Im the strongest there is

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Jack pov

After everyone got their seat and now waiting for luffy as he getting chewed out by zeff.

???: "What the hell! Not again Sanji! What do you think your doing." Patty called out to him and we all turned around.

Patty: "Don't you see he's a marine lietutant?!"

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Patty: "Don't you see he's a marine lietutant?!"

Sanji: "Your the worse cook here. What gives you the right to talk to me like that."

Patty: "A shitty cook like you calling me bad? You know restaurants aren't able to exist without customers. And you beating them up will make that happen!"

Sanji: "He deserves it. Not treating food and me with respect. Plus he insulted all the cooks." Well that true your supposed to be respecting the one giving you food so he's completely in the right here.

Fullbody: "All of you are going to regret this. I'll shut you down, you hear me. This restaurant is finished!"

Sanji: "Perhaps you should be the one who finished right now." He says and begins to walk towards but is held down by the other cooks.


Then everyone except me looks shock to see zeff and luffy come down crashing onto the floor.

Luffy: "Finally air again."

Zeff: "Not again damn it! My ceiling have to get fixed again. This your fault brat!"

Luffy: "You attacked me so how's it my fault!"

Patty: "Boss! Help us out and stop messing around. Sanji doing it again!"

Sanji: "Shut up old man!"

Zeff: "Oho. Your giving me orders now boy! Watch who your talking to other wise I will put you at the bottom of the sea!" He says then kicks him and Fullbody laughs. "And then you. Get the hell out of my restaurant." He also kicks Fullbody out.

Patty: "Why do you deny our motto that the customer is king?!"

Sanji: "It because the only time when customers who you call king can eat the shit you call food!"

Zeff: "If you two want to fight take it to the kitchen you both understand me!"

Marine: "Lie-Lieutenant Fullbody! There's trouble."

Luffy: "What a crazy restaurant."

Marine: "The prisoner escaped sir. The  hench men  of Pirate Krieg escaped and disappeared!"

Fullbody: "What. How?!"

Marine: "Sir we already lost seven men, the only thing now is we want him finding krieg."

Fullbody: "Your not making any sense. When we caught him three days ago he's right on the verge of death from starvation. How did he get the strength." You can do a lot when your on the point of starvation I should know that too well.

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