Chapter 5

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[Anna and Rose exit the Hogwarts express and move quickly though the crowd of students to the carriages that would take them to the castle. Ada runs to them and hugs Anna.]
Anna: I have missed you, princess.
Ada: I have missed you, too. How are you? I know they say many thing about you. Don't listen to them. They are arseholes. [Anna smiles at her.]
"Cuties." Cood Sirius.
Anna: Thank you, Ada. I'm okay.
Rose: Hey! I'm here, too, you know.
Ada: Hello, Rose. [Rose rolls her eyes.]
Rose: Hello, Ada.
"Aww. They are like sisters." Said Lily.
[They go to climb into one of the carriages, Anna stops and stares towards the front of the carriage. There is a large reptilian, horse-like creature harnessed to the front where has always before there was nothing.]
Anna: What is that?
Ada: (looking) What?
Anna: (pointing) That... that...thing!
"Theatrals." Said Lucius.
"How do you know?" Asked Evan.
"I can see them." Answered Lucius.
[Rose and Ada stare for a long moment, then looks at Anna.]
Rose: I see nothing there...
Ada: Me neither.
Anna: How? It's right there! [She points. Rose shakes her head.]
Luna Lovegood: I see them too, Anna.
"She looks like Pandora." Said Regulus. Barty and Evan nodded.
[Anna turns to her. Luna Lovegood is a spacy-looking girl, yet pretty in her own right.]
Anna: Er... You are?
Luna: Luna. Luna Lovegood.
"Isn't your sister's boyfriend lovegood?" Asked Barty. Evan nodded and looked at his niece mesmeraized.
"She is so beautiful." Whispered Evan in awe.
"She is." Said Regulus.
Anna: Well, Thanks Luna. [They clamber into the carriage, Luna following. It starts moving.]
[Anna looks out into the darkness of the Hogwarts Grounds. She spies Hagrid's hut in the dark. All the light are off within.]
Anna: Hagrid's cabin looks deserted.
Rose: I hope he's all right... Do you think he is still on... [She glances at Luna, who has vanished behind the latest edition of the Quibbler magazine.]
Rose: ... What if he's still on his mission from Dumbledore?
Gryffindors look worried for Hagrid.
Anna: Yeah, Could be. [Moments later the carriages halt, and the students pile out.]
[Hogwarts headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, a Wizzend old man with a great white beard to his belt and long white hair, stands to address the school.]
Dumbledore: I beg a few moments of your attention, as I have a few start of term annoucments. Right off, our caretaker, the good Mr. Filch, has reminded me for what he says is the four-hundred and sixty-second time that he had an annually updated list of various banned items, usually introduced by our humor experts Fred and George Weasley... [Fred and George stand and take a bow to cheering, laugher, and yells.]
Sirius and James cheer for them, too.
Dumbledore: ...Which are posted in an extensive list on the door to Mr. Filch's door. [Anna and Rose grin at Fred and George.]
Dumbledore: Also, We have two staffing changes this year. Professor Gubby-Plank will be taking the post of Care of Magical Creatures post as Professor Hagrid is on... extended leave. [Anna and Rose exchange glances.]
"What do you think he is doing?" Asked Lily.
"I don't know." Answered James.
Dumbledore: Additionally, We have professor Umbridge, Who has kindly agreed to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts- [At this, Umbridge stands and clears her throat.]
Umbridge: Hem, Hem, Headmaster, If i could address the school?
"She intterupted Dumbledore's speech?!" Asked surprised Lily.
[Dumbledore looks taken aback. McGonagall glares at Umbridge. Dumbledore sits down and invites Umbridge forward.]
Umbridge: Thank you, Headmaster. Now, How are we all doing tonight? I thoughy i would just say a few words. I am here at the Ministry of Magic's bequest, under Educational Decree twenty-two, Which states that if the headmaster of Hogwarts is unable to fill any teaching post the Ministry shall select one for the position. [Dumbledore inclines his head. There is murmuring from the students.]
Umbridge: The Ministry has always considered the magical education of our children to be of vital importance, and the passing down of this ancient and noble art must be given to the next generation, least it be lost forever...(Pause) Without progress, stangnation. But progress's sake is to be discouraged, for our art requires no tinkering. (Pause) A balance must be attained, the new and the old, permanence and change, tradition and innovation, order and chaos. (Pause) There are large changes coming soon, changes walking the fine line between order and chaos. Know only that these changes are for the best, and to prevent the destruction of our civilization from its own decay. Thank you. [Umbridge smiles at them all, but to Anna, the smile seems a little forced, a little fake.]
"So ministry took over the Hogwarts" said Sirius.
"I don't like that woman." Said Lily.
"What is she wearing?" Asked scandalised Narcissa.
[Anna enters the Common room. Anna goes to armchair and sits down. Also in the room are Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, and Seamus Fannigan.]
Dean: So why didn't your mum want you to come back to Hogwarts, Seamus?
Anna: What?
Seamus: My mom didn't want me to come back to Hogwarts...
Anna: Why?
Seamus: Well... Because of you...
Anna: What did i do?
Seamus: She... well, she figure's you're, well... you're lying about you- Know-Who and Dumbledore's a right nutter...
Anna: Where'd she get that from? [Seamus picks up an edition of the Daily Prophet and tosses it to Anna. Anna catches it and looks at the front page. It reads: "Anna Potter: Girl heroess uses lies to seek attention" with the subheading of " Hogwarts Headmaster buys her story."]
"I hate them. They only want her when they need her." Said Sirius.
Anna: So... she believes this stuff?
Seamus: Well... Yeah...
Anna: But... but you believe me, don't you? [Seamus looks away. Anna scoffs.]
Anna: Why am i not surprised? Oh, right, because no one ever is on my side. Griffindore being nobel house is all lies. You're all just traitorous assholes! I'm ashamed to be in the same house as you lot.
Gryffindors looked at their house dissapointed.
[Anna doesn't listen to what they say and rushes out.]
[Anna sits on the top of the Astronomy tower, looking out over the lake and the forbidden forest in the distance, Hagrid's hut dark and forboding at the edge of the forest. Anna sing her(Imagine Dragon's) song Enemy.]
Anna: I wake up to the sounds
Of the silence that allows
For my mind to run around
With my ear up to the ground
I'm searching to behold
The stories that are told
When my back is to the world
That was smiling when I turned
Tell you you're the greatest
But once you turn they hate us
Oh the misery
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be
My enemy-y-y-y-y
(Look out for yourself)
People look at her sympathetically.
Anna: My enemy (Look)-y (Look)-y (Look)-y (Look)-y (Look out for yourself)
But I'm ready
Your words up on the wall
As you're praying for my fall
And the laughter in the halls
And the names that I've been called
I stack it in my mind
And I'm waiting for the time
When I show you what it's like
To be words spit in a mic
Tell you you're the greatest
But once you turn they hate us
Oh the misery
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be
My enemy (Look)-y (Look)-y (Look)-y (Look)-y (Look out for yourself)
My enemy (Look)-y (Look)-y (Look)-y (Look)-y (Look out for yourself)
Uh, look, okay
I'm hoping that somebody pray for me
I'm praying that somebody hope for me
I'm staying where nobody 'posed to be
Being a wreck of emotions
Ready to go whenever, just let me know
The road is long, so put the pedal into the floor
The enemy's on my trail, my energy unavailable
I'ma tell 'em hasta luego
They wanna plot on my trot to the top
I've been outta shape
Thinkin' out the box
I'm an astronaut
I blasted off the planet rock
To cause catastrophe
And it matters more because I had it not
Had I thought about wreaking havoc on an opposition
Kinda shocking they wanted static
With precision, I'm automatic, quarterback, I ain't talkin' sacking
Pack it, pack it up, I don't panic
Batter, batter up
Who the baddest?
It don't matter 'cause we at ya throat
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be
My enemy
"I hate how they treat her and make her feel." Said Lily.
"So do i. So do i." Sighted James.
Oh the misery
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be
My enemy
(Pray it away, I swear)
(I'll never be a saint, no way)
My enemy
(Pray it away, I swear)
(I'll never be a saint)
(Look out for yourself)
[Anna sits in silence for a second.]
Anna: You can show yourself now, Malfoy.
Cassie: How did you know?
Anna: When you live a life like mine, you learn to be cautious of your surroundings. So... stalking again?
"As if my daughter have nothing better to do than stalk you." Sneered Lucius.
Cassie: I love astronmy tower. I'm here almost everyday. Not everything is about you, Potter.
Anna: It feels like it. [Cassie looks at Anna.]
Cassie: You seem different.
Anna: Do i?
Cassie: Yes. Your eyes. They are colder.
Lily notices what Cassie means and looks at her daughter sadly.
Anna: (smirking) Spend lot of time staring at my eyes, Malfoy?
"You go, girl!" Cheered Barty.
"No, you don't!" Said James.
Cassie: (blushing) You wish. [Anna goes closer to Cassie, leans toward her and whispers.]
Anna: Maybe i do. [Cassie's breath hitches. Anna chuckles.]
"No. Absolutely not!" Said James.
"You aren't allowed to date!" Said Sirius.
"She is too little." Said Remus.
"Poooooter!" Yelled Lucius. Regulus glares at Anna.
[Cassie pushes Anna off.]
Cassie: I hate you.
Anna: And here i thought you just weren't excited about my existance. [Cassie holds back a laugh.]
Canna shippers chuckle.
"You have to admit. They are cute!" Said Lily to Marauders.
"No." Said Sirius and James. Remus struggled, but finally changed sides.
"I guess they kinda do." Admitted Remus.
"No, Moony!" Said Sirius.
"They got him to their side!" Said horrified James.
Cassie: Maybe it changed.
Anna: hmm... I don't think so.
Cassie: (rolls her eyes) You are so full of youself, Potter. [Anna sees Cassie is holding notebook in her hand.]
Anna: What's that?
Cassie: Notebook for my drawings.
Anna: (exited) Can i see?
Cassie: No.
Anna: Please. Please. Please.
Cassie: As much as i like to hear you beg, Potter, answer is still no.
"Kinky." Said Barty.
Anna: (smirking) Kinky. [Cassie blushes.]
Cassie: You are insufferable.
Anna: Nonsense. You love me.
Cassie: (rolling her eyes) Not everyone love you, Potter.
Anna: Than they don't have a taste. I mean how can you not love this? [Motions for her face.]
"That's Karma, isn't it?" Groaned James. Lily patted his back in mock sympathy.
Cassie: (rolls her eyes) arrogant toerag.
"Heeey! Look! She is calling her toerag, too!" Said smiling Lily.
Anna: Ouch. You are hurting me, darling. [Anna clunches her heart dramatically. Cassie looks amused.]

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