Chapter 23

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[Anna sprints down the steps leading out to the golden fountain and the Telephone Lift. Bellatrix is nearly to it.]
Bellatrix: You can't stop me, Potter!
Anna: I'LL KILL YOU!! [She brandishes her wand.]
When people saw that pure hatred in her eyes, they knew. They knew she meant it.
Anna: Stupify! [Bellatrix turns and deflects it. She fires back at her. Anna dives behind the fountain. There is silence. Then, the slow footfalls of Bellatrix.]
Bellatrix: Come out, come out, Potter... [Anna grows more angry by the second.]
"Don't. Please." Begged Lily to her daughter.
Bellatrix: Well, well, have you come to avenge your dear Godfather? [Anna leaps out from behind the fountain.]
Anna: Crucio! [She hits her squarely in the chest. She shrieks in pain and falls to the ground, squirming in pain.]
People look at her shocked.
"She-- She used- " stuttered Lily.
"Does she even know why was she able to do it?" Said Sirius sadly.
"What do you mean?" Asked James.
"To cast unforgivable, you must want this by your soul. To crucio someone you must want them to suffer and feel unimaginable pain." Answered Barty for Sirius and rubbed the place he had dark mark on. Evan took his hand and kissed it, Barty smiled at him.
"It's my fault. I'm sorry." Said Sirius to James and Lily.
"It isn't. It is Bellatrix's fault." Said James. Lily agreed.
[Voldemort has appeared in the middle of the hall, his wand pointed at Anna.]
Voldemort: Well done! [Anna turns around wide-eyed.]
Voldemort: I didn't expect you could do it, Potter. To use an Unforgivable Curse you have to mean it, you have to want to cause the pain in your very soul... Maybe we are more alike than i originally thought. [Anna ignores his comment.]
"She isn't like you! She did it because she lost her father figure!" Glared James. Sirius looks at James surprised.
"You do it because of your god complex! For your own amusment! It is not same!" Glared James.
Anna: You came to do your own dirty work? Consider me surprised!
Voldemort: Give me the prophecy!
Anna: I can't! It got smashed by accident!
Bellatrix: You lie!
Anna: Blame her! (pointed at Bella) Her spell made me fall and smash the prophecy.
Barty smirked.
[Bella doesn't move, frozen into stillness by the horror. Voldemort sneers at her and than turns back toward Anna.]
Voldemort: I grow tired of you continually thwarting my plans, Anna Potter! [He snaps his wand down.]
Voldenort: Avada Kadavra! [Green light explodes from his wand.]
"Nooo!" Yelled everyone.
[Anna flinches, but the statue of the golden wizard leaps down from the fountain and takes the blast full in the chest. It explodes in a thousand sharda of molten metal.]
People are relieved.
[Voldemort whirls. Dumbledore stands at the doorway, looking ferocious, his blue eyes blazing.]
Dumbledore: You should not have come here tonight, Tom.
Voldemort: It is you who made that mistake, Dumbledore! [He slashes with his wand.]
Voldemort: Avada Kedavra! [Dumbledore vanishes with a swirl of his cloak and reappears between Voldemort and Bellatrix. She tries to run, but Dumbledore knocks her to the ground with a stunning spell, vanishing again just as another killing curse strikes the wall and explodes, shaking the hall.]
"Stop toying! Kill Voldemort!" Yelled James.
[He reappears close to Voldemort. Dumbledore raises his wand and strikes. A blinding light issues forth from it, the power of it staggering. Voldemort conjures a glowing, translucen shield around himself. Dumbledore's spell collides with it, filling the room completely with blinding light. The whole room shakes. Anna staggers to the ground. Bits of dust and rock fall from the walls. The light fades and Voldemort is unharmed.]
Voldemort: You do not seek to kill me, Dumbledore?
Dumbledore: There are other ways to destroy a man, Tom.
"Seriously?! Kill him!" Yelled Barty.
"That's why light side will lose." Said Lucius.
Voldemort: There is nothing worse than death!
Dumbledore: You are quite wrong, Tom, as you have always been. [Voldemort fires another killing curse at Dumbledore. Fawkes the Phoeniz swoops down from above and swallows the jet of green light, exploading into flames and falling to the earth. Dumbledore spins, sending a constant flow of blinding light blasting from his wand, the sheer power of it shaking the hall. Voldemort raises his own wand, and the light separates around him. Dumbledore and Voldemort are surrounded by the flow of light. Dumbledore grits his teeth as a high wind billows his cloak around him. Voldemort glares at Dumbledore, eyes blood-red.]
Everyone watches it tensely.
[His wand trembles in his hand, and Voldemort is slowly being forced backward by the power of the stream of light. Fear flickers in Voldemort's eyes. He lets out a roar of frustration. A ring of green flame surrounds him, and he vanishes in a tongue of red-orange fire. Dumbledore's stream of light blasts into the wall and punches a huge, galing hole in the wall, shaking the whole Ministry. Anna is lifted bodily into the air and tossed into the wall from the explosion.]
"Anna!" Yelled Sirius and Remus.
[There is a sharp crack of rock breaking, and half of the ceiling falls in. Dumbledore whips around his wand and Anna is pulled from under the falling rocks. Voldemort reappears on the pilinth where the statues had been.]
Anna: Look out! [She raised her wand, shouting a spell. The water in the pool below the statues instantly flow upward to surround Voldemort in a globe of water. Voldemort vanishes from within the globe of water, and it crashes back down to the pool, spilling over onto the floor. Anna stands up.]
Dumbledore: Stay where you are, Anna! [Dumbledore sounds frightened.]
Everyone looks at Dumbledore surprised.
[Then Anna screams. Her scar simply splits open and blood spirts from it. She shrieks in agony, the pain unbearable. Anna speaks, but it is not her voice.]
Anna/Voldemort: Kill me now, Dumbledore... do it, if death means nothing....
"She is.." said James.
"Possesed." Finished Sirius and looked guilty.
"No, no, no." Said Lily.
[Green flames explode from all of the fireplaces around them, and people appear as they appearate. Cornelius Fudge arrives too. Voldemort shrieks in pain, and he appears across the room. He snatches up the unconscious body of Bellatrix and dissaparates in a blast of green fire. Anna slumps to the ground. Her eyes are closed, her face peaceful. Blood flows from her scar across her face to the ground.]
Dumbledore: Anna! [He runs to Anna's side and touches her skin. He closes his eyes and whispers a spell. Anna's eyes snap open.]
Dumbledore: Are you all right, Anna? [Anna nods, dazed.]
"She is back." Said Barty with relief. Everyone is happy for this, but still worried for Anna.
Percy: Minister, I saw him! You-Know-Who He was right there! [Fudge is standing in the middle of the room, a dazed look also on his face.]
Fudge: I know... I saw him too...
"Now it doesn't matter!" Snapped furious Remus.
[Dumbledore stands. Half the room gasps and draws back. Fudge seems to notice him for the first time.]
Dumbledore: If you and your men will proceed to the Death Room, you will find several Death Eaters which I and some others have apprehended. [Fudge points at Dumbledore.]
Worried Narvissa grabs Lucius's arm. Lucius is nervous himself.
Fudge: Seize him! [Dumbledore stands to his full height, his eyes blazing with anger.]
People looked at Fudge in disbelief.
"Everytime i think he couldn't get stupidier..." said Evan.
Dumbledore: Minister, you have just seen You-Know-Who in the flesh only seconds ago! It is time to come to your senses! [Fudge looks cowed.]
Dumbledore: If you insist on trying to arrest me, I am perfectly willing demonstrate how useless such an attempt will be. [No one looks remotely interested in trying to arrest Dumbledore.]
Fudge: Dumbledore, what the blazes happened here? [Dumbledore smiles, and walks back over to Anna, lifting her to her feet.]
Dumbledore: I will explain everything, Minister. Just as soon as I return a
Anna to school. [Fudge (and half the crowd) turns to see Anna for the first
Offscreen everyone look at Anna, too. Her empty eyes make many wince.
Fudge: What's she doing here? And what's happened to her? [Dumbledore tape his wand against Anna's scar and the bleeding stops. He turns to the Minister of Magic.]
Dumbledore: Minister, you will order the removal of Dolores Umbridge from my school. (pause) Also, she will probably need medical attention, having had a violent encounter with some Centaurs earlier this evening. (pause) All Educational Decrees will be nullified and you will call off the search on Hagrid so he can return. [Fudge is sputtering incomprehensibly.]
Dumbledore: I will return here later tonight, after I have seen to Anna. It should not take long. [He taps the Golden centaur head.]
Dumbledore: Portus [He motions Anna over]
Fudge: Dumbledore, I want some answers!
Dumbledore: The Second War has begun, Minister. [Anna takes the head with Dumbledore, and they vanish from the Ministry of Magic.]

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