Old memories return. Buggy the clown

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Jack pov

Being tied up is the worst as it just making me think of the times when kaido hanged me up from a cliff one and had his ganged dropped me because of my dragon skin I was able to survive. Right now I'm walking with Nami or feels like Nami walking me like a dog. Stupid Black Maria freaking kaido send me off to her to make me more "docile". Trying to ignore the memories of me being tortured and focus on the now, pole the anime the plan was for me to be brought to them and act like I was her "boss" even though I can kick buggy ass and his crew she still wasn't sure and didn't want to take any chances since I revealed that he used to sail with Gold D Roger.

I accidentally snapped at her after she was bad mouthing roger. But it's not her fault as she doesn't know him personally.

As we approached the bar a lookout called from the roof.

Man: "Captian Buggy! It's the girl! She returned with someone else!" A bunch of circus theme pirates came and quickly circle around us making sure that we "can't" escape.

Man2: "Now what do we do captian?"

Man 3: "I say we should kill them and be done with it!" The third call out.

???: "Everyone that's enough. Stand down!" A voice called out. The people near the doorway moved out of the way and a new one appeared he was wearing the traditional pirate wear which is also mixed with a clown theme. Having an orange captian jacket on his back, his head which was the pirate cap the same color. The most interesting figure was his bright red nose.
And the memories came back from him being with gold d Roger ship and including my father. So I would say the same thing that I always said when I saw him.

"Red Nose Reindeer been a while!" I said as his pirates were stunned knowing how he was going to react.

Buggy: "And just who the hell are you. Making fun of my nose are you then your asking for a death wissh!"

"It has been many years since you last saw me. I bet you never expected me to turn out like this. The name is Jack...... Jack Sparrow!" I said shocking him.

Man 4: "Boss you know this kid?"he said and from his annoyed face and remember the times I made fun of his red nose. Huh he really does want to kill me now.

Buggy: "Girlie you better have a good reason for coming back here. As far as I knows he's your boss why shouldn't I kill you!"

Nami: "I want to come aboard! As he treated me like crap because of the bonehead he was, now I decide to give him up to you. So please let me join your pirate crew!" She said and holding a sea chart she stolen for a peace offering.

Buggy Pirates: "WHAT?!" Voices  of resentment called out questioning her and that she was an enemy and can not be questioned.

Buggy: "Be Quiet!" He said and turned back to Nami. "You did well, I always wanted to have my revenge on this brat. Why not, welcome aboard! Men today we celebrate!" He said and cheered loudly excited at the thought of another party.

Meanwhile Nami had different ideas in her head. With him being distracted she will be able to get the chart back, and get the hell out of here.

As I sighed at being put in another cage unfortunately I can't listen to music so I just space out and thinking about future plans. That was until the food and drinks came out and I could not ignore my stomach any longer.

They were feasting, dining and dancing with multiple circus act and cheery music to help celebrate the even. As it was taking place on top of the bar the tables set with food and booze lined up with every way you can think of. I see Nami taking a seat next to buggy while giggling and sipping after each drink. She drinks were weak so she kept a pace on how much she was drinking then got up and made her way over to me.

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