Chapter 1

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[Anna rounds the corner to find herself surrounded by Dudley's gang.]
Dudley: Oh, it's you.
Gang thug #1: What should we do with her, Big D?
Everyone glares at them.
[Anna laughs.]
Anna: Big D? Cool, but to me you'll always be ikkle Duddicums.
People chuckle.
"Don't antagonise them." Said Lily.
Dudley: Shut up! [One of Dudley's gang steps in as if to puch Anna. Anna glares at him. The gang member pauses, than steps back again.]
Dudley: Ooh, tough girl! Not so taugh in your bed, are you?
Anna: What? [Mrs. Figg stands up and goes to the edge of her porch.]
Mrs. Figg: Boys! You go home now or i'll be calling your parents! [They pause and edge away from Anna.]
Dudley: I heard you talking in your sleep, last night. "No, Don't kill Cedric, don't kill Cedric. Dad, help me, heeeelp me! He's going to kill me! Boohoo!"
[Dudley gang laughes.]
People glare at them.
"Stupid pig!" Muttered James.
Anna: Shut up, Dudley. I'm warning you...
Dudley: Why should i? [Anna whips out her wand and points at Dudley.]
Anna: Because if you don't, i'll turn you into the idiot pig you are! [Dudley's gang laughes, Dudley, on the other hand, is terrified.]
"No. You can't use magic outside the school!" Said Lily.
Dudley: (terrified) Don't point that thing at me!
Anna: Not so brave now, Are you Duddykins? Now tell your little friends to go away! [Duddly quievers, than finally complies.]
Dudley: G-go home!
Gang member #3: What?
Dudley: Get out of here! [Suddenly nervous, they run and edge away. Soon vanishing into night. Anna tightened her grip oh her wand, glaring fourteen years of hatred and rage at Dudley.]
Anna: Don't you ever speak about that again, You understand?
Dudley: Don't point that thing at me!
Anna: I SAID, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! [Suddemly, a cold wind blows through the street, causing everyone to shiver.]
"What's happening?" Asked Remus.
"It's her?!" Asked Evan.
[Anna exhales and her breath is tinged woth frost. The street lights flicker, die, and frost over. Dudley is turning in a circle, terrified.]
Dudley: What's happening?
"It's not her." Answered Barty.
Anna: Quiet! [The stars go out, plunging them into darkness. Dudley yells in fear. Anan turns to the end of the street, Gliding as smooth as death over the street, tattered robes drifting in the wind, comes a Dementor.]
Anna: Dudley! Run! [She turns, grabs her cousin by the arm and drags him down an alleway. Beyond the mouth of the alleway is the next street, and Number four, Privet Drive.]
Anna: Come on! [They break into a run. A dementor drifts into the alleway in front of them.]
"What is dementor doing there?!" Yelled James.
[Skidding to a stop, Anna turned around, to see the other dementors cutting off the way back. Anna spots a fire escape ladder, leading onto the roof of the house. She taps Dudley on the back, and starts to point to it, when Dudley turns and punches Anna in the jaw.]
"That idiot!" Yelled Sirius.
[Dazed, Anna stumbles backwards and falls to her back. Her glasses slide from her face. Her wand clatters away from her. Crying, Dudley runs away from Anna, running toward the first dementor.]
Anna: Dudley, No!
Lily watches horrified.
[Anna feels the ground for her glasses, but can't find them. Her hands scrabble on the ground in desperation.]
Anna: Lumos! [Three feet away from him, her wand lights up. Anna snatches it up and turns. The dementor closes the distance to Anna swiftly, and is suddenly right before her. She raises her wand.]
Anna: Expecto Patronum! [A whisp of misty light prodrudes from the tip of his wand, but not enough. Anna stiffens and gasps. The dementore closes in for the kill.]
Everyone looks at her worried.
Voldemort(V.O): Bow to death, Anna...
Lily Potter(V.O.): Annnnnaaaaaa!... [Anna falls onto her back, and the dementor closes the distance. Dudley screams in the black. Anns glances at him. Dudley is on his back, hands pulled apart by the other dementor, and the great cloacked head lowered to deliver the kiss. Anna raises her wand in desperation.]
Anna: Expecto Patronum! [There is blinding exposion of light as Anna's patronus bursts forth, blasting the demtors backwards and away. The light intesifies, pulsating from Anna's wand, expanding to fill the alley with wave after pulsing wave of pure light.]
"She's okay." Sighted out Lily.
[The dementors flee. The stars and street lamps flicker to life again. Dudley lays on the ground wimpering and shaking. Footsteps from behind Anna. She turns wand at the ready, to see uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia running up to her. She starts to lower it. But they're staring dumbfounded into the sky, watching the dementors soar away.]
Vernon: What the hell are those?
"He can see?" Asked surprised Lily.
"I thought only witches or wizards could see them." Said confused Regulus.
Anna: Dementors. [Petunia kneels on the ground next to Dudley.]
Petunia: What happened Duddikins? [Vernon turns on Anna, who hastily lowers her wand.]
Vernon: What the hell is dementoid? [Petunia seizes Dudley and attemps to look into his mouth.]
Petunia: They didn't--?
Anna: No. [Vernon shoves a large finger at Anna.]
"Stop pointing at my daughter befire i break your finger!" Said Lily.
Vernon: I want some answers!
Anna: We were attacked.
Vernon: By those... things?
Anna: They're evil. If they get a chance, they'll suck your soul out through your mouth.
Petunia: They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban. [Vernon and Anna look dumbfounded.]
Vernon: How do you know that? [Petunia shakes her head, looking panicky. Vernon helps Dudley unsteadily to his feet, patting him on the shoulder.]
Vernon: Fought them off, eh, Dud? Gave them the old one-two?
People rolled their eyes at him.
Anna: You can't give a dementor old one-two.
Vernon: Why is he all right then?
Anna: Because i used magic to save his life! [The street-light die, pluning the street into darkness. Several cloacked figure appear around them on the street. The Dursleys yell in surprise. They move closer. Anna stands, brandishing her wand.]
Anna: Lumos! [Ten wizards stand around them, wands out. Mad-eye Moody, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shaklebolt, Elphias Doge, Dedalus Diggle, Emmeline Vance, Strugis and Hestia Jones.]
Vernon: Who are all you lot?
Mad-eye: Quiet, Dursley!
Barty, Regulus and Evan glared at him.
Lupin: Anna, douse the light. We're exposed here.
Anna: (nodded) Nox. [Darkness returns to the street, which is now lit only by the light of the moon.]
Anna: What are you doing here?
Lupin: We're your advanced guard, Anna. Dumbledore just sent us as soon as he heard about the attack. We're taking you to safety. We're just waiting for the all clear.
"How did he hear so fast?" Asked Sirius.
Anna: How'd it know? It just happened!
Lupin: You didn't think Dumledore would just let you wander around on your own, did you? [Lupin indicates Tonks.]
Lupin: I don't believe you have met Nymphadora Tonks. [She smiles at her.]
"Tonks? Didn't the man Andromeda married was Tonks?" Asked Sirius. Narcissa nodded, looking at her niece.
Lupin: Tonks, would you go get Anna's broom from the house? [She nods and departs. Anna looks at Lupin.]
Anna: What's been going on? What's Vol- [Three of the advanced guard jump.]
Moody: We aren't talking about it here, It's too risky.
Regulus agreed about that, but he, Barty and Evan still kept glaring at Moody.
[Moody's eye stuck backwards in his head.]
Moody: Blast it. [He pulls his eye from it's socket with horrible sucking sound.]
"Ew." Said Sirius.
Tonks: Mad-eye, dear, you do realise, it's digusting?
Moody: I want 365 degree visibility on the return trip.
Anna: How are we getting there?
Lupin: Brooms. [Red sparks fly into the air in the distance. Tonks returns with the broom, handing it to Anna.]
Kingsley: There's the first signal.
Moody: Right, let's go.
Lupin: On your broom, Anna. [Moody is moving around them.]
Moody: Form up! Form up around Anna. Make it snappy. [The advanced guard surrounds Anna.]
Moody: We'll be flying in close-quarters formation. Tonks will be right in front of you, keep close to her at all times. (Pause.) Don't stop, and whatever you do, Don't break formation. If any of us are killed, the rest of you, keep flying. (Pause.) If that were to happen, the survivors, fly to the east. The rear guard is standing by. They will find you.
"It might really happen?" Asked worried Lily.
"He's just paranoid." Comforted James.
Tonks: Stop being so cheerful, Mad-eye.
Moody: We must be ready. This would be the perfect moment for Voldemort to strike Anna.
Anna: Uh. Is that very likely?
Kingsley: No one's going to die. [Blue sparks blast into the sky.]
Lupin: There's the second signal!
Moody: Mount your brooms, everyone. Here we go! [Seconds later, There is an explosion of green sparks in the sky.]
Moody: The third signal, everyone. Let's go! [They kick off from the ground, Which is swiftly left behind.]
Moody: Stay in formation! [They aren't as high as the clouds yet.]
Moody: We need more height! [It is only seconds latet, that another warning is shouted their way. A dementor soars towards them, tattered robes snapping in the wind.]
Moody: Contacts to the south!
Kingsley: Mad-eye! You, Tonks, and Lupin take Anna! We'll slow them down! [The rest of the advanced guard peels away from the group. Anna checks the sky around them. It appears to be clear.]
Lupin: There's the other one, Alastor! [The other Dementor emerges very close by from a cloud.]
Anna: Expecto--!
Lupin: Anna, leave it to us! [And Lupin peels away, rocketing towards the dementor.]
"Thanks." Said Lily.
"Of course, she is my niece." Said Remus. Lily and James smiled.
Anna: No! [Lupin goes straight at the Dementor, which smoothly flips upwards, bypassing Lupin, but Lupin twists his broom around, his wand drawn, and points it at the Dementor's retreating back.]
Lupin: Expecto patronum! [Lupin's patronous explodes from his wand tip, pulsing out through the clouds at the dementor. The light blasts into it, and the dementor, shrieking eerily, retreats back towards the rest of the advanced guard. Lupin rockets past Anna, Tonks, and Moody.]
Lupin: Get Anna to the safe house!
Moody: Come on, Potter! Keep moving!
Anna: But i can help!
Moody: Potter, getting yourself killed won't do a thing. Now move!
Lily agreed with Moody.
[Glaring at Moody, Anna wheels her broom around and the three of them set off again, leaving the battle behind.]
Moody: We're not far, now! [Soon after, Lupin and the rest of the advanced guard return, intact and sithout injury.]
Moody: Did you get rid of them?
Kingsley: They're gone, Alastor.
"Good." Said James.
Moody: Prepeare for descent! Form all around Anna! [They cut through the clouds, Gliding lower as they went. Tonks touches down right before Anna did, the rent gliding down while maintining their formation around Anna. All business, they draw their wands.]
Lupin: Stay here, Anna. [Several of the advanced guard move to the perimeter, to secure it.]
Kingsley: Clear!
Moody: Right, Anna, this way. [Anna follows him, Tonks and Lupin trailing after, wands at the ready, eyes flicking to the buildings surrounding them.]
"Wait. Isn't it the--?" Said Regulus.
"Grimmlauld Place." Interrupted Sirius somberly.
Moody: Here, read this. [He hands Anna a piece of paper. It has written on it: "The Headquarters of the order of the Phoenix may be found at Number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London."]
"But why are they going to Grimmlauld? Or how do they get in? I'm sure mother and father wouldn't let them." Said Sirius.
"But you would." Said Regulus.
"I'm disowned." Said Sirius.
"Not by family magic. If we are dead, then you would be the lord Black." Said Regulus. Sirius, Evan, Narcissa and Barty looked at Regulus heartbroken. If you watched carefully, you could see sadness in Lucius's eyes, too.
[Anna looks at the gap between the houses, and suddenly a door appears, followed by the rest of a large, gray, rather imposing house. Moody takes the paper from Anna and set it afire with his wand.]
Moody: Come on, inside. Anna. [Lupin and Tonks step up, close to Anna, One on either side. The guards at the perimeter close in a semi-circle around the door. Lupin taps the door with his wand, and it cracks open.]
Lupin: Get in, quick, Anna. Don't touch anything.

Anna Potter and the order of the phoenixWhere stories live. Discover now