Chapter 4

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[Anna exits the courtroom to find Mr. Weasley standing outside, beaming.]
Mr. Weasley: Anna, You've been let off! That's wonderful! [The door opens again and the whole of the Wizengamot exits.]
Mr. Weasley: You were tried by the full court?
Anna: I think so, yeah.
"Assholes. Only criminals are supposed to be tried by the full court and in that room." Said Barty.
Mr. Weasley: (concerned) Well, no matter. Let's go home. [Just then, Percy exits and brushes by Mr. Weasley without even looking at him.]
Anna: Er...Is Percy mad at you?
Mr. Weasley: Ah... Yes... I'm afraid we had a bit of a row. He, well, he sided with Fudge and the rest of us sided with Dumbledore, so Percy left.
People looked shocked.
[They begin walking away from the courtroom, when they come upon Fudge talking quietly with Lucius Malfoy, Standing at the mouth of the corridor, Anna had recognised earlier.]
Lucius: Well, Well, If it isn't Patronus Potter. (Pause) The Minister here was just telling me how very lucky an escape you just had. Quite astonishing... Snakelike, in fact.
Barty nodded proudly.
Anna: What are you doing here?
Lucius: Come now, Potter, I really don't think that private matters between the Ministry and myself are any concern of yours. [Lucius moves closer to Anna.]
Lucius: (lowly) All you need to concern yourself about are ... Your dreams, Potter.
"You think it's him?" Whispered Narcissa.
"Why else i would care about her dreams?" Said Lucius.
[And Lucius smiles malrvolently at Anna. Lucius steps back and turns to the Minister.]
Lucius: Shall we continue this in your office, Fudge?
Fudge: Certainly. [Anna watches them go.]
Anna: If he wanted to talk to Minister he wouldn't be down there, he wanted to talk to me, too. [Mr. Weasley glances down the long, dark hallway, with a worried look.]
Gryffindors+Rosekiller joins.
[Anna stands in the kitchen of Grimmauld place, surrounded by Rose, Fred, George, Sirius, Lupin, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and Tonks.]
Rose: (shouting) I knew it! [In the background, Fred, and George are dancing a strange JIG.]
Fred and George: (singing) She got off, she got off, she got off!
Gryffindors smile at them.
Mr. Weasley: Settle down, you two! [The chanting and dancing dies away. Mrs. Weasley exits the kitchen.]
Mr. Weasley: Sirius, We saw Fudge talking with Lucius Malfoy on Level nine again. Tell Dumbledore, next time he comes in, would you?
Sirius: Yeah, Absolutely.
Mr. Weasley: Well, I'd better be off. I've got a bewitched vomiting toilet to deal with.
Fred: George, Remember that concept. Vomiting Toilet.
George: Right you are, Fred.
"Sirius?" Said James.
"On it." Answered Sirius, while writing.
Mr. Weasley: Also, I'm covering for Tonks on guard duty later tonight, So i won't be back until late. [Anna's scar explodes in pain. She yelps, and claps her hands to her forehead.]
Everyone looks at her worried.
Sirius: Anna! [Anna gasps with pain and falls to her knees. Then as suddenly as it come, the pain vanishes. Shaken, Anna gasps as Sirius helps her over to a chair.]
Sirius: You all right, Anna?
Anna: Yeah... Just... My scar... the pain is getting stronger. [Sirius gives a worried glance to Lupin, who looks grim.]
"What was that about?" Asked Lily.
"Future." Said Remus.
[Anna sits on her bunk, reading letter from Ada.]
"I love their friendship. It's adorable." Said Lily. James agreed.
[Rose bursts into the room.]
Rose: Anna, I've been named house prefect! [Anna places letter from Ada on the table and takes Rose's letter. There are a few seconds of parchment ripping.]
Anna: Congrulation Rose... You deserved it!
Rose: Well... Thanks Anna. Is this yours?
Anna: No. It's from Ada.
Rose: Well... I'll... i'll go back downstairs! [Anna lays down on her bed away from them. She hears her leave. She's alone.]
"I don't like seeing her sad." Said Remus.
[After few minutes, Sirius enters the room, but Anna barely reacts, still reading the letter.]
Sirius: Anna, I've got something that might interest you. [Anna looks up. Sirius sits on the edge of the bed and brandishes an old, tattered photo. Anna takes it.]
Sirius: This was the original order of the phoenix. Found it while we were cleaning. [Anna looks down at all the smiling faces.]
Gryffindors look at the picture sadly.
Sirius: There's Mad-eye and Dumbledore, right next to Dedalus Diggle; Marlene Mckinnon, She was killed two weeks after this was taken with her whole family...;
"No. Mar." Cried Lily. James tried to comfort her, but he was crying, too. So was Sirius and Remus.
Sirius: Then there's Frank and Alice Longbottom, tortured into insanity by Death Eaters.
Lily's cries get louder.
"It- is so unfair. Worse than death. Pure Neville. They-- They didn't deserve it." Cried Lily.
Sirius: Moony, of course.. (Pause) Ah, Edgar Bones, they only ever found bits of him; Caradoc Dearborn, He vanished six month later...; Hagrid, of course; Gideon and Fabian Priwett, It took five death eaters to finish those two off; Me, of course...; And there they are!
"They all died." Said Remus sadly.
"Which we will fix. That's why we are watching this." Said James.
[Anna watches her parents beam up at her.]
Anna: My parents. [She watches the picture for a long second.]
Anna: I miss them, Uncle Pads...
Sirius: I know, Anna, I know. I miss them, too. [He puts his arm around Anna.]
James and Lily look at them sadly.
Sirius: It's not fair that i got to spend so much time with them and you didn't... [Anna closes her eyes.]
Anna: Why'd they have to die, Why?
Sirius: I don't know, Anna. I wish i did, but i don't... [There is a long moment of silence.]
Sirius: I know i'm not your father, Anna, but i'll always be there for you, if i can help it...
"Thank you." Said crying James. Sirius nodded.
"Of course. I'm her dogfather, after all." Chuckled Sirius with tears in his eyes. James hugged him.
Anna: I know. (Smiles) Thank you, I truly apprecate it. I'm lucky to have you as godfather. [Sirius smiled.]
Sirius: I'm the one who got lucky with goddaughter.
"Aww." Cood James.
[The door cracks open, and an ugly, menacing house elf enters, looking around suspiciously.]
Kreacher: (muttering) That mudblood with the scar, she cries, why does she cry so...?
Sirius: Kreacher, get out of here! Now!
"Can't you be nice with him?!" Glared Regulus.
[Anna slaps Sirius's arm.]
Anna: Siri! Be nice! [Sirius looks at her shocked.]
We see Sirius's Pov.:
[6 year old Regulus is sitting on a bed next to Sirius. Kreacher is standing in front of them.]
Sirius: Get out of here, you stupid elf! [Regulus slaps Sirius's arm.]
Regulus: Siri! Be nice!
Regulus looks at Sirius surprised for remembering.
[We go back to the present.]
Anna: (To Kreacher) I'm crying, because i'm sad.
Kreacher: Why are you sad?
Anna: Because my parents are dead and i miss them.
Regulus smiles at Anna for being nice to Kreacher.
[The elf grumbles something and exits.]
Anna: Who was that?
Sirius: Kreacher. He's been alone with the house for years, he's gone a bit funny. (Pause) You'd better get some rest. [Sirius gets up and exits.]

Anna Potter and the order of the phoenixWhere stories live. Discover now