Chapter 18

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[Anna sits down in front of Snape's desk.]
Snape: Have you been practicing, Potter?
Anna: Yeah.
Snape: Well, we shall see, won't we?
"I still don't like this." Said James.
"He's helping her." Said Lily. James keeps glaring at Snape.
[He places his wand-tip to her head and extracts that same memory and places it in the pensive. Just then, the door opens and Cassiophea Malfoy steps in.]
Cassie: Excuse me, Professor. Professor Umbridge says she needs you right away.
Snape: What on earth for?
Malfoy: Well, sir, remember when Montegue vanished over Christmas? She saya he's turned up in a toilet on the fourth floor.
Snape: Any idea how he got there?
Cassie: He's pretty confused, but I think he said something about the Vanishing Closet. [Snape stands irritably.]
Snape: We will pick your remedial potions leason up tomorrow, Potter. [Anna rolls her eyes. Cassie sniggers. Snape gets out. Cassie stays.]
Cassie: So why did he lie? [Anna raise her eyebrows.]
"How would she know?" Asked Sirius.
Cassie: You and Weaslette have the highest marks in potions after me and Theo and i'm sure Snape wouldn't spend extra time with you willingly.
"She is smart." Said Narcissa.
Anna: (smiling) That's what i like about you. More than a pretty face.
"Why can't potter leave my daughter alone?" Sights tired Lucius. Narcissa looks at him amused.
"No, Anna. No! No Girls!" Said James.
"You aren't saying anything." Said surprised Remus to Sirius.
"Well... Seems like Malfoy realy like her, so... I thought i would give her a chance." Said Sirius.
"You too Sirius?" Said betrayed James.
"Sorry, mate." Said Sirius. James huffs.
[Cassie blushes. Anna looks around for a moment, then stands and looks into the pensive. She looks at the door. There is silence.]
Anna: Wanna see what is there?
Cassie: It's pensive.
Anna: (sarcastically) Really? I though it was bowl of candy.
Cassie: It would be breaking his privacy.
Anna: He spent half hour in my head. Let's not talk about privacy.
James agreed.
"He was helping you! You shouldn't snoop!" Scolded Lily.
Cassie: (narrowing her eyes) Why was he in your head?
Anna: Wanna do it or not? 'Cause i'm doing it. [She plunges her head into the pensive, and her body is sucked into it. Cassie sights and does the same.]
"Your daughter will get mine in trouble! She is a bad influence! Take her away!" Said Lucius.
"Your daughter should stop following mine like a lost puppy!" Said James. James and Lucius glare at each other.
[Anna stands next to the great lake. Under a tree sits a young Sirius.]
Anna: (Whistles) Look at Uncle Pads!
Sirius smirks.
"Like he needed ego boost." Said Remus and rolled his eyes.
Cassie: Uncle pads? He is Sirius Black. [Anna tenses up, than gives up and let's out defeated breath.]
Anna: Same thing.
Cassie: He is innocent, isn't he? Snape was telling truth when he said, you helped him escape.
"She catched up fast." Said impressed Regulus.
Anna: You can't tell anyone! Please! It's secret.
Cassie: Why do you call him uncle pads? I know he is your godfater, but what is pads coming from?
Anna: Secret again. [They look back.]
[Next to him are the equally young Lupin, Peter Petigrew, and lastly James Potter. James is playing with a Snitch, letting it go and catching it again.]
Anna: Of course, he is handsome, he is my father! [Anna flicked her hair. Cassie looked at Anna amused.]
"That's right, flower." Said Smirking James and run his hand trough his hair. Lily rolled her eyes fondly.
Sirius: Put that away, James. [James shrugs and does so.]
Sirius: I'm bored. Wish it was full moon. [Lupin snorts.]
Lupin: Easy for you to say.
Anna: Wow! (Cheering)You go, uncle Moony!
Remus blushes.
Anna: (To Cassie) Was everyone in 70s hot?
Cassie: (amused) Are you simping for your uncles?
Barty laughs.
Anna: Naah. I'm not into incest... or boys, for that matter.
Cassie: You are lesbian?
Anna: (confused) I thought i made it clear when i showed up on ball with a girl.
Cassie: I thought you went with her as friends.
Anna: I literally flirted with you!
"She admits! She seduced my daughter!" Said Lucius, glaring at Anna. Others look at him amused.
Cassie: I thought you were joking. [Anna looks at her in disbelief.]
Anna: Don't tell me you aren't gay either.
Cassie: (confused) I'm Bi. [Anna sigh out in relief.]
Cassie: (confused) Why?
"She is more oblivious than Sirius and that says something!" Said Remus.
"Hey!" Said Sirius.
Anna: (amused) You are really oblivious, Cassiopeia.
[James nudges Sirius.]
James: This should cheer you up, Sirius. Look. [Sirius grins.]
Sirius: Excellent! Snivellus! [Snape is walking by. The four of them stand and follow him.]
Anna: Seems like not everyone was hot. Booo! [Cassiopeia shakes her head at Anna.]
Lily gave Anna disapproving look. Marauders look amused.
James: All right, there, Snivellus? [Snape turns in a flash, wand out. Sirius is faster, however.]
Sirius: Expelliarmus! [Snape's wand flies from his hand. He dives for it.]
James: Impedimenta! [Snape stops moving, struggling against invisible ropes.]
Lily recognises the event and turns grim.
Anna: Really? Four on one? [Anna shook her head dissapointed.]
Marauders look guilty.
Snape: You just wait... [Sirius laughs. Anna looks at Sirius and James dissapointed.]
Marauders look down.
Sirius: Wait for what, Snivellus? You to wipe that great greasy nose on us? [Several bystanders laugh. James raises his wand, turning to the bystanders.]
Anna: Of course no one is doing anything, but laugh! [Anna glared at everyone. Cassie tries to grab Anna's hand, but hands go through each other. Anna doesn't notice it.]
Lily looks proud of her daughter, while Marauders are looking down in shame.
James: And now, the moment you've all been waiting for--
Lily Evans: Leave him alone, James Potter! [James turns. Anna does as well. It is Lily Evans. Anna's mother.]
Cassie: She is beautiful. [Anna smiles.]
Anna: She is.
Lily smiles.
James: Another charity case, Lily?
Lily: What has he done to you?
James: Nothing. It's more the fact that he exists, you see... [Anna looks at him dissapointed and angry.]
Anna: I- I can't believe this! My father and godfather were bullies! They all were! Even Remus!
Marauders look like they want to dissapear. Slytherins look amused.
Cassie: What did he do?
Anna: Nothing! That's the problem. He was prefect back than! He could stop them! It was his duty to stop things like this! [Anna looks Marauders dissapointed.]
[The Impediment curse wears off. Snape grabs his wand and turns. James whirls.]
Snape: Semper--
James: Levicorpus! [Snape was lifted into the air and dangled by an ankle. He struggled madly, his robe hanging from his arms and over his head.]
Lily: Leave him alone, Potter! [James turns and smiles at her.]
James: I will if you go out with me.
Anna: If it's how dad asked her out, i don't know how mum married him. (Than looks at Marauders) I didn't expect them to be like this!
Cassie: Anna. (Anna looks at her) They did wrong, very wrong, but they were teenagers.
Marauders look at Cassie surprised for defending them.
"Why is she defending them?!" Said Lucius.
Anna: So am i! But i don't bully people!
Cassie: I did. You don't understand how it is in pureblood families. You are taught you are better than anyone. Even your father, whose family was known as bloodtraitor was treated like a prince. Rules never apply to us, so we don't realise when we go too far.
No one says anything and are listening to her.
Cassie: Not until someone else explains to us why was it too far and when it went from teasing to bulling. For me and Theo that person was Blair, for your father and uncle your mother. Do you really think that your mother, that fierce woman, would marry a bully? Or if your father was just a cruel bully he would be friends with werewolf, run away Black and the boy whose face screams bully me? (points at pettigrew)
James smiles at his future daughter-in-law.
"This time she won't be bully." Said Narcissa.
Cassie: You can't understand them, because you know how it is to be in Snape's place, but i know how it is to be in your father's place. It's past, Anna. After this he changed. He grew up from a spoiled teenager to a man who sacrifed himself for his family. That's what matters! [Anna smiles at Cassie.]
"She isn't as bad as i though." Admitted James. Lily smiled at him.
Anna: Thanks. [Cassie nods.]
Lily: I wouldn't go out with you if it were a choice between you and the giant squid! Now let him down. [James shrugs and gestures with his wand. Snape falls to the ground. He tries to go for his wand again, but Sirius hexes him.]
Sirius: Locomotor mortis! [Lily draws her wand.]
Lily: I said, leave him alone! [James slowly turns to regard her. The playful expression on his face has vanished.]
James: Don't make me hex you, Lily.
Anna: Well... At least he is protective of his friends. [Cassie smiles at Anna.]
James smiles at Anna.
Lily: Then let him go!
James: Fine! [He mutters the counter-curse and Snape struggles to his feet again.]
James: You're lucky Lily was here, Snivellus!
Snape: I don't need help from a mud-blood like her!
Lily winces. James hugs her.
[James eyes are blazing with anger. Anna glares at Snape, Cassie looks surprised. James points his wand, which is shaking in his hand from his rage, at Snape.]
James: Apologize to her! Now!
Lily: Don't make him apologize. Honestly, you're as bad as he is! [James whirls on her.]
James: I would never call you that. [She shakes her head.]
Lily: You make me sick, Potter. [She turns and walks away.]
Anna: You are right. She wouldn't marry him, if he didn't mature. [Cassie smiled at Anna.]
James: Lily! Hey Lily! [The adult Snape grabs Anna and Cassie's arms roughly. Anna and Cassie turn to him, horrified. Snape yanks on the arms and the memory dissolves around them.]
[There is a blast of light, and Snape, Cassie and Anna return to Snape's office. Snape is livid with rage. He is pale, his lips thin. He is shaking. He pulls Anna and Cassie close with trembling fingers, glaring daggers at them.]
Snape: Having fun? [Anna and Cassie shake their head, but Snape shakes them roughly, fury etched in his every feature.]
"Let go of my daughter!" Said angry James and Lucius. Regulus, Narcissa, Barty and Sirius glared daggers at him.
Snape: Been enjoying yourself?
Anna&Cassie: No! [He let's go of Cassie.]
Snape: (to Anna) Amusing man, your father... [His lips are shaking, his teeth bared. He shakes Anna again, absolutely seething.]
"Let her go!" Said angry Sirius.
[Snape picks Anna up off the floor and flings her away from him. Anna slams into a potions cabinet and falls to the ground as glass beakers and bottles shatter around her.]
"Annna!" Screamed Gryffindors and Barty.
Cassie: (yells) Professor!
Anna: Like you are any better... You called my mother, who helped you, that word! Yes, what dad and Pads did was terrible, but don't stand here and pretend you're an angel! He was a teenager and an arsehole, but he grew up. He grew up to a man who sacrifed himself for his family, but you- you're grown-ass man who still bullies students! You hate me, because you can't get over your problem with my 14 years ago dead father! But I'm not only James Potter's daughter, I'm Lily Evans daughter, too and she would be dissapointed to see you. [Snape looks hurt.]
Lily nodded at Anna's words.
"I understand he's angry they saw this, but it doesn't give him right to throw my daughter at bloody wall!" Said Lily.
"Seems like Cassie's words affected her." Said Remus. James and Sirius smile at Anna.
Snape: You will not repeat what you saw! Both of you! [Snape points a shaking finger at Anna and Cassie. Anna is already shaking her head.]
Anna: I won't! [Snape looks at Cassie.]
Cassie: I won't either. [Snape picks up a jar of some fluid and hurtles it across his office. It shatters into the wall.]
Snape: Get out of my sight! Do not set foot in this office ever again! [Anna and Cassie turn and go.]
[Cassie looks at Anna worried.]
Cassie: You okay?
Anna: Yeah... [Cassie looks nervous.]
Cassie: I didn't want to disturb the memory. But what you said... [Anna looks at Cassie confused.]
Cassie: (nervously) ...That i'm oblivious... What did you mean? [Anna looks into her eyes and looks like she is deciding to what to answer. Suddenly, she grabs Cassie's neck and kisses Cassie. Cassie kisses back instectivly.]
"Noooo!" Screamed Lucius and James. Through, James was less upset about it.
"Yeeeeeeees!!!" Cheered Barty, Evan and Lily. Narcissa and Remus smiled.
[After few seconds, they pull apart.]
Anna: I fancy you, Cassiopeia Regina Malfoy. That's what it ment. [Cassie looks shocked.]
Anna: (nervously) So...?
Cassie: I have feelings for you, too, Anna Euphemia Potter. [Cassie puts her hand on Anna's cheek.] I did for a long time. But i didn't think you would feel the same. [Anna smiles.]
"This is so cute." Squeled Lily.
Anna: Will you be my girlfiend?
Cassie: You realise what this means? My family are death eaters, Anna. I won't leave my family. [Anna considers it.]
Lucius, Regulus and Narcissa smile at this. Sirius scrowls.
Anna: I understand.
Cassie: What if i will have to become one?
Anna: That's future us problem. Let's live in present and enjoy while we can. [Anna kisses Cassie and Cassie kisses back.]
"I still don't like this!" Grumbled James.

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