Chapter 11

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[Anna, carrying a load of schoolbooks, walks alone down a stone hallway. Angelina comes running up to her.]
Angelina: Anna, you won't believe... that Umbridge woman... this is too much!!
"What did she do know?" Groaned Lily.
Anna: (groans) What's she done now?
"Like mother like daughter." Said amused James. Lily smiled.
Angelina: Follow me.
[Anna and Angelina approach a large billboard surrounded by murmuring students. They push their way through. A large parchment hangs from the wall.]
Anna: "By order of the Hogwarts High Inquisitor: All student organizations, societies, teams, groups, and clubs are henceforth diabanded. Permission to reform must be approved by High Inquisitor Umbridge. No student organization can exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor. Any student found to be a part of an illegal organization will be expelled immediately." [Angelina is furious just looking at it again.]
"How did she know?!" Asked Sirius.
"There must be a traitor. It can't be coincidence." Said Barty.
Angelina: She refused to allow us to reform the Gryffindor team. We had to go to Dumbledore to get her to allow it. [Anna is extremely angry.]
[Anna is pacing in front of the fire. Rose sits on chair, watching her.]
Anna: This isn't a coincidence. [She looks at Rose.]
Anna: She knows.
Rose: She can't!
Anna: Look, we don't know how many people could have overheard our meeting and told her or somebody at the meeting could have blabbed to her.
Rose: No, they couldn't have. The parchment we all signed was enchanted, like I said. No one can betray the D.A. without us knowing.
"Smart." Said Lily.
"Very Slytherin of her." grinned Barty.
[Anna stops pacing and grins at Rose.]
Anna: You know you are my favourite, right?
Rose: I better be. [Hedwig flutters in the open window and collapses to the floor.]
Anna: Hedwig!
Rose: She's hurt! [Hedwig hoots softly.]
Anna: No one can get Umbitch out of my hands! It's her doing! I know it!
"Where is it coming from?" Asked Remus.
"Why?" Asked Sirius.
"She might be coming from you!" Said Remus. Now Sirius is worried, too.
Rose: Anna, you should take her to Professor Grubby-Plank. She'll know what to do. [Anna scoops Hedwig up and runs through the portrait hole.]
[Anna steps out of the portrait hole. McGonagall comes around the corner.]
McGonagall: Potter! [She stops and turns to her.]
McGonagall: Where on earth are you going at this time of night?
Anna: It's Hedwig. I think she's been attacked.
McGonagall: What? [She steps closer and peers closely at the hurt owl.]
McGonagall: Yes, I think you might be right, Potter. [She looks at Anna.]
McGonagall: Where was she coming from?
Anna: London. [She gives her a significant look. She nods.]
Gryffindors look worried. Regulus does good job of masking his worry
McGonagall: Well, give her to me. I'll run her down to Professor Grubby-Plank. [Anna hands Hedwig to her. She takes the owl carefully.]
McGonagall: There you are. [She straightens and moves down the hall, then stops. She turns to look at Anna.]
McGonagall: Channels of communication in and out of Hogwarts are being watched, Bear that in mind, Potter, will you?
"They are watching and listening them everywhere." Sighted James.
"How am i gonna talk to her now?" Pouted Sirius.
"You will wait for summer." Said Remus.
Anna: Yes, Professor.
McGonagall: Good. Now, off to bed. [She vanishes around the corner. Anna turns and goes back through the portrait hole.]
[Anna steps back inside the common room. Rose has gone to bed. She is alone.]
Dobby: Ms. Anna Potter! Ms. Anna Potter! [Anna turns to see Dobby standing in the middle of the room.]
Lucius glares at Dobby.
Anna: Dobby! What are you doing here?
Dobby: Dobby is cleaning, Miss. [He seemed to want to say something more.]
Anna: What is it, Dobby?
Dobby: Dobby... Dobby wishes he could help Anna Potter. Dobby has heard her muttering in her sleep.
Anna: Don't worry about it, Dobby. I don't think you can help me. [Dobby's ears droop. Anna collects her books, then stops.]
Anna: Actually, there is something you can do, Dobby. [Dobby brightens instantly.]
"He is so cute." Cood Lily.
Anna: I need a room where twenty-eight people. No wait! Forty people can practice Defense Against the Dark Arts without the teachers knowing. Especially Professor Umbridge. [Dobby leaps into the air and claps his hands.]
"Fourty?! There were only 28." Said Lily.
"She is probably planing adding people." Said James.
Dobby: Dobby knows of the perfect place, Anna Potter! It is the Room of Requirement, miss. You can only use the room in times of great need. Whatever you need will be there for you, Anna Potter.
Marauders percked up.
"If there is room like that, how come we could not find it?!" Said Sirius.
"I did." Said Regulus.
"Of course you did. Do you want a gold star?" Sneered Sirius. Slytherins glared at Sirius.
"No. I prefer Silver. It's more elegant." Said Regulus. Barty smirked beside him.
Anna: That's brilliant, Dobby! [Dobby looks pleased.]
Dobby: Dobby can show you now, if you wish, Anna Potter. [Anna thinks for a moment.]
Anna: Better not, Dobby. School is pretty intense right now. We'll do it in a few months, before the holidays.
"Good plan." Complimented Remus.
[We glide over the landscape, the leaves gradually vanishing from the trees and snow begins to drift into sight as we pick up speed. We sail into the snowstorm over the Hogwarts Grounds, past Hagrid's empty hut and into the Quidditch stadium.]
[Visibility is low. Players scatter everywhere.]
Lee Jordan: ...and Slytherin is up forty to ten. Alica with the quaffle! [Alica spins through the blizzard, trying desperately to see. Two shapes emerge from the snow. They are Crabbe and Goyle, the slytherin Beaters. Both of them take a swing at her. She twists completely around on her broom and the clubs swish harmlessly past.]
"Go! Go! Go!" Cheered James and Sirius.
[She pushes forward to the Slytherin goals and hurtles the quaffle. Blocked by the slytherin Keeper!]
"Yeeees!" Cheeered Barty. Lucius, Evan and Regulus clapped.
"Nooo!" Groaned Sirius and James.
[Below, in the stands, there is a groan from the Gryffindor side. From the Slytherins, there is a chant.]
Slytherins: Weasley is our Queen, Weasley is our Queen, She always lets the Quaffle in, Weasley is our Queen!
"That's cheating!" Yelled James.
"Dirty tricks!" Sneered Sirius.
[Anna pulls up near to Rose, who is looking grimly sick to her stomach.]
Anna: Just ignore them, Rose! [Rose does not acknowledge her. Several Slytherins, in possession of the Quaffle, bear down on the Gryffindor goals. They throw the quaffle. Rose dives and misses. A loud gong sounds. Another groan from the Gryffindors.]
Gryffindors groan again.
Lee Jordan: (v.o.) Another ten points to Slytherin. The score is now fifty-ten in favor of Slytherin. [Malfoy pulls up on her broom near Rose as well.]
Malfoy: I should thank you, Weasley. You're definitely our best player!
Lucous chuckles. Narcissa give both her daughter and husband stern look. Lucius stops laughing.
[She laughs. Just then, the snitch blasts past Malfoy. She takes off in pursuit. Anna rockets after her at top speed, ignoring the bite of the snow against her face. She and Malfoy give chase, following the Snitch at top speed. Malfoy is still far closer than Anna. Then the Snitch banks sharply. Both Cassie and Anna turn with it, though now Anna has pulled even with Cassie.]
"Who should i cheer for?" Said Barty.
"Cassiopeia!" Answered Lucius.
"Anna! Anna!" Cheered Marauders.
[They are inches from the Snitch. They reach with all of their might. Anna's hand inches out in front of Cassie and closes around the Snitch. Cassie's fingers acrabble on the back of Anna's gloved hand.]
"Romantic." Said Barty.
"They are just playing quidditch!" Said Lucius defencivly. Barty chuckled at Lucius's overprotectivness.
"Wooohoo! Gryffindor! Anna! Gryffindor!" Cheered James and Sirius.
[The crowd goes wild. Anna straightens, triumphant. Behind her, without warning, Crabbe emerges from the blizzard and cracks Anna across the back of the head with her Beater's club.]
"Game was already over!" Screamed enraged Lily.
"Is it wrong to hex a child?" Asked James and Sirius together and looked at each other smirking.
"James and Sirius!" Said Remus sternly. Sirius and James pout.
"Is it wrong for three person to hex a child?" Said Remus.
"That's my boyfried!" Said Sirius proudly and kissed Remus. James chuckled.
[Anna slumps forward, and nose-dives into the pitch, rolling to a stop looking dazed. There is a groan of sympathy from the crowd. Cassiopeia looks worried and goes toward Anna with instict, but Blair stops her.]
Blair: Don't! [Cassiopeia looked at her, worry written on her face.]
Cassie: But--
Blair: I know.
Cassie: You do no---
Blair: (smiling) I know. I have known you almost ten year now. You really think i wouldn't notice? [Cassie stiffens. Blair looks around to make sure no one notices.]
Blair: People are already looking after her. She will be okay. And than you can tell me about your crush on Anna Potter. [Cassie blushes and looks around nervously.]
Cassie: Shut up! Someone might hear you! [Blair smirks at her.]
"She doesn't have a crush! She isn't allowed to date!!!" Yelled Lucius. Everyone gave him amused looks, except Sirius and James, who glare at Cassie.
[During Blair and Cassie's talking, The other Gryffindors land and run to Anna.]
George: Are you all right, Anna? [She is helped to her feet by Fred and George.]
Cassius Warrington: Bet you loved that, Potter! Saved Weasley's neck, didn't you? [The Gryffindors ignore him. Parkinson nodded at his words.]
Gryffindors glare at him.
Parkinson: Maybe Cassiopeia should add some more verses to our little song. About her pathetic loser of a father, too and her filthy mother!
"That bitch!" Said angry Lily. Gryffindors glared at her.
[George and Fred attempt to charge at Parkinson. Other Gryffindors restrain them. Theo, Blair and Cassie go toward a fuss with others.]
Cassie: That's enough, Parkinson!
"Why is she getting involved?" Said Lucius.
"You never fight with Slytherin. Not in front of other houses!" Said Regulus.
"She is protecting her girl." Defended Barty.
"She doesn't have a girl!" Said Lucius and glared at Barty.
"We will see." Smirked Barty. Luvius glared at him harder.
Parknison: But-
Blair: (sternly) Enough! [Everyone looks at Cassie and Blair surprised. Parkinson glares at them.]
Parkinson: Aww... You're protecting traitors? Are you gonna become a bloodtraitors, too?
"How dares she?!" Said angry Lucius. Regulus and Narcissa glared at Parkinson, too.
[Wide-eyed Casslius nudges Parkinson to give her a hint to stop. Blair charges at Parkinson, but Theo stops her.]
Theo: (whispers) Later! Don't make a scene here! [Blair nods and collects herself.]
Parkinson: [to Anna] You like the Weasleys, don't you? How can you stand the stink? I guess it reminds you of your own dear mother!
"Bitch!" Said James and glared at Parkinson.
[Anna turns and runs full out at Parkinson, who looks startled as Anna leaps at her, crushing her fist into Parkinson's jaw and knocking her to the ground. Anna leaps onto Parkinson, hitting her again and again.]
"Yes, hit her! Like that! Right hand! Yeees." Cheered Barty, then turned to Evan.
"I don't care about her parents, i'm adopting Anna!" Said Barty. Evan looks at him amused.
"Yes, like that! Defend your mother, my little flower!" Cheered James.
"That's my goddaughter!" Said Sirius proudly.
Cassie: (murmuring) Hot. [Blair heard her and smirked at her.]
"No! No!" Said Lucius desperatly. James and Sirius glared at Cassie.
Madam Hooch: Impedimenta! [She blasts Anna with her spell, knocking her off of Parkinson. McGonagall storms onto the pitch, Gryffindor scarf flapping wildly in the wind.]
McGonagall: (shouting) What on earth do you two think you're doing? [Anna rolls to her feet and goes for Parkinson again. Madam Hooch stands between them, her wand pointed directly at Anna.]
Hooch: Don't make me stupify you, Potter! [Anna stops, breathing hard, glaring daggers at Warrington and Parkinson. Parkinon is curling in a ball, bleeding and crying.]
James smirked proudly at his daughter's work.
[McGonagall comes right up to Anna and grabs her hard by the elbow. She finally turns her attention to her. She is pale and grim-faced.]
McGonagall: My office. Now. [Adults go, most of the people leave with them. Cassiopeia, Theo and Blair stare down at Warrington and Parkinson.]
Cassie: Parkison, You dared to insult the heiress of most anicent and nobel house of Zabini, the heiress of the most ancient and the nobel house of Malfoy, and Heir of the most ancient and the most nobel house of Nott and like it wasn't enough, you did pubilicly! I hope you know this won't go unpunished.
[Parkinson's eyes widen in fear.]
"What are they gonna do?" Asked Sirius.
"We don't know. They will decide it." Said Evan.
Parkinson: I-i- i'm sorry. I didn't mean--
Cassius: I apologies for her behaviour.
Blair: You should have stopped her!
Cassius: You are right. I'm sorry. [Theo looks down at beaten up Parkinson and than looks at Cassius.]
Theo: Grab your girlfriend and get out! We will talk in common room. [Parkinson and Warrington look afraid and go.]
"That's right. Strike fear in them." Said Lucius, looking at his daughter and godson proudly.
[Theo sits in front of Blair and Cassie.]
Theo: What was that about?
Cassie: Nothing. [Theo gave her a look.]
Theo: Normally, you would be the one insulting Potter, not stopping others.
Cassie: I didn't want it today! It's none of your buseness!
Blair: Leave her alone, Theo!
Theo: (to Cassie) You like Potter, don't you?
Cassie: (yells) Why is everyone asking me that?! [Theo looks surprised at her outburst.]
"Ooh. Time for good gossips." Said amused Barty.
Blair: (softly) Because we know you, honey. You like her. Just admit it.
Cassie: I do. I like Anna Pooter. Happy?!
"Nooooo!" Yelled James, Sirius and Lucius.
"Yeeeees!" Yelled Lily and Barty.
"Get you daughter away, Malfoy!" Yelled James at Lucius.
"It's your daughters fault! She seduced my daughter!" Yelled Lucius. James is about to yell back, when Lily whacks him on head.
"Stop shouting!" Said Lily.
"But--" said James. Lily glared at him.
[Cassie stands up and tries to get out of room. Blair stops her. Theo and Blair look at her stunned.]
Blair: No. No. You can't drop bomb like that and get out. [Cassie sights.]
Theo: What changed? I thought you hated her! You always complained how she annoyed you!
"There is one step from hate to love." Said amused Barty.
Cassie: I - I don't know. [Cassie sits back down at bed.]
Cassie: It's just. We accidentally met few times and talked and i actually enjoyed talking to her and spending time with her and I-- I didn't even realise when i started to specifically go to place i know she would be... [Cassie lets out loud groan.]
"See? My daughter didn't seduce her! Your daughter is the one following her around!" Said James. Lucius scrowls.
Blair: Oh, sweety. [Blair hugs Cassie. Cassie buries her head in Blair's neck.]
Theo: Why Potter of all people?! Why her?!
Cassie: (looks up at him) Why anyone else when she exists?
"Aww." Cood Canna shippers. Even Regulus smiled a little. Sirius, James and Lucius still looked sceptical.
Theo: (sights) She has it bad.
Blair: Leave her be!
Theo: You can't fall in love with Potter. You know it!
Cassie: I know! I know! Dark lord wants her dead and i'm death eater in waiting! I know! I just can't help it, okay? I tried! I have already told myself everything you are gonna say! It doesn't work!
"Exactly! She isn't good for my daughter!" Said James. Lily and Narcissa smiled sadly at the girl. Slytherins looks at Cassie empathetically.
[Blair gives her pitying look.]
Blair: You can't order your heart, honey. [Theo sights.]
Theo: I know you, Cas and i know whatever i say won't make you stop, but i swear if Potter hurts you, Forget dark lord, I'll kill her myself and i will make it as slow and painful as possible.
Lucius and Regulus nodded at Theo's words.
[Cassie smiles at him and hugs him.]
Cassie: Thank you. [Blair smiles at them.]
Theo: I still don't like her. She isn't good enough for you! [Cassie and Blair share amused looks.]
Lucius and Regulus agree again.

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