Chapter 10

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[Leaves, now a molted brown color, drift off of the trees around Hogwarts. It is now October.]
[The Rose and Anna step into the pub. Pub is grimy and ill-lit. Shady witches and wizards sit uneasily in corners. Except for one corner by the front window, which is populated by Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Lavander Brown, Parvati and Padma Patil, Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood, Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Colin and Dennis Crervey, Ernie Macmillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Hannah Abbott, Anthony Goldtein, Michael Corner, Terry Boot, Fred and George Weasley, Lee Jordan, Zacharias Smith, Susan Bones and five others who Anna doesn't know.]
"What's this?" Asked Lily.
"Party?" Offered James.
"Doesn't look like party." Said Remus.
[Anna looks questioningly at Rose.]
Anna: Rose, what's going on?
Rose: These are some people I mentioned my Defense Against the Dark Arts idea with. [She sits down. Anna follows.]
Anna: You mean about us teaching ourselves?
Neville: Hey, Anna.
Anna: Hey, Neville. [Neville goes to Rose, Rose smiles at him and they start talking.]
Luna: (dreamily) It's good to see that the horned snorkle-stacks haven't gotten you yet, Anna. [Anna looks confused for a moment.]
Barty, Regulus and Evan smiled at Luna.
Anna: Uh...Same to you, Luna. [Rose beats on the table to quiet everyone.]
Rose: Hi, everyone. I thought it would be good if we met and talked over how we wanted to teach ourselves. Defense Against the Dark Arts. (pause) Because we need to learn it properly, not the rubbish Umbridge is doing.
"True." Agreed Remus.
Fred: Hear, hear!
Rose: Obviously, this will help us pass our O.W.L. , but more importantly, it gives us the ability to protect ourselves from... Lord Voldemort. [Several people jump or wince in fear at the name. Rose takes a shuddering breath, looking exhilarated. She looks at Anna.]
Zacharias: How do we know You-Know-Who's really back?
James rolls his eyes at boy.
George: Dumbledore believes he is.
Justin: You mean Dumbledore believes her. [He nods in Anna's direction.]
Rose: That's true, but I think we're drifting from the purpose--
Anna: It's okay, Rose. [She looks at the crowd.]
Anna: I believe Voldemort's back, because I fought him last year. You don't believe it, because you are so scared of him, you prefer to be in denial like cowards.
"Too far." Said Lily.
"What's too far? She's right." Asked Barty.
"Maybe, but there is no bigger insult to Gryffindor than coward." Said Remus.
Anna: Dumbledore's already told the school he's back. If you didn't believe him, you won't believe anyone. [There is a tense silence.]
Rose: Well... Anyway...uh, I think that in order to learn properly we'll need a teacher.
Neville: But we're all students. None of us has the experience to--
Fred and George: Someone here does. [Everyone looks at them. They are staring directly at Anna.]
Anna: Me?
"She has experience." Agreed Barty.
Michael Corner: I for one would like to know why Potter's qualified and the rest of us aren't.
Rose: (defensively) Well, she's only confronted You-Know- Who herself four times and lived to talk about it.
"Exactly." Said Barty.
Susan Bones: One of the portraits said you'd killed a Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets with that sword in Dumbledore's office.
"She did." Said James proudly.
Anna: Yes, I did.
Lee Jordan: Blimey, Anna... [Half the crowd looks awestruck.]
Lavander Brown: WOW...
Fred: Can't forget that she saved the Sorcerer's Stone from You-Know-Who in her first year.
Anna: With Rose's help. [The Patil sisters' eyes are wide with respect and astonishment.]
Lee: And last year she got through the Triwizard Tournament! [There are muttern of agreement.]
Rose: Not to mention you dueled with You- Know-Who all alone and he still couldn't kill you!
Anna: It was luck!
"Stop downgrading your achievments, Little snake." Said Barty.
George: And you fought off those dementors that attacked you this summer. [Rose looks tremendously pleased.]
Rose: So all in favor of taking lessons from Anna? [She holds up her hand. Fred, George, Neville, Luna, Dean, Lee, Katie, Alica, Angelina, and Susan raise their hands. Then, after a moment, the rest raise theirs as well.]
Rose: Where are we going to meet?
"That's problem." Said Evan.
Neville: What about an unused classroom?
Anna: That might work. I'll look into that.
Rose: Ok, good. [She pulls a parchment out of her bag.]
Rose: I think we should put our names down, so we know who was here. [Suddenly, people look uncomfortable.]
Ernie: I don't know... If it were found... I mean, Umbridge wouldn't like what we're doing...
Rose: Honestly, Ernie, do you think I'd just leave it lying around? Besides, its enchanted. [Ernie looks more comfortable. Fred and George eagerly sign, as do the rest, even Cho's friend Marietta signs.]
Rose: Also, what should we call ourselves?
"Fuck Umbitch." Offered Sirius.
"Great idea, Pads." Laughed James.
Angelina: What about the Anti-Umbridge League?
Rose: We need something that doesn't give away what we're doing.
Neville: Doesn't give... I think it should be Dumbledore's Army.
"I don't like it." Said everyone.
[There is excited agreement. Anna and Rose smile at him.]
Rose: Dumbledore's Army it is, then. The D. A. for short. [Fred and George stand, along with Lee.]
Rose: We'll let you know when we're going to meet. [The meeting breaks up. Anna, Rose and Neville stay.]
[Cassie is standing in front of Theo.]
Cassie: Are you sure? For you to learn Occulemency, i'll have to get into your head.
"She is teaching occulemency?!" Asked surprised Sirius.
"But she is little. How is she gonna teach?!" Asked Lucius.
"She is probably natural. Like me." Said Narcissa.
Theo: I know everything about Occulemency and Legilimenccy in theory. Just get into my head already. Better you than dark lord. [Cassie nodded.]
Cassie: Are you ready? Rememeber blank mind, no-emotions. [Theo nods and does it. Cassie get into his mind.]
[Theo is 5, he is sitting alone in party.]
Cassie: Hello.
Theo: Hello.
Cassie: You seem lonely.
"She is so little." Said Regulus.
"It's their first meeting?" Said Narcissa.
Theo: I'm not.
Cassie: It's okay. I'm lonely, too. This parties are so booooring! [Theo nods.]
Sirius agrees.
Cassie: Want to be friends? [Theo looks at her surprised.]
Theo: Ok.
Cassie: I'm Cassiopeia Malfoy, call me Cassie.
Theo: [wide-eyed] Malfoy? [Cassie nods.]
Theo: I'm Theodore Nott, but i prefer Theo.
Cassie: Nice to me-
Narcissa: Where did you go? Me and your father were looking for you everywhere!
"You seem worried." Said Regulus.
"My five years old daughter got lost." Said Narcissa.
Cassie: [looks down] Sorry. [Than smiled.] I made a friend. This is Theo Nott.
Narcissa: Nott? You're Lucius's godson? [Theo nodded.]
"I am his godfather?" Asked surprised Lucius.
[Theo is 9. He is sitting in front of his mother. Mrs. Nott starts shaking. Healers try to drag Theo out. Theo is fighting and crying.]
People look at him sympathetically.
Theo: (screaming) Mum! Mum! [Theo throws Cassie out of his head.]
Cassie: Good job! [Theo nods with teary eyes. Cassie hugged him.]
Cassie: It's okay. It's okay. Let's rest! [Theo wipes his tears off.]
Theo: No, continue!
Cassie: (sternly) Theo, You're emotional now. We're resting!
"Listen to her!" Said Narcissa.
Theo: One more time. I can do it!
Cassie: Theo!
Theo: Please [Cassie looks at Theo and sights.]
Cassie: Fine. Ready?
Theo: Ready. [Cassie goes into Theo's mind.]
[Theo is 10. He is standing in front of his father who is yelling at him.]
Mr. Nott: Disgrace! That's what you are! How dare you defend mudbloods and embarasse me in front of people. [Mr. Nott slaps him.]
Sirius stiffens.
Theo: I'm sorry.
Mr. Nott: You will be. You'll never do that again! [Points his wand] Crucio! [Theo falls and starts screaming.]
"HE IS CHILD!" Screamed Lily. Slytherins and Sirius look at him empathetically, Gryffindors with pity.
[Cassie gets out of mind, she looks at Theo, Crying. Theo wipes her tears.]
Theo: I'm fine.
Cassie: No, you aren't. How–How dares he?! [Lamp next to Cassie explodes. Theo takes Cassies's hand.]
Theo: Look at me! I'm fine. It was one time.
Cassie: I was in your head you think you can lie to me? I saw other memories, too. Not with details like this, but i jumped through them. I saw them! [Theo looks down.]
People look at them sadly.
Cassie: (furious) That... That bastard... He will never hurt you again, Theo. I promise. [Theo smiles sadly.]
Theo: Don't make promises you can't keep.
Cassie: I can keep. Me, you and Blair made a vow years ago, Remember? When we saved Blair from being bullied, Three of us made a vow that we would stand by each other's side and protect each other Always and Forever. And i'll do it. I'll protect you. [Cassie hugged him, her eyes filled with determination.]
Narcissa, Regulus and Lucius smile at Cassie sadly.
Theo: (broken voice) You can't help me.

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