinder, painted blue and white stripes. Navy coat of arms hung over the enteryway, looking up movement can be seen on the roof. Outer area was massive as it had training grounds to one side of the base over a sizable portion of the land. The building was surrounded by walls to all sides with gates on the intent leading between the training ground and main base.

As we climbed the small exterior of the wall, we gazed the courtyard until we spotted zoro. He has a black Banda covering his eyes, wearing a white tee-shirt with green pants.

Yamato: "He stronger than most of the people of this place so why is he allowing himself to be hanged up here?"

Luffy: "I don't know but if that the case let's go find out." Luffy was about to go as koby tried to stopped him but a little girl appeared in the right of a a small ladder, she scampered and ran to zoro.

Zoro recognizing her yelled something but the smile that the girl had said it all that she was not afraid of him. Opening a small cloth revealing it to be two rice balls giving it to him. It looked like she intended to feed him but he argued as both yamato and I sensed three new people appeared from behind the interior and we instantly had a bad mood on our faces.

The two marines were nothing intriguing just the standard clothes. However it was the man who had a weird style hair a haircut worst than kid Gohan. Feeling off the arrogance coming off him filled with amusement and with how his energy was she instantly came up with conclusions of to how zoro ended like this.

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